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Single Org : Org vs Packaged Development Model for Greenfield Project [closed]

We are going to start a new greenfield project and we have identified that we will have single org model deployed with multiple apps built on it for different business units in organisation. One of ...
SrijanLalwani's user avatar
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how to extract a single app from an org into its own package

Goal: Our Org has multiple apps that I would like to extract each app into its own individual package. The goal is to retrieve this package to push to a scratch org and then make it an unlocked ...
Nino Y's user avatar
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How do I keep Product namespace in DX Org after migrating from DE?

In our managed package we have 'XYZ' namespace in most of our product sourcecode. When we try to get this to DX, as per their guide here we must create an unmanaged package. Salesforce doesn't allow ...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
4 votes
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Pushing to Scratch Org - Converting existing org to dx

I'm currently attempting to migrate my existing production org to Salesforce DX. My production org has several managed packages that appear to be causing errors upon deploy to the scratch org. One ...
bemon's user avatar
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