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Questions tagged [service-cloud-voice]

Salesforce cloud product to work with inbound and outbound phone calls

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After salesforce agent accepts the call, conversation does not start

We are trying to build AWS Connect and Salesforce connection. done: enabled cloud voice created a contact center and Amazon Connect instance added agents to the contact center on the AWS side built ...
Vadym's user avatar
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Enforcing VPN Usage for Salesforce Service Cloud Voice with Amazon Connect for Indian Agents

I’m working on a Salesforce Service Cloud Voice integration with Amazon Connect, and we have agents based in India. To comply with TRAI regulations, we need to ensure that agents are using a VPN when ...
Jasneet Dua's user avatar
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When CallAcceptDateTime is populated in VoiceCall record

I need to know when the CallAcceptDateTime on a VoiceCall records is populated in order to create a Case records in that moment. I have written the afterUpdate method in our voicecall trigger but it ...
Alejandro Martínez Infante's user avatar
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Looking for WFM advice for Salesforce Voice Cloud

Apologies if this has been asked before, but I'm struggling to find what I'm looking for. My company is looking to move away from Five9 on Salesforce and we're thinking of using Salesforce Voice Cloud ...
chesh78's user avatar
3 votes
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The object "VoiceCall" can't be updated through a flow - When creating a package version

We have stumbled upon The object "VoiceCall" can't be updated through a flow. error when introducing the required metadata for our Service Cloud Voice with BYOT (Bring Your Own Telephony - ...
I am The Jonathan's user avatar
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DML operation Delete not allowed on VoiceCallRecording

I have tried to delete the record from VoiceCallRecording in the execute anonymous to test this functionality so that later on I can put the same in Apex class. I am the owner of voicecall record. ...
Sunil Kumar's user avatar