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Questions tagged [production]

An instance of the platform that has active paying users accessing business critical data

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Salesforce Security Preventing Rich Text Color Change

I wrote a different version of the salesforce lightning rich text input lwc which forbids image uploads, font changes, and color changes. I created custom buttons which only allow users to color ...
ASK's user avatar
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Can managed package be installed in production without AppExchange listing and Security Review?

Can managed package be installed in production without AppExchange listing and Security Review?
Nazar's user avatar
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Can I retrieve project files from production using the sf CLI?

When I run sf project retrieve start on a production Org, it says: Error (1): This command can only be used on orgs that have source tracking enabled, such as sandboxes and scratch orgs Is there a ...
Z0q's user avatar
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Does AppExchange Checkout works only for the Production Org (Paid Orgs)?

We have created a Second Generation Managed Package and we want it to be available as paid version on AppExchange Portal. So we thought of using AppExchange Checkout Platform, but in the ...
S1th's user avatar
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LWC looks different in prod environment

Hello guys I made a LWC form embebed in an Aura component in my scratch org and deployed to the production environment. When I was testing two things happened. The first one is related when I scroll ...
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Does refresh sandbox overrides the Apex classes, LWC Components and Triggers

I am thinking to manually refresh the fullsandbox environment to production environment. The only doubt is that will it going to override LWC Components , Apex Classes and Triggers. Currently, some ...
Hunt's user avatar
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Revert Change sets

I want to roll back apex class updates which I deployed via change set. Is there a way where I can revert the Inbound Changes sets from production?
Ishaan Jain's user avatar
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Vs Code Scratch and Production Org credentials are the same (can't pull sources from production)

I'm working in a collaborative training, and created a scratch org, and then tried to open in another window the production org to track changes. The thing is, that both orgs have the same credentials,...
Willys_fueguino's user avatar
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Trying to delete Apex with ANT Migration Tool - INVALID_SESSION_ID

I am trying to delete 2 Apex classes and 2 inactive Apex triggers from a production environment using the ANT Migration Tool and I am stone-walled by an INVALID_SESSION_ID error, but I suspect there's ...
d-fws's user avatar
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SSO on salesforce only works for certain users

I just started with SSO on salesforce, I made my configuration on one of our sandboxes, the problem is that when I test the SSO connection or when I add a new user on the sandbox, it works well but ...
Ahoval's user avatar
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud SSO (Multiple MID) with Azure

We are attempting to configure Single Sign On in our Salesforce Marketing Cloud sandbox. We already have SSO set up in Production. We noticed that when we configure SSO in sandbox, the SSO in ...
test 0101's user avatar
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Permission Set Groups feature is not available in the Salesforce production org

I have Permission Set Groups created in my scratch org, but when I am trying to deploy it to the production org it is showing an error "Not available for deploy for this organization". When ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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How to prevent accidental config changes made directly in Production?

Too many times we've had developers (as well as our release manager, who also dev's) inadvertently make a change directly in Production because they had the Prod org open alongside their dev org in ...
Brent Bowers's user avatar
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How to get rid of Apex class that is not in use

I want to delete an apex class that is not used anymore but has dependencies with Flows and LWC etc. What would be an ideal way to retire the apex class? Commenting out the lines or deleting the class ...
Adarsh Srinivasan's user avatar
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Can we create sandbox via metadata in apex salesforce?

I know that it can be impossible , I have requirements to create a sandbox for organization via a button on Custom object record. Can we create a sandbox via metadata in Apex or some process ? Any ...
Vitalii Dehnerys's user avatar
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Too many soql queries when trying to create a json packet for customers with Active orders

I'm trying to port over my code below to production but continue to get System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101. @RestResource(urlMapping='/my_endpoint') global with sharing class ...
Rich_xx's user avatar
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Scheduled job is not querying the records as expected

I have a schedulable class(entire code is in schedulable class), which deactivates the users based on thier lastLoginDate(if lastLoginDate > 30 days) We have scheduled the job in production, which ...
Shira's user avatar
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Can I delete a custom field and a custom object manually in the production org?

