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Apex replace \" in string

String jsonString = 'Error \"fatal\"'; String jsonString2 = jsonString.replaceAll('\\"', ''); System.assertEquals(jsonString, 'Error fatal', 'Assertion failed'); The jsonString ...
dev4life's user avatar
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Replace String inside json inside Array Javascript

Hello guys I have a js file that has a list of json that have the next structure: [{"label":"9312 - Item1", "value":"9312"}, {"label":"9313 -...
TechGuy's user avatar
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Regex to find dd/mm/yyyy

I have a pretty simple code and in one case it works, and not in all the case, I wanted to know what I'm missing I'm trying to match a date in this format dd/mm/yyyy This is my code: String d = '20/03/...
Yaac0's user avatar
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Removing leading zeroes in Date String

I have checked a number of posts and regex examples but for some reason I can't get the leading 0's to be removed from the date string below. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? wanted result: 4/6/...
Olivia's user avatar
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Using String.replaceAll() to remove character combination

I need to remove all redundant hyphens in a given string, e.g.: "Bla----Bla---Bla--Bla" to "Bla-Bla-Bla-Bla", using as little code as possible. At the moment I've implemented this: ...
jdrees's user avatar
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Error escaping double quotes in large JSON string in Apex

I have large JSON response that I am trying to escape all instances of strings that are problematic for deserialization but am having some issues. Using .replaceAll works but that throws a "Regex too ...
626's user avatar
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