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Which tool to use for updating 10,000 records in salesforce in single transaction

I have a set up where an external integration will bring 10,000 records at a time into my salesforce org (update transaction, not insert). I need to test if my triggers, S2S connection (which updates ...
user2957592's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trigger to forward related account with Opportunity in s2s

Right now I am using the below trigger to forward an Opportunity via Salesforce2Salesforce. Is it possible to transfer related account along with it? Trigger Description: Whenever ...
Admin_BA's user avatar
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Automating Salesforce to Salesforce with Apex

I came across Rakesh' Salesforce-to-Salesforce sharing through Flow & Process. But I am curious on how to get it down with Apex. I was able to create this trigger and save it: trigger ...
B Wayne's user avatar
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0 votes
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modifyiing master record of detail record in Master detail relationship in salesforce to salesforce connection

I've set up a connection between 2 sandboxes. PL box and JIRA box there is a master detail relationship between product launch and JIRA (product launch is the master and JIRA is the detail) Now ...
Ashish Padakannaya's user avatar
2 votes
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SOQL Query Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'SELECT' at line x column y

I am trying to gather Account record Ids so I can re-parent some Contact records. I only need to gather records where a certain Account field matches the same value as the corresponding Contact field. ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
1 vote
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List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject while autoforwarding objects using S2S [duplicate]

I am trying to implement S2S (Salesforce to salesforce) And I have written a code on Custom object called "ABC" to allow auto forwarding of records. After making the trigger active, I cannot manually ...
harshitha's user avatar
5 votes
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Salesforce 2 Salesforce connection | overwriting of fields | Error are sent to the connection owner email address;

When the user edits address field in destination Salesforce org, immediately overwrites the field value to put it back to its original value from the source org through salesforce to salesforce. I ...
user5515's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

SF2SF trigger sharing not working

I'm trying to share with a Connection new Accounts. I used the trigger examples to create the following trigger: trigger SendAccountsToConnection on Account (after insert) { ...
Acuariano's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to test a trigger relying on PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkConnection?

(I'll refer to A as the sending instance and B as the receiving instance) We have a trigger on instance B re-populating a regular lookup field. It is triggered when there's a change to a hidden field ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to access to Salesforce2Salesforce error messages?

We have two instances (A and B) and we are pushing a record from A to B. There's a trigger executed on the instance B on insert doing various manipulation. When I look at the status in instance A, it ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Has anyone completed a Chatter to Chatter via Salesforce to Salesforce integration?

I have a customer with a salesforce to salesforce connection for Leads (only currently) to their partner and they would now like to include Chatter posts across the two organisations. This sounds ...
Jason Lawrence's user avatar