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2 answers

I want to write a unit test that can assert an enqueued job called a specific @Future function

To start, let's say I have this simple unit test: @isTest public static void shouldCallFutureMethod() { Test.startTest(); System.enqueueJob(myQueueableJob); Test.stopTest(); } Given ...
J. Dufresne's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Queueable call not executing in case of partial success using Database.update

I have written logic that enqueues queueable class from trigger of one object. This works perfectly when I update records and all records gets updated successfully,but in case of partial success I can ...
Manish Khade's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Parallel callouts in apex

On some user action, I am calling several different third party services in order to update data in salesforce. As these callouts are time consuming, I would like to execute them in parallel, and when ...
Nikola Okiljevic's user avatar