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Questions tagged [outputtext]

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Visualforce Custom Currency format

I have a formula Currency field. My customer wants below format. 1.000,00 € 599,40 € 85,00 € 1,00 € I tried using the below format and this is not exactly what I am looking for. <apex:...
Dinesh Wickramasinghe's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I use substitute in combination with if condition

Our Salesrep can write some text in a textbox field which is related to a campaign. This field should print on the letter. The Salesrep can use some words which are substitute in the process. If the ...
FenTro's user avatar
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Using escape=false with output text isn't allowing scroll

I have a list of html strings I want to render with html formatting, so I put it in a string list and implemented on the vfp with outputtext and escape = false. If the list is long enough without the ...
AverageJoeVBA's user avatar
1 vote
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Apex: Constructing URL with image

I have an custom object called Events__c, which returns a image banner link stored in a URL field. I'm using this data to display the banner in a Visualforce page during a registration window, based ...
miCRoSCoPiC_eaRthLinG's user avatar
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VF page render as pdf not working properly

I am trying to display some HTML(stored as HTML text in rich text field) in to vf page via output text tag. This HTML text has unordered list inside an unordered list(like a nested unordered list). It ...
Sisir's user avatar
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Salesforce removing line breaks when importing data from CSV

We're currently busy with a migration of data from our old system to our brand new Salesforce system. As part of this migration, we're migrating data fields that contain flat text with line breaks, ...
Fengshen's user avatar
4 votes
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How to output [MMMM dd yyyy hh:mm AM/PM] using Text formula on a DateTime field?

Good day StackExchange! High level, my goal is to take a date/time value and use a formula to display it as a customer friendly long date (MMMM-DD,YYYY at HH:MM AM/PM) string output for email ...
Sovereignty's user avatar
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Outputtext rendered conditional check not working with < or >

This is my VF outputtext which works fine: <apex:repeat value="{!port.hList}" var="per"> <tr> <td> <apex:outputText value="{0, Number, #,###,###.00}" rendered="{!...
Irene's user avatar
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Converting Date/Time to CST in visualforce on an email template

I am doing some freelance work for a client and they are adamant about translating a date/time a user puts in back to CST (Central Standard Time) for one of the fields displaying in the email. This is ...
Mackenzie Jones's user avatar
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Formatting currencies in different locales (DE, EN, ES, FR & PT) in quote

My company is dealing with customers all around the world. We use 5 languages (English being the main): DE, EN, ES, FR & PT. We wanted to send the quotes with localized amounts to our customers ...
A. Akkari's user avatar
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apex:outputField not formatting phone numbers in pdf

Is there any reason why the apex:outputField in a visualforce page rendered as a PDF would not be formatting the phone numbers? <apex:outputPanel rendered="{! generalContact.Phone_Field__c== '' }"&...
JRiffe's user avatar
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2 answers

Completely remove <apex:outputText> string if the value is blank

I'm using this code now: <apex:outputText rendered="{!NOT(ISBLANK(Description__c))}" value="{!Description__c}"/> But sthis string is between another strings, and when I use this code, I'm ...
Apelsinova's user avatar
2 votes
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Formating the new time field in Visualforce

I am trying to format the new Time field type in Visualforce but with no success. I'm trying to use the same method as i use for date formatting but it does not compile my code with the error: '...
user37586's user avatar
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Display the value of a string which looks like Date Time- JSON parameter

I have a JSON string that I get in a response. Example: {"Place":[{"datetime":"2011-03-11 04:46:23","depth":24.4,"lng":142.369,"lat":38.322}]} I get the JSON values in the controller and put it in a ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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How to add complex conditional code in visualforce - Multi-Currency

I have the following code in visualforce: <apex:variable value="{!Opportunity.Amount-Opportunity.Descuento_Autorizado__c}" var="descontado"/> {!IF(Opportunity.CurrencyIsoCode=="USD", <...
Victor Echeverría's user avatar
2 votes
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Change TimeZone of CreatedDate

