Questions tagged [remote-site]

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13 votes
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Access MetadataAPI via JavaScript

We created an 100% native Salesforce IDE as a Managed Package which is using ToolingAPI and MetadataAPI via APEX. This works fine. But there is one thing which really bothers people after the ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Remote SIte URL is not fully displayed

Already in remote site settings the remote site url is "".. But when I tried to change it as "" , it is ...
user27537's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Update Remote Site URL in Managed Package

So I am trying to update the url of a remote site specified in my managed package. Salesforce allows me to edit the url of the remote site and everything packages fine in my packaging org. I am ...
Josh Van Heukelom's user avatar
2 votes
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What is connected apps? [closed]

What are Connected apps and remote site settings and what is the difference between them? How can we do integration by using these two concepts? Can anyone please give one real-time example?
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2 votes
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Why can't I use Remote Site names that have been previously used?

I created a new Remote Site so I could make callouts to an API. I deleted it for testing, and when I tried to add it again, it said, "This Remote Site Name already exists or has been previously used....
Neo's user avatar
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2 votes
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Remove RemoteSiteSetting from Managed Package

Thanks to @sfdcfox and @AndrewFawcett we were able to figure an elegant way on how to create a dynamic RemoteSiteSetting for the actual salesforce org in order to use MetadataAPI, ToolingAPI and so on:...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
  • 28.4k
1 vote
3 answers

Download files from Google drive In the above link it is given that we have to make a GET request to the downloadUrl (which we get in the response when we upload the file) in ...
Srilakshmi B S's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there some standardized way to ensure custom settings are not automatically cloned into Sandboxes?

Among other things, our custom settings include URLs for production servers and credentials to access those servers. Arguably, some of these things should probably be Named Credentials, but the ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
1 vote
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With Named Credentials, why should you ever use remote sites?

With Named Credentials, do I in fact have the ability to make callouts to external systems which do not require autentication? If that is the case, why should I ever use remote sites?
PartOfTheOhana's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I delete a Remote Site Settings (Remote Proxy) from apex code?

I am not even able to do a query like this, Database.query('SELECT Id FROM RemoteProxy WHERE SiteName='TestSettings' LIMIT 1'); I want to delete a RemoteProxy record from apex code, someone please do ...
Preveen Raj's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Remote Site Setting - Salesforce to Salesforce

I have two Salesforce orgs (Alpha & Beta). Both of them are developer orgs and both of them exist in The scenario that I am trying to implement is as soon as expense is ...
Varun's user avatar
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