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How can I rerender part of a repeated component form the parent Visualforce page?

I have a fairly simple Visualforce page which repeats a component and contains an action function called from within the component: <apex:form> <apex:actionFunction action="{!...
isherwood's user avatar
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how to display data table records vertically in visual force page

Thanks for your time. i want to display data table records vertically in visual force page,here is my below code. how to achieve this <div id="CountrySelection" > <apex:...
Elango 's user avatar
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SOLVED: Rerendering item in a parallel repeat tag

I'm refactoring a page (advanced clone tool with grnadchild records) to be more dynamic and extensible, but some of my rerendering refuses to work under the new DOM model. You can see in the page ...
RenegadeCoder's user avatar
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How to create tabs for an apex:tabPanel dynamically with apex:repeat and rerender?

I have an inputfield in my form which is a lookup. When I select a record from the list of lookup records (clicking the small magnifying glass) I am reading the id of that record and querying the ...
codeinprogress's user avatar