I know that some options that are in the sandbox might not be in production. I'll have to delete a Custom Field and a Custom Object in production org. I need to know if it's possible to do manually ...
Cline's user avatar
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Impact of uninstalling installed package from production on sandbox?

I have to remove all of the installed packages (mostly managed packages) from Production. Reason: Some of the packages are unwanted now and for others a different package version(not higher) is ...
user43598's user avatar
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How do I prevent developers from deploying directly to Devhub and instead push the code to sandbox?

I have a production org that is the Devhub. I have a full copy sandbox. I want that the developers that are working on their respective scratch orgs, don't deploy their changes to production directly. ...
vedant gupta's user avatar
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Deletion of Class / Trigger in PROD

I try to delete a trigger and a test class in prod. However, when I use the command: sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -c -d destroy -w 20 I get the error: Here my packages in the folder "destroy" ...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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What would make the same code produce different results in a different sandbox?

I have this test class for a vf controller that runs ok in one sandbox but in the other there is an Id field that is returning null. What am I missing? The reason for creating a second sandbox was to ...
Pauline's user avatar
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System.NoAccessException: Script-thrown exception while trying to access record type in managed package

We are encountering a problem in our production environment when trying to run the following line of code in developer console to retrieve the record type. The app is a managed package but we are ...
Pauline's user avatar
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Is it possible to return Salesforce to previous version?

We found that the production org of one of our clients was updated to Winter'21 today. After this uest users can't log in to home website (made of Aura components). Here is what cause problems: https:/...
NonameJavaNoob's user avatar
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Do you need to create new outbound changeset when components are modified?

Let's say I have created an Outbound ChangeSet with a few components like Page Layouts and Lightning Flows. I haven't pushed the change set to Production yet. In the meantime, I decided to make some ...
miCRoSCoPiC_eaRthLinG's user avatar
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My production instance has moved from EU10 to EU41, does the IP change too?

If yes, how can I get the new one?
FODIL BOUDJEDIEN's user avatar
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Copy all Metadata from Sandbox to Production [duplicate]

How do you transfer all setting & metadata (not data) from a sandbox to production? I have just joined a project which has been tested and approved by the client. My first job is to move ...
jonny-harte's user avatar
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Property 'itemInstances' and 'processOrder' not valid in version 48.0 error when deploying in Production, even though Production is 49.0

When trying to deploy the converted metadata using VS code sfdx force:mdapi:deploy deploy to my Production Org and I get the error Property 'itemInstances' not valid in version 48.0 and Property '...
nSv23's user avatar
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Your code coverage is 73%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment [duplicate]

Already run test but no luck. public class UNILAB_NMAP { /* wrapper class to store required properties for "lightning:map" component' */ public class accountLocationWrapper{ @...
Akosi Jeff's user avatar
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List of Elements that are editable in Salesforce Production Environment

Is there an article or a document by Salesforce where I can find a comprehensive list of elements or types that can be modified in Salesforce Production Environment? Thank you!
jonathan_99's user avatar
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Package Retrival is not working

We are trying to retrieve the package from Salesforce Developer org While performing the retrieve we are getting errors for the below components. [sf:retrieve] package.xml - Metadata API received ...
Spande's user avatar
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Production Deployment of CustomLabel using VS Code (INVALID_ID_FIELD: Source validate did not run tests in the org)

I am trying to deploy customLabels to the production org. But, I am not able to deploy it as it asks to run the test classes. As we know the custom label is just the configurations, not the codes. So, ...
Ghanshyam Kumar's user avatar
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Is my after insert trigger efficient and safe to port to production?

