Questions tagged [translation]

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15 votes
3 answers

Get Label value for specified language

I'm trying to implement a preview screen with a picklist of available languages and a textbox with translated text. The problem is System.Label.My_Preview_Text or $Label.My_Preview_Text are already ...
Mike Raven's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Why does the LIKE SOQL operator implicitly translate picklist values?

Assume, I've got a standard picklist field Rating on Account with values Hot, Cold. Using enabled Translation Workbench I've translated these values into German. When the language of a user is set to ...
Oleh Berehovskyi's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Translated related list label in salesforce

I overrode a related list label using translation workbench. How do I get the translated related list label in apex? I tried with Schema.getChildRelationships(), but no luck. Thanks in advance.
Thiyagarajan Selvaraj's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Custom Labels In Site

I have enabled Translations, with languages English and Russian. I have made one Custom Label and added a Russian translation. I have added that Custom Label to my Site. What do I need to ...
Shumon Saha's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Translate navigation menu in partner community

We need to create a multi-language customer community, but I am now stuck with translating of this community. I have seen this doc about translating the community, but it does not let me translate ...
Novarg's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Assign language Value dynamically in Visualforce page

I am trying to assign the language dynamically in a Visualforce page which I have specified in controller. Right now it is hard coded as <apex:page language="de"> ........ </apex:page> ...
Vids's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

SFDX Translation - Override

Following Error occurs when trying to pull(sfdx force:source:pull) custom translation override from a scratch org. Steps to replicate: Navigate to "Override" under "Translation Workbench" in the ...
Ranga's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Picklist value translation

I have am email body I'm generating in APEX and I want it to include the translated value of a picklist. How can I get the translated value in APEX?
Dedo's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How to see Translation for Custom Label in Lightning Component?

I have a Lightning Community for different countries. Have components w/ custom labels(Language : English). Labels have a German Translations(German, active). I use labels in tags: etc. I see only ...
Iryna Kabanchuk's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Lightning components: Custom label translation not working in managed package

I'm developing a lightning component as part of managed package. Translations work when I'm inside the development org, but I get only English values when using the component in my test org where I ...
Vladimir Romanov's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Metadata API : How to get the translated values of picklists of my object

Wanna get the translated values of picklists of my object? How can I get them in Apex. I tried using Metadata APi but invain. Can anyone suggest me?
Charan Vuyyuru's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

APEX: access profile by name in known/predictable language regardless of running user's language [duplicate]

It was recently brought to my attention that for our clients, SalesForce translates profile names (such as "System Administrator") which causes errors when the Apex code attempts to check profile ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Need .stf example

Got stuck with importing translations of custom labels. I'm using translation workbench and its import file page. Base file for my import is one exported by Salesforce workbench with some edits. ...
Vasily Liaskovsky's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Translate picklist value in PageBlock title

We are using <apex:pageBlock title="{account.MyField__c}"> where MyField is a picklist with the corresponding translations. The problem is that the picklist value is not translated to the ...
Acuariano's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Controlling language in salesforce

I have a custom object on which I have few fields and I successfully uploaded managed package which includes the custom object. Now I want to have the field labels for this object's fields appear in ...
doga's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

APEX: get a Custom Label translation in a certain language which is not equal to the current user's language?

Scenario with Custom Lables I've defined tons of custom labels in Salesforce setup in order to cleanly support translations for localized strings. This work great if the labels are used for UI ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

If I find a bad translation of a standard label in salesforce, how should I report it?

I'm a 20 years consulting profesional and recently decided to add Salesforce to my skillset, so I'm studying all the trails, modules and books I can get my hands on in order to prepare for a future ...
jurrabi's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Creating a centralized place for picklist

I would like to get a suggestion on centralizing pickilst values. In salesforce, we need to define picklist values in each object for same kind of fields. For example, i want to add 'status' field in ...
sagar's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Multi language support in community built using LWC (Migration from Visualforce to LWC)

We have an Identity community which supports more than 50 languages built using visualforce pages. We would like to migrate the community to LWC. For that, main issue we are facing is the language ...
anoopijt's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Retrieve custom translations for a custom label via the metadata API

How can one retrieve these translations for a custom label via the metadata API?
nica's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to set the language for API Rest or SOAP?

I'm integrating SF with other systems using the standard SF API (SOAP and REST). For this, I'm using a specific user which has a special profile (using API Only permission). The Integration user has ...
Martin Borthiry's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Deployment error regarding translations when generating package version

In a scratch org where the translation workbench is enabled, I added English as a supported language (the language for the organization is Japanese) and ran the command sfdx force:source:pull, which ...
ymgt's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Translation, Localization and Internationalization Best Practices

There are plenty of things to keep in mind when trying to allow translation, localization and internationalization (t8n, l10n, i18n) in any framework. Salesforce has a whole infrastructure built ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Dealing with different word order in a multi-language application?

