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Questions tagged [salesforce2salesforce]

Salesforce to Salesforce (also referred to as Salesforce2Salesforce or S2S) is a point-and-click integration tool that allows you to sync and replicate data between two orgs for custom objects and some standard objects.

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17 votes
5 answers

can we check if a key exists in a map in vf page

is it possible to check for a specific key in a map i.e., whether it exists or not in VISUALFORCE page? Based on this i need to render a pageblocktable.
rani's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Sorting Opportunity Line Items programmatically

I've been attempting to do a purely Apex based sorting of Opportunity Line Items based on a solution I found in the Salesforce developer boards. That solution uses a combination of Javascript and Apex ...
Alan Morey's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Salesforce to Salesforce Oauth Webserver flow? Is it possible?

Is it possible to integrate Salesforce to Salesforce using Oauth Webserver flow? I cannot use the standard S2S(Salesforce to Salesforce) feature due to certain limitation. I basically sync data from ...
Vignesh Damodharan's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

REST Client Salesforce to Salesforce

I want to send REST request from one SF org to another. Is there any REST Client class/s which can handle the authentication and communication for me or I need to write my own classes?
Dedo's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Using SalesForce to Salesforce in an OEM app...downsides

We have an OEM app, though could also be same question for AppExchange app. Are there downsides to using SF to SF from a packaged app...or with many customers? We provide a service in addition to ...
ddeve's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Session expired or invalid

I am trying to build Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials. Followed steps from below blog.
sfdc's user avatar
  • 13.8k
9 votes
1 answer

How to test a trigger relying on PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkConnection?

(I'll refer to A as the sending instance and B as the receiving instance) We have a trigger on instance B re-populating a regular lookup field. It is triggered when there's a change to a hidden field ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

How to connect Salesforce to Salesforce in Apex

Is it possible to connect Salesforce to Salesforce in Apex. I want to bring sample records from Full Copy sandbox to config sandbox and I need to do this as I refresh config sandbox. I think if we ...
Prafulla Patil's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Salesforce to Salesforce - Pending(sent) External Sharing Status

I have programmatic record forwarding for a Salesforce to Salesforce integration. For unknown reasons 1 out of every 4000ish records get stuck with the pending(sent) external sharing status and never ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

understanding salesforce licensing for development and deployment

I am trying to understand the licensing issues on I would come across on for developing an application that will have its own data source and will also be pulling data from ...
user1798455's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

S2S: Trigger not firing on insert of new record?

When S2S inserts a new record (custom object) in the target org, the relevant trigger doesn't appear to fire. The record is successfully inserted, there are no error emails received by the connection ...
dpk's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Options for stopping sharing of records to partner org from business rules

What are my options when I want to stop sharing of records when some or all business rules have been met? Like, is it possible for me to stop sharing when fields have been filled out by the partner ...
akarnid's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Klout installation not auto populating std fields in Salesforce for Social Media App

Salesforce for Twitter and Facebook (v4.6), includes a Klout score and Klout number field. If I manually entered Klout number in as 59 the app will then auto populate the Klout score. Should this be ...
Shaun Holmes's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Has anyone completed a Chatter to Chatter via Salesforce to Salesforce integration?

I have a customer with a salesforce to salesforce connection for Leads (only currently) to their partner and they would now like to include Chatter posts across the two organisations. This sounds ...
Jason Lawrence's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Salesforce 2 Salesforce connection | overwriting of fields | Error are sent to the connection owner email address;

When the user edits address field in destination Salesforce org, immediately overwrites the field value to put it back to its original value from the source org through salesforce to salesforce. I ...
user5515's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

"Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint =" [closed]

I am following web-server authorization flow for establishing the connection between one org to another org. as a 1st step i have get authorization code,when i am proceeding to 2nd step, getting above ...
Ankuli's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

SF2SF trigger sharing not working

I'm trying to share with a Connection new Accounts. I used the trigger examples to create the following trigger: trigger SendAccountsToConnection on Account (after insert) { ...
Acuariano's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Issues with Salesforce to Salesforce sharing intermittently failing

We are sharing data between two Salesforce orgs (Org1 & Org2) using S2S on a custom object called Shared__c with fields Name and Shared_Field__c. Both orgs are set up to publish the Shared__c ...
sfelf's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

New Lead custom fields deployed, but not available when adding a new lead

I just deployed a flow that depends on new custom fields I created for Leads, The deployment was successful, And I can see the new fields in Leads and the new Page layout in Leads, But when I try ...
user2333346's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Salesforce to Salesforce Record Transfer Limits?

Does anyone know of any limits on the number of records (daily) transfered/updated between orgs? My google foo has failed me and I do not see anything specifically related to this. While I would love ...
Eric's user avatar
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sharing files through s2s connector

We have S2S connection establishment between two salesforce instances and its working fine without any issues. In this S2S connection, we have a process to share the related records whenever we share ...
KSL's user avatar
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S2S Test Data Isolation

Goal - Avoid using SeeAllData=true for testmethods against APEX code that inserts PartnerNetworkRecordConnection objects (to test outbound sharing) What I believe to be true PartnerNetworkConnection ...
cropredy's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Using Partner WSDL to update a Salesforce record

My requirement is to update a record in one Salesforce org (org A) from another Salesforce org's (org B) Apex code. I have taken the Partner WSDL of org A and imported it into org B. Using the Partner ...
DCBoy's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials

I am trying to build Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials. Followed the steps from below blog.
sfdc's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What are the limitations or point to be remembererd while sharing objects with master detail relationship between to salesforce orgs

I have 2 orgs which are connected through salesforce to salesforce connection. I updated the lookups to master detail and now the objects are not getting shared. Can anyone help me on this?
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Writable External Objects between 2 salesforce Org