I am having some trouble finding detailed information on the 'z' value in the <apex:outputText value="{0,time, hh:mm a z}"> I have to display the timezone as PST and the z is only displaying ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Format date using SLDS style class

I don't want my date and time to show up GMT on a custom visualforce page. I have a date/time field I'm pulling in from the opportunity here is my VFP code: <div class="slds-truncate slds-text-...
AverageJoeVBA's user avatar
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Outputfield font size change

I am binding product description in outputfield but I can't able to change the font size.I am having description type as rich text area to enter bullet points description. If I use Outputtext I lam ...
Sankar Ganesh's user avatar
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How to change the output format in the inline if statement of outputtext?

There are some codes like below: <apex:outputText value="{!IF(item.FinishedDate__c == null, 'Not Finished', item.FinishedDate__c)}"/> The item.FinishedDate__c is defined as Date, and I want ...
XjAcKs's user avatar
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Need to output text from extension

is it possible to output text like this? Controller: public string ywc1{get;set;} public string ywc2{get;set;} public string ywc3{get;set;} for (Bank_Application__c data: [SELECT Experian1__c, ...
Igor Stosic's user avatar
0 votes
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How to display formula field in VF?

Below is the formula that i have created on Formula text field: if( ISBLANK(Key_Account_Relation__c ),"No Report", HYPERLINK("/00O8E000000P88P?pv0="& Key_Account_Relation__r.AccountGroup__r.Name ,...
SFDCDJ's user avatar
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Is it not possible to use Dynamic binding of sObject fields in a Lightning Component? [duplicate]

I'm trying to loop a list of sObject fields and displaying the fields as column in a table. In Visualforce, we could bind an sObject field like value="{!Contact[fieldName]}". But I'm unable to make ...
VarunC's user avatar
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Apex outputtext value attribute

This is a generic question apex:outputText value="{**0**,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}" What I wanted to know is what is the 0 in value used for?
Rimii's user avatar
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How to get default field formatting with outputText?

So I know I can just render a field with its default formatting using outputField: <apex:outputField value="{!MyObject__c.MyDate__c}" /> If I try to render the same field using outputText I ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Double click on apex:outputtext and show inputfield how can i implement this

VisualForce Page: <apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="InlineEditingHelper"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock title= "outputcomponents"> <apex:outputPanel ...
ArjunSFDC's user avatar
3 votes
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InlineEdit for OutputField

I have written this code. I am trying to make the outputText inline editable. <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}" rendered="{!!(pA.AcceptedDate__c==NUll&&pA....
Anamika's user avatar
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Display the data if "quantity" is not = 0. Using multi map

<apex:repeat value="{!prod_quantity_1}" var="key"> <apex:repeat value="{!prod_quantity_1[key]}" var="innerKey"> <apex:repeat value="{!prod_quantity_1[key][innerKey]}" var="...
Lennon Leopoldo's user avatar
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How to hide output text using rendered?

I have a VF page with output text that I want to show based on the boolean blShowIt in the controller. I have 2 buttons on the form, one to show the text the other to hide it. And I set blShowIt to ...
Apx42's user avatar
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apex:outputText in Bootstrap div not working

I have the following code, which is a bootstrap modal. I am trying to use apex:outputText within it, but it seems like the outputText is just getting loaded when the page loads (the value inside needs ...
newuser's user avatar
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apex:outputText remove LEFT

is there any possibility to use LEFT to remove first 5 characters of string? My records of UoM always have a first 5 chars as code, which I do not want o print out. <td> {!line....
mascot's user avatar
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outputText number formating with space a thousand separator

How do I format a number in an outputText element so that it uses spaces as a separator between thousands? What I currently have is an outputText element which formats number using comma as a ...
Tomáš Kolín's user avatar
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how to number rows in a data table and how to get data from textbox

I have been searching through the net to see if I can figure out how to number rows in visualforce but I cannot find a way that will automatically increment when a row is added. I also cannot find out ...
McCormick32's user avatar
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Adding bold style to outputText seems not to work

