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Questions tagged [standard-field]

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Omniscript/Flexcard and SF Fields

Is there a way or tool ​​that can extract or find out where the fields in omniscript/flexcard are mapped to SF fields? Thanks!
Anonymous's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve the metadata for Standard picklist field Status on PatientMedicalProcedure, how can I retrieve it?

Unable to retrieve the metadata for Standard picklist field Status on PatientMedicalProcedure, how can I retrieve it? We have tried sf force:source:retrieve -m StandardValueSet:...
Patlatus's user avatar
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How to enable "IsPriorityRecord" field on contact

I can see a field called "IsPriorityRecord" in a customer org but not in my scratch org. Contact object field reference doc just states it was added in v59.0, can anyone please mention how ...
Aditya Vijay's user avatar
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You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested

I am facing the following error while updating account on contact, it sounds weird to me as the logged in user has modify all access on permission set on both account and contact objects. Its coming ...
Satishakumar Awati's user avatar
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What is the point of having field IsVisibleInApp on Knowledge__kav if it is always defaulted to true?

What is the point of having field IsVisibleInApp on Knowledge__kav if it is always defaulted to true? Per documentation,
Patlatus's user avatar
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"Opportunity Record Type" standard field not showing correct value

Having a hard time explaining the problem because i don't understand it. The standard field "Opportunity Record Type" does not show the correct value, the two pictures are of the same ...
Ahmed HAMMAMI's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the 'Auto Number' Name of Standard Objects?

We are using Salesforce Maps to schedule Visits to Retail Stores. We've noticed that the Visit records that are created are using an Auto Number as the Name, giving values such as "00000564"...
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when lead converted into opportunity, then Close Date is set to the last day of current fiscal quarter. can we set Close Date to greater than 90 days?

Opportunity Close Date is automatically set during Lead Conversion, which means that when we convert lead into opportunity, that time Close Date is set to the last day of current fiscal quarter. can ...
Shital Chavan's user avatar
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Can we rename the label of "Close Date" field to something else (Target Date) on opportunity for a specific record type?

I want to rename "Close Date" as "Target Date" on opportunity for particular record type so is there any solution for it?
Shital Chavan's user avatar
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Can we make the standard "Close Date" field non mandatory on opportunity or remove it from opportunity page layout?

I don't want "Closed Date" field on Opportunity layout but I am not able to remove it from page layout as it is standard field and required field on opportunity is there any way to achieve ...
Shital Chavan's user avatar
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Can't find Gender Identity standard field on my test org

With new release there's been added a new standard picklist field, Gender Identity. I can see it on UAT and other developers confirm they can see it on their orgs too. I can't, however, see it on my ...
Santiagowprr's user avatar
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Cannot find field level permissions on standard field

I am having some SOQL queries fail when I include the field "Street" when querying for a Lead. This is the kind of query I'm running and the error message back: SELECT Id, Name, firstName, ...
jerfp's user avatar
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How to hide change owner button next to the owner field in Classic?

I want to hide the [change] on field owner in salesforce classic, the owner field is standard field with Lookup(User,Group), is it possible?
Mustika Farma's user avatar
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What are the Standard Fields that are updated behind the scenes by Salesforce?

Fields like Opportunity - Total Revenue (Opportunity.Amount) and Opportunity Product - Total Price (OpportunityLineItem.TotalPrice) are calculated by Salesforce automatically. These calculations are ...
Sully Cooper's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide the Standard NAME field?

Is there a way to delete/hide this field? It comes with object creation but I don't need it. Or is there a flow /formula field I can do to update this field with the user? This is for a tab called ...
123here's user avatar
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How to map picklist values of two different object? [closed]

There are two picklist fields contact_status_c and the second one is opportunity_status_c. I want to do mapping in a way such that if field one is 'X' then second one will be 'Y'
Mitali's user avatar
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How to get references of a standard field [closed]

I'm currently working on cleaning up the opportunity object and I'm facing an issue with getting the field references(Apex, Components, Workflow, Process Builder, Email templates, Reports) of complete ...
Pavan tej's user avatar
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Language field on Case

I can find a Standard field Language on Case object on my Production org, which as per documentation should also be available in my sandbox, but isn't. Any pointers why this is happening? Or is my ...
SFDC Dev 27's user avatar
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SFDX: Is it possible to retrieve and deploy Lead record type assignments for the Salutation standard value set?

