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Why I am getting " Attempt to use invalid header in request"

I am trying to upload a file by using REST API in salesforce but getting the above error. public static PageReference upload(String at,Blob b,String f,String ft){ String ...
Krishnan Mishra's user avatar
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Check File Size on Upload in Visualforce [closed]

When uploading a file via the Visualforce apex:inputFile standard component, if the file size exceeds the 3Mb limit I would like to display a message to the user that the file is greater than 3Mb and ...
lemdev's user avatar
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CSV file column validation

I've implemented an apex algorithm to upload a CSV file into Salesforce. In the CSV file there are 7 necessary columns and I keep all of them in a list of strings: private List<String> ...
lemdev's user avatar
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Uploading CSV with accented/special Characters using VFpage

I'm currently working on a vfpage that can upload records using CSVs similar to this project. But, the records in the CSV may contain accented characters from spanish alphabet. So, when I attempt to ...
SFDCKen's user avatar
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lightning:fileupload - Reduce number of files to upload to a single file at a time

As I understand, the multiple attribute, when set to false, will limit the number of files uploaded at a time to 1: Specifies whether a user can upload more than one file simultanesouly. This value ...
SamuelDev's user avatar
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My hard-coded string is modified during Upload or Install process!

In my VisualForce page I've used one component three times. This component has an attribute called tableTitle which gets a string and shows it on my table. This table component is in a package (let's ...
ashkanent's user avatar
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How to unit test file uploading?

The code as written below uploads a file to salesforce, then redirects the user to a specific page. public class ContentController { public contentController() { file = new ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Call Apex method from lightning component fails to execute

I have developed a lightning component to upload files into the File Salesforce object. This component has been developed based on Peter Knolle article on how to do that in the lightning framework. ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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AJAX Toolkit logs error "NetworkError: A network error occurred."

I'm using the Ajax Toolkit to upload files on a VF page, like described here. The Upload works fine, the file is available and not damaged. But the response is not coming back properly. <apex:...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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Load data to instance via Apex from a source file?

Are looking to build a data-factory in order to spin up sandboxes with customized and reproduce-able data. We'd like to use a process similar to how we utilize the Test.loadData method to reference ...
HomerJ's user avatar
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Upload events recurrence end error

When I try to upload events via the Data Loader I receive the following error "Select an end date on or before 17/02/2020.: Recurrence End" in the csv file. The RECURRENCE START DATETIME is 2015-03-...
sfdev's user avatar
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Lightning File Uploader in communities as external user?

Our team is trying to create a generic file uploader lightning component to use as a base component for a set of forms that need to be displayed in a community, but we keep finding issues or ...
Guillem Medina's user avatar
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How to deploy unmanaged package in developer org which has Person Account enabled?

I want to deploy package from sandbox org to developer org. In sandbox org I have enabled person accounts and also enabled person accounts in the developer org. Can anybody tell me the process of ...
Madhavi's user avatar
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Upload assets to via FTP or REST API?

I am using to host a mini site which works fine. I need another delivery method other than manually uploading my .zip file to my site as an asset. I have found a way to expose an endpoint ...
jdallas's user avatar
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BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string

I am trying to upload a csv, and it says BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string. public class ProductImportController{ public Blob csvFileBody { get; set; } public String csvFileName { get; set;...
Sony PSP's user avatar
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Upload Pictures from Salesforce1

How to make sure user uploads two or more pictures(before picture,after picture) before closing the status of service request. So, I have enabled feed tracking on service request custom object and ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Prevent Upload Files from Napili Community

I have a Napili Community and inside I have the Files List standard component. Now I must hide the Upload Files button to prevent the users to upload files. How can I do that? Thanks This Link shows ...
L.benedettini's user avatar
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enable a user to use the import wizard to upload custom object records?

How can I enable a user to use the Data Import Wizard to upload records to a custom object? Currently I have a user with Create permission on a custom object, the custom object has a Master detail ...
Bartley's user avatar
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Upload File Error

I've used the followed example to upload files in my app: At the Helper upload method, I've found the '$' and it's not working anymore, ...
Bruno Perdigão's user avatar
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Trigger to change Opportunity Stage to Closed Won if the attachment named Countersigned Order Form is uploaded

I need a Trigger as described in the title. I have a Trigger for this, but it looks like it's not working. I am not a Developer, so I don't know anything about coding. Any help will be much ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Upload list of ZIP codes to categorize accounts

I'm a VERY new user of Salesforce, with experience in SQL and SAS/Stata. I think what I'm trying to do is simple - the company I'm volunteering for has several hundred client accounts in Salesforce, ...
DChyn's user avatar
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Visualforce File Upload

Hi SalesForce rookie here! I've looked all evening and cannot find a question that seems to cover my problem so I hoped to ask. I wish to upload a file using VisualForce, a .txt file. I want to read ...
JetSparx's user avatar
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image uploading issue

How to upload files to an outside service, larger than 3M? And this error on uploading: Maximum view state size limit (135KB) exceeded. Actual view state size for this page was 156.719KB <apex:...
p.samruddhi's user avatar
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Uploading an attachment with Request

I've been struggling with Salesforce's attachment upload API for a while, and having a hard time getting Request to format its request in a way that Salesforce is happy with. Here's what I'm working ...
John's user avatar
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Get file from Lightning input type file

With the Spring 17 release one of the new change on the markup is the introduction of the type file to the lightning:input, however I can't seem to get the file back, only a fakepath with the name of ...
Nordine Hammache's user avatar
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Unit Test data accessability

Today I experienced an error that I have never experienced before. When I go into my developer console on salesforce and run unit tests for, supposedly, all of my code, I get my typical high ...
Konnor McDowell's user avatar
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File upload functionality in Visualforce vs Lightning Component

What is the maximum file upload limit when creating file upload solution in visualforce vs lightning considering governer limits as well. Based on my understanding, Using visualforce max size of ...
apn's user avatar
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Salesforce Document Upload through CSV file

My requirement is to upload the documents in Salesforce Documents object through CSV file using There are approx 10,000 documents that I have to insert in Salesforce. I am creating the ...
Himanshu jasuja's user avatar
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Bulk API - Upload documents (files and URL) through CSV

I have tried uploading files through CSV using Bulk API's createBatchWithFileattachment() call. It basically goes like this: createBatchWithFileAttachments(JobInfo jobInfo, InputStream batchContent, ...
dmachop's user avatar
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How can I send multiple emails to same person within one list?

