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What is the major difference between Custom Setting and Custom Metadata?

I have gone through various articles for the difference between Custom Setting and Custom Metadata but I couldn't find the major difference why we should setting over metadata or metadata over setting....
Hira Khan's user avatar
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How to add Class Summary to Apex Class with detailed descriptions of methods, signature, constructors etc?

Here is an example of created Class Summary in a managed package. But I cannot find any documentation on how to do this.
thx's user avatar
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Webhook settings and apex class

I'm new to the topic of webhook and also apex, and I'm getting confused when you are making the setting in Salesforce and also the creation of the class. When you are placing the path in the class, ...
Gerson Baires's user avatar
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Winter'21 Release: Corrupted Settings in Setup?

We found that the production org of one of our clients was updated to Winter'21 last week. Usually, release updates happen with no negative impact to the settings of an Org. But we are sure, that this ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Get IP addresses from Network Access

I want to get the IP address from Setup -> Network Access in my code, but I don't find a object to query, how can I query for it in Apex?
Jair's user avatar
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Get info if sObject is 'setup' object from metadata

I need to know if some sObject is setup object during runtime from apex code. Does anybody know how to do it? I checked the documentation on sObject class and didn't find it.
Iaroslav Petriv's user avatar
7 votes
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Why doesn't SFDC allow MIXED_DML_OPERATIONs anymore?

Okay, I know very well by now that SFDC does not want and often does not allow us simply insert and/or update Setup and/or "Non-setup" sObjects in the same context anymore, something I used to do with ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Call a @RemoteAction from a custom button

I would like to call an @RemoteAction method from a custom button. I am aware that it is already possible to call a WebService method. The view page of my object is already a visualforce page ...
Daniel Blackhall's user avatar