I made some changes in the Salutation standard value set which I'd like to move across Sandboxes. For the picklist itself it's easy as the Salutation StandardValueSet is possible to retrieve via the ...
Przemysław Długoszewski-Tamoń's user avatar
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What happened to the "Request Update" button on contact?

In the past, there was a 'Request Update' button on a contact page. This sent the contact a type of SF form, where the user could update/confirm his details. Anyone knows what happened to this button?...
Saariko's user avatar
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How to hide the field "Sales Price" in the "Contract Line Item" Page layouts?

There is a standard field Sales Price ( API: UnitPrice ) on the Contract Line Item Object. It seems like that field cannot be removed from Page Layouts - the following error is shown if we try to do ...
Dave Smith's user avatar
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Change Name field on lead object to auto-number - is this possible?

I was trying to change the field type on the lead object to an auto-number but it doesn't seem I can as there is no option to do so - does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks
patriciajlim's user avatar
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How to query MetadataComponentDependency for "Standard" Field?

I'm trying to use the New Dependency API to find usage location of Standard Fields. Due to limitations, you cannot filter by API Name and must instead use via the MetadataComponentId: SELECT ...
NSjonas's user avatar
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Task description field not available for page layout

I have created a Task record type and a page layout for it. A process builder is invoked that then creates a task record. Question is, somehow the task Standard field 'Description' is not available in ...
KKumar's user avatar
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Are Standard Field History Tracking deployable through SFDX?

My Standard field (Account) on a Standard object (Asset) looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CustomField xmlns="
SFDC Dev 27's user avatar
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Not able to see "OtherStateCode" field in Contact object

I'm retrieving the metadata from my Dev Hub org in the manifest to push it to a scratch org, but I'm getting the following error in some apex classes when pushing to default scratch org: No such ...
PeterPa1va's user avatar
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Can we rename contact standard field label in the work order?

Is that possible to rename contact standard field in the work order object? I tried using Setup -> Customize -> Tab Names and Labels -> Rename Tabs and Labels. But Contact standard field is ...
Prasad Ruwanpathirana's user avatar
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How would I deploy history tracking for the owner field using ant?

I am using visual studio code to retrieve source from the org and then deploying changes in ant using the package.xml. Is there a way to grab the history field tragging flag for the standard field "...
JJ Sunga's user avatar
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PersonAccount. Can I access and write in standard Contact's field?

I'm trying to write some standard Contact's fields e.g. MobilePhone and Email (I'm new to this object), when I create a new PersonAccount. For example using an Anonymous window I tried with this code:...
sdfcwolf's user avatar
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Account Object Geocode Fields Not Showing On Page Layout

I am unable to get standard geocode fields like Account:Shipping Latitude and Account:Shipping Longitude on Page Layout.I want to display these fields on my Account details page but unable to it. I ...
Utkarsh Verma's user avatar
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Rename Label Behavior for Service Appointment Object Fields

I am trying to change label of the Address Field on Service Appointment Object. So under the rename tabs and label , I have changed the address label to Service Address. However the new value does not ...
starhunter's user avatar
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Deploy standard field labels using Metadata API

We want to use some of Product object standard fields and just change field labels to make them more tailored for our organization. For example: Product Code -> EAN Code This can be achieved by ...
neff's user avatar
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Not seeing all fields in Rename Tabs and Labels

We are working on FSL. We need to rename the field label for Location to something else in Work Order. I went to Rename Tabs and Labels in Setup but not able to see Location in the field list to ...
वरुण's user avatar
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Is there any way to hide Probability field (Opportunity Object) from page layout without hiding it from profile level?