I am working on a requirement in which I need to write on some external object between 2 salesforce org. I have tried to use the s2s connect but they are not working as Writable external objects aren’...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does Salesforce To Salesforce handle sharing privileges correctly

I have a requirement in which a source org needs to share data with N partner orgs. I'm considering using Salesforce to Salesforce (in addition to Middleware solutions). The source org contains an ...
James Loghry's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Test Class - Error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Opportunity.ConnectionReceivedId

I have a re-parenting trigger that fires if the connectionReceivedId is of a certain value. The sad part is that it looks like that field is not writeable, so testing is not possible. I know I could ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Development with the Force platform

I have some questions with respect to getting started with developing a website for our customer's customers on the Force platform. This site will need to read/update from/into Salesforce backend as ...
user1798455's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

List out of Bounds Visualforce email Template

This is driving me a bit insane. When I do a query run with the query editor and give it an id, it returns the values I need but for some reason, I am not getting anything in my email template when I ...
Thomas Riddler's user avatar
2 votes
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Is Salesforce to Salesforce a good choice for a new project?

Just watched a Jitendra Zaa YouTube video from 2 years ago Salesforce to Salesforce Connection within 10 Minutes. Having to use Classic to access the Setup for this is a bit discouraging, and at 8:30 ...
Keith C's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is preferable choice for integration: Salesforce to Salesforce or MiddleWare tool?

If there are two companies which use the same Order data and the data is created in company A and then the Order data should be sent to company B, should Salesforce to Salesforce integration be used ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

SOQL Query Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'SELECT' at line x column y

I am trying to gather Account record Ids so I can re-parent some Contact records. I only need to gather records where a certain Account field matches the same value as the corresponding Contact field. ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Salesforce2Salesforce Support Delete?

I am exploring a Salesforce2Salesforce integration. Insert, update seems to be working properly between the Org but when a record gets deleted in the parent org, the same is not getting Synced with ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Salesforce to Salesforce - Prevent Updates

Our partner also has Salesforce implementation as such we plan to deploy the out of the box Salesforce to Salesforce for obtaining leads from them. This is an amazing feature but looks like our ...
Varun's user avatar
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Daily API calls versus daily bandwidth usage and request time usage

I am trying to find out if my organization needs additional API calls per day, So I contacted Salesforce and my Account executive explained to me how to increase out API calls daily limit, But he ...
user2333346's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Salesforce Lead not created and Lead Id not returned when using Rest API?

Hi guys i have been using salesforce Rest Api for logging and now i wanted to create lead using access token that is returned to me by the Login call. But when i try to create the lead using the ...
Sheraz Ahmad Khilji's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

get groups whithout activity the last 3 mounth and the user (Owner) SOQL

how we can get list of (group.Name , group.LastFeedModifiedDate, user.Name , User.Username Form User & CollaborationGroup where group.OwnerId = user.Id And group.LastFeedModifiedDate < ...
KhaledZero's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reorder custom field location on the Lead layout screen

When creating custom fields in Leads, How can I reorder the location of the field on the Lead Layout page? Salesforce is arranging everything alphabetically, Does anyone know why?
user2333346's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to access to Salesforce2Salesforce error messages?

We have two instances (A and B) and we are pushing a record from A to B. There's a trigger executed on the instance B on insert doing various manipulation. When I look at the status in instance A, it ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can I create a partner account from another organization user?

I have now a new partner. When trying to create for him his new partner portal account, I found out, that the specific user name is already in use. Asking him, I found that he already uses salesforce ...
Saariko's user avatar
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How to use Salesforce2Salesforce to collaborate on cases?

We have two partners from two organizations who both have a Salesforce account (Entreprise Editions). The two would like to collaborate on customer cases that are related to both of them. I checked ...
mcbetz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Salesforce 2 Salesforce changes made on target are not being updated on the source? Suggestions?

I'm trying to set up a proof-of-concept for using Salesforce to Salesforce to permit access to a subsidiary's SF instance (Accounts, Contacts etc.) within my company's SF instance. I've set up ...
Jordy's user avatar
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0 answers

rendering error after enabling salesforce to salesforce data migration

after enabling salesforce to salesforce migration. It gives me error while displaying all fields of my custom object on visual-force page. public class MyClass { public Map<String,String> ...
Rahul Singh's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Salesforce2Salesforce work with Person Accounts?

Has anyone successfully shared Person Accounts to another Salesforce org using Salesforce to Salesforce? Does it work well? If there are any gotchas, please tell me. In both orgs, the data will be ...
georg w.'s user avatar
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Target org triggers (after insert, after update) don't get fired when insert/update happens on source org using Salesforce2Salesforce

I'm using Salesforce2Salesforce. When a new entry is inserted/updated inside of the source org, the target org's triggers (after insert and after update) are not getting fired. Is there any way around ...
OneSky Foundation's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apex Class Unit Test for PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkRecordConnection without SeeAllData=true

Is there a way to create unit testing for PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkRecordConnection without using live data(SeeAllData=true)? I've been having a lot of issues trying to deploy S2S ...
OneSky Foundation's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

S2S network topology across multiple partners

We're creating a network of non profits that all provide the same service across overlapping geographical areas. I'd like to set this up so that each non profit has its own org and shares the ...
sberley's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can we know which records are forwarded using salesforce to salesforce at each record level

We have forwarded records using salesforce to salesforce concept it was done well . Here we need to know which records are forwarded . we tried by using workflow with the condition making "sent ...
Salesforcesupport's user avatar
1 vote
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salesforce to salesforce using partner wsdl in Apex - query call failing

I am trying to connect to other salesforce org. I have partner wsdl. I have used FuseIT SFDC explorer to create Apex class from this partner wsdl. I am successfully able to login to other SF org using ...
apn's user avatar
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