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Questions tagged [multi-select]

All requests and queries related to Multi Select Picklist can be grouped under this tag

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3 votes
3 answers

formula field to display multi select picklist (selected values)

I have a Multi-select picklist in account object and I want to display the selected picklist values in contact object using a formula field. I came across many using multiple If conditions. In my ...
0 votes
1 answer

how to capture multiselect picklist value in text field using workflow

I am trying to copy picklist value from workflow field update and when record is created and edited. but the problem is multiselect picklist values support only include and includes function. so multi-...
0 votes
1 answer

Multi-select picklist issue

I would like to build a row-level formula with a multipicklist in a report. But I can't even find/select the multi-select picklist field. When I copy the Api Name of the multi-select picklist field ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I pass the value of a multiselect picklist with a List Button?

Many related questions discuss passing multi-select picklist values in other situations. None of them were applicable to a simple list button to create a new record and passing default values from the ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I default select all Multiselect picklist values?

I have a requirement where I have to default selected all values on visual force page. I have searched everywhere but I still have no lead to work on it. Would someone please advise how to do that ...
1 vote
3 answers

Populate a field with values that were selected in a multi-select picklist

Our org has a multi select pick list that we use to select different business . after the business have been selected, we write down a comment for each business selected. User have been complaining ...
1 vote
1 answer

Formula to update multi-picklist with Salesforce Flow

The requirement I have is that a multi-picklist (MSP) field ("Specialty") is updated based on any additional values from another multi-picklist field ("Specialty Marketing") with ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to refresh dependent dual listbox in LWC

The attached image is an LWC, in which Category is a controlling picklist (Combobox) and Sub Categ is the Dependent Picklist. Eg. Category 1: Sub Categ 1,2,3 Category 2: Sub Categ 2,3 I am storing ...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to remove several values from a multi picklist in the Salesforce flow?

I learned how to remove a value from the multi-picklist in the Salesforce flow. However, I struggle to remove more than one value from the MSP. For instance, I have A, B, and C three values selected ...
0 votes
1 answer

Fetching mulitiselect picklist values for <lightning-checkbox-group>

I'm using getPicklistValues to fetch the multiselect picklist values in LWC and using it for <lightning-checkbox-group>. But it is not showing anything. And if I use same code for <lightning-...
2 votes
2 answers

MultiSelect List that uses Lookup

Is it possible to create a custom lookup field that allows multiple selects? I couldn't find an option for it. I've created a Project object and was attempting to connect it with the Product object ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multi-select pick list in a screen flow

I created a component that would make a multi-select pick list on a screen flow. It works except you can't assign it to a variable that can be referenced when moving on to the create records part of ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to compare multiselect pick list with another picklist?

I have a multiselect picklist on User object and a picklist on Case object. I am trying to write a validation rule so that if picklist value selected on Case is not matching with one of the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Validation Rule for Picklist and Multi picklist

Option__c(picklist) This is picklist field which contains values (Yes/No) and default as Yes. This field(Option__c) should only be mandatory, when the field State__c(multi picklist) has selected as NY....
0 votes
1 answer

restrict multi-picklist choices in screen flow

In my Salesforce screen flow design, I'm utilizing a multi-picklist field. I want to limit the selection to only five options out of the 91 choices available in the multi-picklist field. How can I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Radio group lwc partial bold text in the options

I am using a multiselect picklist and displaying my options dynamically in an LWC using lighting-radio-group. E.g. <template> <lightning-radio-group name="radioGroup" label=&...
1 vote
1 answer

Compare values in multiselect picklist

I am trying to determine the best way to compare values in a multiselect via apex. Goal is to create a child record when a user selects a value in the multiselect. If a user then comes back and ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to split a multiselect picklist into a String array and check if it contains a specific value within an iteration?

I have an iteration of DelegatedAccount (Standard SF object). When Im using obj.picklistValues.split(';').contains(value) its returning false. This is surprising as its a simple operation and should ...
1 vote
2 answers

Multiselect picklist in VF page missing chosen side

For some reason, my multiselect box has no 'Chosen' side: Here's my VF selectlist component: <apex:selectList value="{!selContact}" label="Contact Name" size="3" multiselect="true" ...
13 votes
3 answers

How to add multiple value to a multipicklist from apex

I am trying to add multiple value to a multipicklist from apex. I put the value into a list of string and added it don't allow to add, try to add using a string split by ',' but it get added as a ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Multi Picklist and number fields

I'm trying to create a new formula field that gives results as a text by concatenating few fields like multipicklist fields and text fields and numbers fields. But i have been receiving an error when ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Validation rule for Multi picklist

I have a requirement where if a value "Others" from a Multi picklist is selected, "please explain others" text box should be used, if any other value from Multi picklist is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Querying on Multi-Select Picklist in Get Records in Flow

After a whole lot of frustration, I found out it's not possible in the Get Records action in Flow to filter on a multi-select picklist, and you get an error: the idea to make this actually possible. ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to remove an option from mutli-picklist field in apex trigger

I want to write an apex trigger action to remove a particular value from multi select picklist field based on some condition.How can I do this? This is my trigger action: public static void ...
8 votes
3 answers

How to Find the Count of Multi-Select Picklist?