I want to hide the probability field of opportunity object from a page layout. I can do this by from a profile level but I want to know is there any other way of doing this?
Rajeev Sengar's user avatar
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DX standard pick-list values in unlocked package

We have certain parts of our org metadata that we can't put in an unlocked package because they are dependent on standard pick-list values (i.e. opportunity stage). Is there a way to put standard ...
Brian Christian's user avatar
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Can you hide existing standard fields from being seen in Setup? Especially Pricebook2.CurrencyIsoCode

I have a Pricebook2 in a multi currency org. However, CurrencyIsoCode is somehow hidden from me. As unrestricted System Administrator, I would expect to see this field in the Object Manager, but it is ...
Florian Heer's user avatar
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Custom translation for Type in Stage Opportunity

Is that possible to translate this type of stage Open and closed
Adri Romero Hernandez's user avatar
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Is it possible to update Order Product on Draft Order?

We are trying to utilize the Order object, but we're finding that if we create an Order Product, we are unable to change the product (i.e. essentially the Pricebook entry), even if we're in a Draft ...
Maya Tran's user avatar
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Overriding Standard 'NEW' button using Visualforce or Creating custom button and replace standard button

Using a Before trigger/ Workflow has not helped me fill in or provide a default value to a standard field(NAME) while saving a new record. I was asked to build a Visual force page and then override ...
Niveth Kumar's user avatar
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how to remove default subject value "Call" from log a call button from activity history?

I want to remove the default subject value "Call" from the 'log a call' page from activity history section on case page. Could it be possible? Thank you. Thanks, Anitha
anitha Kondreddy's user avatar
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List all standard and custom fields for a given object (standard/custom object)

is there a way to list all the fields both standard and custom for a given object. tooling api - customfield gives only list of custom fields but not the standard fields.
ab0369's user avatar
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Order Status Category Field is required but not creatable

The standard Order object has a Status picklist field defined as follows: Picklist of values that indicate order status. Each value is within one of two status categories defined in StatusCode. ...
Akram G's user avatar
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Can I Create an Order Product which ends after its parent Order?

I have a case where I would like to be able to be able to create an Order Product record with an end date that is after the end date on the parent order. When I try to save the order product record I ...
Kevin G's user avatar
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what is the maximum salesforce id length [duplicate]

what is the maximum salesforce id length? I have to communicate it to another system that has to create an ad hoc field
Pericle Parquet's user avatar
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More decimal places for standard Quantity field possible?

All across Salesforce, there are lots of standard Quantity fields on standard objects, such as OpportunityLineItem.Quantity | Number(10,2) QuoteLineItem.Quantity | Number(10,2) OrderItem.Quantity | ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Why are industry field picklist values not auto translated in French

Why won't the values of Standard picklist Industry on Lead auto translate when user's Language is changed? and where can i find the proper translations
ngc's user avatar
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How to Rename standard field label 'Contact Name' on Case Object

How to rename 'Contact Name' standard field on Case object.I don't see this field under Rename tabs and fields -> Tasks or Rename tabs and fields -->Activities.
Ritz Arlekar's user avatar
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Visualforce State and Country Picklists - Standard Fields

Question Can a Visualforce Page be built so it displays the actual picklist values and dependencies for fields which incorporate State and Country Picklists? I tried using Field Sets as well as hard-...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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Opportunity field HasOpenActivity does not exist

I'm experiencing an error similar to this. With the same Error message, but another field. This shows up on my packaged visual force page, which is querying Opportunity.getDescribe().fields Field ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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How to import data in Asset Object from CSV without putting contact/Account field

I'm getting a daily CSV file. It contain the Customer Id(created on cotnact obj). Now I've to import the CSV file data in salesforce automatically. But to create a new record on Assest object we ...
Amol's user avatar
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