I need to send out voucher codes via email and some contacts have more than one code and therefore need to receive the email multiple times. The contact exist multiple times in the list I upload but ...
Kerstin's user avatar
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How to upload data to a related list that has not yet been started?

In our volunteer record type, we have a related list that has several key data points that are in a .csv file. How can I mass upload this data to the related list fields if the "new application" in ...
b.rozinsky's user avatar
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How to watermark a Image (gif,jpeg and bmp) in visualforce?

When adding media for the first time, add "staroff" watermark, approx 65% transparent, about 25% of lower right hand corner. If possible, reject if detect watermark before uploading. Best Regards
Sfmcprgmr's user avatar
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Is there a way of showing Salesforce a bunch of codes and it telling me how many exist already?

Basically I upload products into SF every week - we have had an issue with our product tool and basically may need to load in thousands that are missing. We identify every product with a 'module ...
Paul Rogers's user avatar
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uploaded zip files changing Mime type to application/octet-stream in static resources

I'm trying to upload a zip file in static resources. Even after selecting a .zip file to upload , the uploaded document is displaying mime type as application/octet-stream instead of application/zip. ...
Cyclotron3x3's user avatar
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How can i use Files Connect to upload an attachment with apex, to Google Drive?

I'm new to this salesforce world and i recently discovered i can synchronize my salesforce instance with a Google Drive. I already have a connection established using Files Connect to my Google Drive, ...
user37586's user avatar
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How do I add products to opportunities with the data loader?

How do I mass add products to an opportunity with the Data Loader? I've tried a few times but it seems to be asking me for the price book Id not the product - quite confused by this. - Is the ...
Paul Rogers's user avatar
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Limit for javascript remoting request

What I want to do is upload attachments for a record. For this, I was thinking of using javascript remoting and send attachments/files using remote action. Is there a limit for request data sent in ...
ajinkyah's user avatar
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Uploading Document (files) to Attachment object

If I want to upload files into attachment object in SFDC, I can give the file path (drive location where file is available) in File location column and then upload to SFDC Attachment object. If my ...
stack_pointer is EXTINCT's user avatar
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How to restrict Image size by pixels [duplicate]

I'm using Salesforce functionality that you upload the attachment and I'm wondering is there anyway of setting strict requirements for the upload? Is image must be 400px x 400px?
Nick's user avatar
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Salesforce for Outlook mail upload

When I try to upload an email to Salesforce it is automatically added to a contact profile of a colleague in my company. Would you please advise how to fix this in order to see the emails in my ...
sfdev's user avatar
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I can insert images in to Salesforce RTF fields using copy and paste functionality in my org on IE or Chrome, other users can't

A Salesforce specific Rich Text Field (I say Salesforce specific, because the RTF built in to Salesforce utilizes the Salesforce HTML editor so is assumed to have specific functionality pertaining to ...
MattGarnett's user avatar
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How to upload application/javascript file in static resource

I created a JS file and uploaded to static resources in Salesforce. It identifies the mime type as application/x-javascript. So unable to open the file in Dev console, because it support application/...
SANN3's user avatar
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How to add two image upload fields to account object?

I'm needing my account managers to be able to upload two separate images to the account object. I don't see that there are any 'file upload' field types in the field data-type selections and I don't ...
Bagus Dot Org's user avatar
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How to restrict file-type in Standard page Attach

I'm using out of the box functionality and I'm wondering is there a way to restrict file-type when the user is uploading an image? I like the following file-type to be allowed to upload png, jpg, gif, ...
Nick's user avatar
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Upload ~20mb file to Salesforce via REST API

I'm looking for the API call (or set of) that will allow me to upload a roughly 20mb file to somewhere in Salesforce that would later let me process this file via APEX to update various objects based ...
skeletalmonkey's user avatar
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JS Remoting + Angular Ng-File-Upload

I was wondering if anyone had any examples using AngularJS + NgFileUpload and a @RemoteAction that handles base64 encoded file-data to create a drag & drop uploader? I have JS handler that works ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
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Getting Invalid Field Name error on FeedItem

I have written the below trigger to block uploading of .exe files in chatter feed. Below is the trigger code - trigger BlockHarmfulFileAsChatterFeed on FeedItem (before insert) { for(FeedItem f : ...
Sudipta Deb's user avatar
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Managed Package Validation Error

I'm receiving the following error when uploading a managed package (during the validation stage): "Permission Set Name" references "Custom Object" that has M-D relationship with Account. This is a ...
techbusinessman's user avatar
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Issue while uploading CSV file with embedded comma within column

I am uploading CSV file using <apex:inputfile> in vf page. CSV file contains 4 columns. Scenario 1) When I try to upload a file without comma in any column, It gets uploaded without any error....
SfdcPro's user avatar
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Salesforce for Outlook mail upload failed

I'm having an issue to upload e-mail/s from my Outlook to Salesforce via the Salesforce for Outlook plugin. The issue happens only for particular account 'Streamlined Marketing Systems Inc' and ...
Dylan D's user avatar
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