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Problem setting up Named Credential for REST callouts

I want to do Apex REST callouts to a JSON web service. I've got a "Client-Id" and "Client-Secret", and they need to be sent in the HTTP header for authentication throughout, along ...
Felix van Hove's user avatar
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How to use Named credentials with a 2 step password and access token authentication system?

The third party system that I am trying to connect to has following authentication mechanism: Step 1: We have been provided with a X-Api-User and X-Api-Secret to be included in header. Other header ...
Sarang's user avatar
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Callout to other Salesforce org using Named Credential - which Authentication option should I use?

I have 2 Salesforce orgs (with identical code) - a hub and a client. I need to pass data from the hub to the client. Using S2S is fine for normal data, but when it comes to files (eg pdf) we can't use ...
Irene's user avatar
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UserName and Password in Request body of apex callout using Named Credentials

I am able to make an apex callout by passing the username and password in the request body. String endpoint=''; String userID='xyz'; String password='pass'; String jsonBody ='userID=...
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