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Connected app OAuth2 and Named credentials used in salesforce rest callout to create/access record in same org only. But receiving 302 status?

We are trying to create product schedule using rest api and for Oauth2 Authentication ConnectedApp, Auth Provider, Named Credential. When we made callout using named cred it is showing 302 status and ...
Gaurav Patil's user avatar
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System.CalloutException: The callout couldn't access the endpoint

I have created an Apex REST endpoint and I want to test it using an integration user that I've also just set up. The integration user is using the "Salesforce Integration" User License. I've ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to call salesforce service end point as current user while using Named credentials as LWC is the invoker based on user action

What is the best way to call salesforce service end point as current user. As Named credential authenticates as one specific user who initially authorizes it. I am calling my apex helper method from ...
Naren's user avatar
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How to use Named credentials with a 2 step password and access token authentication system?

The third party system that I am trying to connect to has following authentication mechanism: Step 1: We have been provided with a X-Api-User and X-Api-Secret to be included in header. Other header ...
Sarang's user avatar
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Custom REST controller to access Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken returning null

Following on from a previous question: How to access OAuth Token stored in NamedCredential using Apex for use in other third party application I've created a custom REST endpoint which proxies ...
Robs's user avatar
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Per User Authentication for External Service

As part of my use case, I need to integrate different external sources from Salesforce . All the authentication has to be per-user and this whole thing needs to be part of managed package. Now the few ...
yash rohan singh's user avatar
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Named Credential Authentication [duplicate]

I am trying to connect with Xero using Named Credentials. I am using oAuth2.0 authentication protocol. I have created a Auth. Provider and Named credentials as shown in the image below The Named ...
Salesforce Development's user avatar
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Apex call-out 404 not found error on Developer console while it works perfectly when the request is sent through postman

This is the request, I've added the URL to named credentials. What am I doing wrong!! Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint('Callout:AppointmentTest/...
Raj's user avatar
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How to specify the path name in Named Credential

I have created Named Credential for a SharePoint Site successfully. I am trying to call the Named Credential with path specified through Apex. I am having trouble in specifying the path name. For ...
user28452's user avatar
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