I am developing a multi-language application which supports English and Japanese. But, as everyone might have known, the language structure of these two languages are quite different. For example, ...
lw29's user avatar
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1 answer

CustomObjectTranslation invalid characters

I'm trying to use Ant to deploy some changes to a sandbox that has been updated to Winter '22. I'm getting 2 errors from 2 different custom objects that .objectTranslation -- Error: Invalid characters ...
AvailableName's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

toLabel() in aggregate query

I am using the toLabel function in an aggregate query, but it doesn't return the translation of the picklist value. I have changed the language of the user to Dutch and executed the following query: ...
svenf's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Salesforce multi language knowledge & customer community

i give you a description of the context. we are building a community and a knowledge base solution for a customer. The knowledge base uses two languages (English UK, Italian), where the default ...
Klodj_Meta's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Describe/use picklist values in specific language, not the User's language

This Salesforce org includes English and Italian versions of field labels and picklist value labels. This works find within the UI, and for most purposes. However, we have a custom CSV upload page ...
Jeremy Nottingham's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

APEX: how to get Custom Label's text dynamically? [duplicate]

There is a way to get Custom Label statically in APEX as documented here System.Label.Label_Name Can I get this label without hardcoding Label_Name? What I've tried so far (and did not work) ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Where in the SFDX tree do translations of quick actions go?

I'm failing to successfully Google where to put in the SFDX tree translations for the labels of quick actions e.g. <label>Duplicate Account</label> here: <?xml version="1.0" ...
Keith C's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Insert multiple SObject data in Salesforce as single transaction using REST calls

I am using following soObject call to insert new row in the Account table at Salesforce server : curl -H "Authorization:OAuth use your session_id" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @Test.json "...
r.bhardwaj's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can I query the translated value and return the key in translation workbench?

Here is a breakdown of the problem I am trying to solve. In a web to lead form we are updating a custom picklist field on the record based on inputs from the form. The value is coming back in the ...
Jonathan Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a good way to "untranslate" picklists in Apex?

The project I am working on supports many languages and Case record types. There is also a large amount of dependency between the Case record type and the Case type field (but it isn't one-to-one and ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to translate "Closed" in Opportunity?

How do I change the textual value of 'Closed' to "I like cheese" in English, and 「チーズが好き」 in Japanese? "Closed" isn't an actual stage, so it's not in the "Stage" picklist translations: And I've ...
ProgrammingLlama's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

LWC: how to dynamically get translated value from Label

In Aura we used to do this: let labelName = 'mylabel'; $A.getReference("$Label.c."+ labelName); In LWC $A is not accessible anymore. Following the documentation I can only see a way to get access ...
LaurentD's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Retrieving Picklist Translations in Lightning Component in Communities

We have a lightning component that displays State & Country Picklists. The component is on a Community builder page with a French language community. Note: The default language for the ...
Mike Ginou's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to programmatically double apostrophes in custom label translations?

I have a custom label which contains a couple of parameters: Hello, {0} the other param is {1}. I wish to output this value in a Visualforce Page like so: <apex:variable var="firstParam" value="...
Wabbitseason's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Retrieve Translated country picklist values

I wanted a Metadata API to get the Spanish translations of Address Country picklist. Using Translations type or Address doesnt help me get the values.
Pratibha UR's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are the meanings of each of the three levels of language support?

Salesforce offers three levels of language support: Fully supported languages End user languages Platform-only languages However, I feel that the definitions of the latter two levels of language ...
Shumon Saha's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Find available languages for knowledge base articles in soql

I want to retrieve our stored knowledgebase articles regardless of the language they are in. However querying KnowledgeArticleVersion using SOQL requires a language be specified in the where clause or ...
Pete S's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Visualforce Remoting and translations

Is it possible to retreive translated picklist values using VF Remote Objects? For example, I have a Solution and I'm trying to get Solution.Status. So I have the following: <apex:...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Accessing to picklist value in a specific language

i'm facing a problem : i need to access to translated values of a picklist thanks to Apex. I have a picklist with English master values and i have translated these values thanks to the Translation ...
Yann Gorvel's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Custom Labels - naming conventions - best practices?

We're about to start refactoring a bunch of hard-coded text from a client's Lightning Components and Visualforce pages into Custom Labels so that they can support multi-language users. Unfortunately ...
Charles T's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Visualforce Page Sites - Language Translation - How?

I have a site with many Visualforce pages in it. I want to convert those pages into different languages (Ex: Spanish) based on the Locale of the user who has logged in. Our ...
sfdcFanBoy's user avatar
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3 answers

Localization Best Practices for Managed Packages

I have worked with Custom Labels in Managed packages forever but never had to refactor an existing app to be localizable (I18N) for multiple languages. So in this question I would like to hear from ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Where can I get the list of standard Site labels

I am developing a multilingual site and want to use when possible the standard site labels. Where can I find the available labels to use with description and translation? I will call them from a ...
AlexandreJ's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve languages in which a Knowledge Article is translated

I have knowledge articles created in en_US in my org and want to query in what other languages the article has been translated
C0DEPirate's user avatar
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1 answer

How to retrieve translations using Metadata API?

I'm trying to deploy the work that was done via Rename Tabs and Labels and Translation Workbench using Workbench and the Metadata API. According to this answer, my package.xml should look like <...
Robin De Bondt's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Language Translation for picklist values in VF Page

There are 2 picklist fields in my VF page. I successfully translated the whole VF page using custom labels (into Spanish), but the picklist values are not translated. How to translate them? Here's ...
sfdcFanBoy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to get translation of field label based on language and locale? [duplicate]

I have a use-case where I want to get a translation of field labels based on user locale and language. How to do that using Apex or any other alternative is available ? Basically query data from ...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar

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