I was searching for a method to find the count of selected multi-select picklist. My aim is to select multiple options for Known-Languages in a Drop down and to display the selected count in a Counter ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to save multi select lookup values

I have created a multi select lookup component. Below I am pasting my code. HTML <template> <div class="slds-form-element" onmouseleave={toggleResult} data-source="...
-1 votes
1 answer

Filtering an email list in a flow by industry picklist with multiple selections

I am trying to set up a flow to send an email to newsletter subscribers in a custom object (Newsletter) filtered by industry. Currently industry is a picklist field, not a multi-select picklist, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Pre select values in multi select combobox

I found this awesome repository on medium to have a multiSelectCombobox, and it works fine, but I wasn't able to pre-select values.
1 vote
3 answers

Getting this error on updating multipicklist field using flow:- INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: bad value for restricted picklist field

I am trying to update a multipicklist field on Accounts using the multipicklist field on Opportunity, which is also using the same global picklist value set. But I am facing two problems with this:- ...
-1 votes
1 answer

LWC Multi Select Picklist depending on a combo box

Currently am stuck in between these.... first I'd have a combo box based on the selection (onchange) I need to render some data in multi select the problem is of I select any of those ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to get multi-select picklist values to display on line indents on visualforce page?

So I have a multi-select picklist with 4 possible values on it. I would like to have them displayed on the custom visual force page I am making on line indents (li) rather than seperated with a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Search for Specific Text in a Multi-Select

I have a multi-select that lists bandwidths. Some are in Mbps, and some are in Gbps. I need to know if any of the selected options is over 1 Gbps, so I'd like to search the multi-select for the text '...
-3 votes
1 answer

Changing Picklist to Multipicklist and using in formula field

I have changed the picklist fields to multiselect picklist and trying to use this in the formula filed getting below error. kindly some one help. Field changed as Mand_A__c(Picklist) ------> ...
2 votes
4 answers

SOQL query for Multiselect picklist

Hello I'm trying to use string in SOQL query where clause for multiselect picklist. I need to get records of CustObj__c where Multipicklist__c fild have 'abc' or 'xyz' values. String str = '\'abc\',\...
2 votes
1 answer

Transform a List<String> for use in Multi-Select Picklist where clause

I have a list of strings which I need to put together in every valid combination so that the result can be used in an includes WHERE clause of a multi-select picklist in a SOQL query. Basically, I ...
1 vote
2 answers

Validation Rule on Multi-Select Picklist to only allow one value

I need a validation rule on a multi-select picklist field that if a specific value is selected, no others can be selected. Right now I have: Includes(Multi_Select_Field__c, "Value1") But ...
0 votes
0 answers

Predefine the values in a collection variable

Is there a way to add text values to a collection variable from a predefined list? I have a very long list (>100 items) that I want to loop through item by item but I can't find a way to quickly ...
1 vote
1 answer

Multiselect Picklist values are not stored in the database as User entered order in UI

Requirment : Values should be stored in order as they selected in UI. But Multiselect Picklist values are not stored in the database as User entered order in UI. Please help us is there any solution ...
0 votes
2 answers

LWC select element with multiple

I'am trying to retrieve all the selected values from a select element with multiple options but I can only grab the last selected value. HTML <select class="slds-select" id="select-...
0 votes
2 answers

Multiselection parameter for picklist datatype soql

In my vf page the date is presented based on only one value of the status picklist for the opportunists object. Now i need to extend my search criteria in such as way that rather than selecting only ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I develop a select all/deselect all for duallistbox in aura?

I'm building an AURA component that has dualListBox that is dependent on on lightning:select (, so based on the value selected on the lightning:select I populate the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multi Select Picklist field VR

Is it possible to create a Validation rule or something on multi select picklist field so that the user can select maximum of 3 and minimum of 1 values out of 10.
-1 votes
1 answer

Collection choice set not available in Assignment element

I have a screen flow with a multi select for the user to select what records they want to update. I am trying to use the collection choice set in an assignment element to remove the first Id until the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Multi-Select values not staying checked on screen flow

I have a screen flow component on the Account object that lets users make selections and save their changes. The component is always visible so that users can see the current selections for that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Data Transformation from mutli-select picklist to array of number in a flow

I have a multi-select picklist field that I need to transform to an array of number to use in a API. How can I do this in a Flow? Context: I need to send the result of a multi-select picklist to an ...
0 votes
1 answer

Key press Filter search on a field it work's in classic but not in salesforce lightning

When we have Hundred of values in picklist it's difficult and time consuming for user to scroll down and search there value, so with the help of Keypress on keyboard that cursor reaches the initial ...
1 vote
1 answer

Add value to multi-select picklist with batch class

I'm trying to add a value to a multi-select picklist with a batch class. The debug statement shows that its being added but it's not saving for some reason. Any ideas? public class ...
0 votes
0 answers

multi Picklist values in LWC

i am new to lwc. I am stuck with assigning values to multi picklist in Lwc like that let applicationnNameValues= 'A;B';. I am using standard createRecord method. when i remove that value ...
0 votes
1 answer

Enable to add more than 100 values on multi select picklist field in salesforce

I have a custom multiselect picklist field with 500 values in the application and now i need to enable the selection of more than 100 values at a time on any record. As per the salesforce limitation, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Conditionally add slds-is-selected on multi select dropdown

I have created a multi-select combobox in LWC, passing list of columns to it from the parent components. Its a json which is being passed from parent to child. JSON : [{"align":"left&...

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