Recently I created an after insert trigger to update a field in my sponsorship object. it works so far in sandbox and has passed the unit test that I have created and has 100% code coverage. here is ...
Apex_rookie's user avatar
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Delete classes/trigger from Prod via VSCode

I need to delete classes and a trigger from prod via VSCode. I have retrieved the according classes/trigger via package.xml into VSCode. There is the command "SFDX: Delete This from Project and Org", ...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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How to use "NameSpace" on Visualforce Page in salesforce?

I have facing problems on the VF page when I've to use StanderdController on VF than how I get "namespace" before the default field in a package org. Here "Charge_Item__c" is a custom object in ...
Rahul indora's user avatar
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I do not have Prod access in my org. I want to know can we edit Lightning component in Production?

Can we edit Lightning component in production?
Swarandeep Singh's user avatar
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LWC without APEX: sfdx force:source:deploy into Production

I have a simple LWC component that is only made up of html, javascript, and css (no APEX). When deploying to production via vscode, I am confused on what I am suppose to be testing as I receive the "...
Sean's user avatar
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Can I reuse/ edit the Batch Apex code on sandbox that was deployed into production environment-

I have a batch apex class that deletes all the records from a custom object and it is deployed from sandbox to production. Now I have to write an other batch apex to delete all records from other ...
Salesforce User's user avatar
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Custom Notification now showing in production

I recently played around with the process builder in a sandbox, and managed to create a scheduled event that would send a custom notification to a user. I finally have a purpose for this feature, but ...
Hans Christian Milman's user avatar
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New instance of Custom Object

I'm trying to create a new instance of an existing Custom Object. I have modified an existing object in the sandbox environment and want to preserve the original object when I push to production. ...
Hans Christian Milman's user avatar
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sf:INVALID_OPERATION: INVALID_OPERATION: testLevel of NoTestRun cannot be used in production organizations

While deploying code in vsCode from sandbox to production I get the below error sf:INVALID_OPERATION: INVALID_OPERATION: testLevel of NoTestRun cannot be used in production organizations As per ...
gs650x's user avatar
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System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject - Sandbox to Production in salesforce

I am new to Salesforce. I am creating an application where the user will email the JSON data to insert that data and attachment to the Lead Object using Email Services. It is working fine in Sandbox ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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Scratch Org Login and Pushing to Production

I have been having issues setting up a scratch org. So I decided to try out (in Intellij/IlluminatedCloud) creation of a new project under the Sandbox Organization Type. I used my scratch org log in ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Prevent users from logging in during production delivery

We will delivery in our production org and we want to avoid users to log while the time of reconfiguration and delivery. It is recommended to modify Login Hours but we have a lot of profile to ...
Badbaxx's user avatar
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Running an APEX class in Production, what are @isTest?

I'm trying to learn about apex test classes, I have attached the below code. I can't execute this in production developer console, but works fine on my sandbox. I was asked to write a @isTest, is this ...
Niveth Kumar's user avatar
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Changing sub domain name

I want to create tab for lightning components but I am unable to do so as I saw it is mandatory to change domain in order to create lightning component tabs. Currently my org is having various ...
kritika's user avatar
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Deploy opportunity change from sandbox to production

For a project the client has multiple changes including apex files, some metadata changes, and a few custom object changes. But they have also modified the Opportunity table and added two new fields. ...
apadana's user avatar
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Questions regarding deploying visualforce pages to production

I’m new to Salesforce and this is my first project. My project requirement is about creating customer service related case through a Vf page on the case object. I’ve created two vf pages one for input ...
Shashank N's user avatar
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Salesforce Global Values organization-wide (sandbox vs. production)

Is it possible to add custom global values in Salesforce so that we can use that global value in any apex class or controller? And this values will be Ids of custom objects, so they will be different ...
Shivangi Patel's user avatar
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What are two ways a developer should deploy code from a developer org to an unrelated production org?

I am preparing myself to the developer 1 certificate and I encountered the following question: What are two ways a developer should deploy code from a developer org to an unrelated production org? ...
iloveseven's user avatar
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