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Which tool to use for updating 10,000 records in salesforce in single transaction

I have a set up where an external integration will bring 10,000 records at a time into my salesforce org (update transaction, not insert). I need to test if my triggers, S2S connection (which updates ...
user2957592's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trigger to forward related account with Opportunity in s2s

Right now I am using the below trigger to forward an Opportunity via Salesforce2Salesforce. Is it possible to transfer related account along with it? Trigger Description: Whenever ...
Admin_BA's user avatar
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Automating Salesforce to Salesforce with Apex

I came across Rakesh' Salesforce-to-Salesforce sharing through Flow & Process. But I am curious on how to get it down with Apex. I was able to create this trigger and save it: trigger ...
B Wayne's user avatar
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How to programatically share a record in S2S

I have established a connection between two salesforce org using S2S - I am trying to use a programatic approach to ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Trigger on S2S's successfull sharing

Use case: I need to update all related opps in our org if their parent account was successfully shared through S2S (Sharing status = "Active (sent)". The account record on our side's not updated when ...
EvAzi's user avatar
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Writable External Objects between 2 salesforce Org

I am working on a requirement in which I need to write on some external object between 2 salesforce org. I have tried to use the s2s connect but they are not working as Writable external objects aren’...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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Mass Record insert using Salesforce connection for two org

I have created a salesforce to salesforce connection using trigger for new record and for update using the basic functionality. But as during the deployment I may be need to put million of data and ...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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modifyiing master record of detail record in Master detail relationship in salesforce to salesforce connection

I've set up a connection between 2 sandboxes. PL box and JIRA box there is a master detail relationship between product launch and JIRA (product launch is the master and JIRA is the detail) Now ...
Ashish Padakannaya's user avatar
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Salesforce search setting "Lookup Auto-Completion" not working inside jquery datatable.for page 2 and above for 1st page it's working fine [closed]

I am using Salesforce search setting "Lookup Auto-Completion",and i am populating multiple records and for dispaly i used JQuery Datatable.Autocomplete is working for page 1 but not for rest of the ...
Gaurav Prakash's user avatar
1 vote
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List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject while autoforwarding objects using S2S [duplicate]

I am trying to implement S2S (Salesforce to salesforce) And I have written a code on Custom object called "ABC" to allow auto forwarding of records. After making the trigger active, I cannot manually ...
harshitha's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce connection using Apex, Callouts and SOAP APIs

We have continuous need to move some configuration related data from Salesforce Sandbox to Salesforce Production environment. End users are not comfortable with using data loader and need some simple ...
apn's user avatar
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Need help on timesheet submission reminder email

Is there a way to have a reminder email sent out to users without using APEX/Batch processing but just with the help of configuration using Workflows/Approval Process? It should send a reminder email ...
Uncle Larry's user avatar
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How to insert into a record in object from one developer id throught another?

I have two salesforce account. username 1: XYZ username 2: ABC I have credentials for both accounts. What I want to do is that insert a record in X object lies in XYZ account through ABC account. Is ...
Rudra Sisodia's user avatar
5 votes
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"Unauthorized endpoint, please check Setup->Security->Remote site settings. endpoint =" [closed]

I am following web-server authorization flow for establishing the connection between one org to another org. as a 1st step i have get authorization code,when i am proceeding to 2nd step, getting above ...
Ankuli's user avatar
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Salesforce 2 Salesforce connection | overwriting of fields | Error are sent to the connection owner email address;

When the user edits address field in destination Salesforce org, immediately overwrites the field value to put it back to its original value from the source org through salesforce to salesforce. I ...
user5515's user avatar
-1 votes
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INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, cannot specify Id while inserting user records

I am adding users from developer console. when I will insert one by one in loop, records are inserting but when I am adding it in list and then inserting list in salesforce using DML query its giving ...
user2979293's user avatar
2 votes
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Daily API calls versus daily bandwidth usage and request time usage

I am trying to find out if my organization needs additional API calls per day, So I contacted Salesforce and my Account executive explained to me how to increase out API calls daily limit, But he ...
user2333346's user avatar
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New Lead custom fields deployed, but not available when adding a new lead

I just deployed a flow that depends on new custom fields I created for Leads, The deployment was successful, And I can see the new fields in Leads and the new Page layout in Leads, But when I try ...
user2333346's user avatar
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9 votes
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REST Client Salesforce to Salesforce

I want to send REST request from one SF org to another. Is there any REST Client class/s which can handle the authentication and communication for me or I need to write my own classes?
Dedo's user avatar
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can we check if a key exists in a map in vf page

is it possible to check for a specific key in a map i.e., whether it exists or not in VISUALFORCE page? Based on this i need to render a pageblocktable.
rani's user avatar
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How to test a trigger relying on PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkConnection?

(I'll refer to A as the sending instance and B as the receiving instance) We have a trigger on instance B re-populating a regular lookup field. It is triggered when there's a change to a hidden field ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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How to access to Salesforce2Salesforce error messages?

We have two instances (A and B) and we are pushing a record from A to B. There's a trigger executed on the instance B on insert doing various manipulation. When I look at the status in instance A, it ...
jpmonette's user avatar
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get groups whithout activity the last 3 mounth and the user (Owner) SOQL

how we can get list of (group.Name , group.LastFeedModifiedDate, user.Name , User.Username Form User & CollaborationGroup where group.OwnerId = user.Id And group.LastFeedModifiedDate < ...
KhaledZero's user avatar
-3 votes
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Why doesn't lookup filter work on visualforce page?

I am trying to develop few look up fields on Visualforce page. Requirements: The first lookup field shows all partner Accounts. The second lookup field is filtered to show only Contacts associated ...
Bharath Manikonda's user avatar
11 votes
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Sorting Opportunity Line Items programmatically

I've been attempting to do a purely Apex based sorting of Opportunity Line Items based on a solution I found in the Salesforce developer boards. That solution uses a combination of Javascript and Apex ...
Alan Morey's user avatar
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Unexpected Null Pointer exception in testing

My Test Class is global class Feedpost9 { // your methods here... static testMethod void testRest() { // set up the request object System.RestContext.request = new RestRequest(); ...
Ritesh's user avatar
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7 answers

How to connect Salesforce to Salesforce in Apex

Is it possible to connect Salesforce to Salesforce in Apex. I want to bring sample records from Full Copy sandbox to config sandbox and I need to do this as I refresh config sandbox. I think if we ...
Prafulla Patil's user avatar