I'm using a custom table that replicates the design of a pageblockTable. Using th will output the text in a bold style. Code Snippet: <table id="pageblockTable"> <thead> <tr> ...
rpm07's user avatar
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create attachment with text and images

there is a requirement to show text along with image inside a salesfore Attchment body. currently im using Attachment record = new Attachment(ParentId = call.Id, Body = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(call....
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Escape = False On OutputText Not Rendering HTML In RichText

I am trying to render some HTML stored within a custom sObject's a richText field. I am using an outputText field as follows: <apex:outputText value="{!Information.Content__c}" escape="false"/>...
Programmable Medley's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Apex:OutputText to Currency Format from String Wrapper

is there a way to pass a string to the <apex:outputText> so that it can be formatted as a currency or percent value? Here's what I have inside a column of my visual force table: <apex:...
JSF's user avatar
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Is it possible to exclude fields from inline editing?

With visualforce, I'm using <apex:inlineEditSupport /> inside e.g. <apex:pageBlockTable> quite often. It makes all outputFields editable. Fine. Now, is there a way to exclude some fields ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Get rid of default formatting for outputText

I am trying to print out a sum of 2 Integer variables using outputText, however it appears with a different format than normal text. How can I get rid of this formatting? <apex:outputText value="{...
Louis Pujol's user avatar
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Format custom textarea field for custom object

I have a custom object that has a custom field called Notes. The field has the Text Area datatype but when I use it in an outputText as such: <apex:outputText value="{!selectedDetail.Notes__c}"/&...
Louis Pujol's user avatar
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Is it possible to write an interactive Apex Console Script?

Is it possible to write an Apex script which will ask the user for input? Something like: System.out.print("Enter your name: "); String name = input.nextLine();
Brian Kessler's user avatar
6 votes
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visualforce IF syntax

So I need to use an inline if statement in my visualforce page to decide whether or not I need to render an outputText. However I keep hitting a syntax error so I am hoping someone here will catch my (...
Louis Pujol's user avatar
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outputText using a function with param

So I am trying to iterate through a list of custom objects and print out the information that I need. The issue is that with this object I cannot guarantee where the information I need is so I made a ...
Louis Pujol's user avatar
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apex:outputtext automatically creates a table td element. How to prevent it?

I have built an html table inside apex:pageBlockSection and trying to display a number field in currency format in one of the cell (i.e., in a table td). Since i need to format the number to currency ...
Bforce's user avatar
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labels not rendered when <apex:pageBlockSection> removed

To save some real estate i just removed pageBlockSection and instead of it i used plain table tag. But the issue is the label defined in the apex:outputText tag has not rendered but the value is. ...
Bforce's user avatar
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On Site.Com, how do you format output to show only whole numbers or integers?

I've tried using the function that works in VisualForce --- {!FLOOR(myvar)} -- but it doesn't work in Any idea how to format output variables in I need to do a few in currency ...
Tony Brasunas's user avatar
2 votes
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Formatting Date in Visualforce - Complex version

I have this code <font face="Arial">Invoice Date: <apex:repeat value="{!Opportunity.Invoices__r}" var="line2"> {!line2.Invoice_Date__c} </apex:repeat> </font> which ...
user7968's user avatar
3 votes
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Currency conversion for an Outputtext

I am reading two currency fields from a custom object, displaying them and their difference on the vf page. I am using outputfield to display my currency fields, so if the locale currency of the user ...
codeinprogress's user avatar
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Show the message in the same page with out going to the next page?

I am getting the list from the controller : <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!NOT(ISBLANK(quo))}"> <apex:outputText rendered="{!quo.size>999 }" value="Refine search Records ...
Teja's user avatar
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How to display content of remote text file in Visualforce page

I am trying to display the contents of a remote text file on a Visualforce Page. I have implemented a class called MyApexClass containing a getTextFileContentAsString method that returns the content ...
moog's user avatar
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Visualforce Date formatting

I need this date format in a visualforce page: "December 14, 2013". I can't seem to find the format options for visualforce. I read that it's the same as the java messageformat class options, but I ...
fourq's user avatar
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