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How do I prevent developers from deploying directly to Devhub and instead push the code to sandbox?

I have a production org that is the Devhub. I have a full copy sandbox. I want that the developers that are working on their respective scratch orgs, don't deploy their changes to production directly. ...
vedant gupta's user avatar
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List of Elements that are editable in Salesforce Production Environment

Is there an article or a document by Salesforce where I can find a comprehensive list of elements or types that can be modified in Salesforce Production Environment? Thank you!
jonathan_99's user avatar
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Production Deployment of CustomLabel using VS Code (INVALID_ID_FIELD: Source validate did not run tests in the org)

I am trying to deploy customLabels to the production org. But, I am not able to deploy it as it asks to run the test classes. As we know the custom label is just the configurations, not the codes. So, ...
Ghanshyam Kumar's user avatar
14 votes
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sf:INVALID_OPERATION: INVALID_OPERATION: testLevel of NoTestRun cannot be used in production organizations

While deploying code in vsCode from sandbox to production I get the below error sf:INVALID_OPERATION: INVALID_OPERATION: testLevel of NoTestRun cannot be used in production organizations As per ...
gs650x's user avatar
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Scratch Org Login and Pushing to Production

I have been having issues setting up a scratch org. So I decided to try out (in Intellij/IlluminatedCloud) creation of a new project under the Sandbox Organization Type. I used my scratch org log in ...
Olivia's user avatar
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