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Mobile Push SDK - silent push

We are implementing SFMC mobile push SDK and mobile dev are having an issue. In android - push notification works only when the app is active. when app is closed + in lockscreen - push notification ...
Christian Solayao's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Log Unsubscribe Events for Mobile Push Notifications When Users Opt Out

I'm working on mobile push notifications, and I'm looking for a feature similar to the "log unsub event" that exists for email. Specifically, I want to ensure that if a user opts out of ...
Dandys23's user avatar
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"MismatchSenderId" for Android platform when sending push notifications

We are currently facing an issue with sending push notifications to Android devices. In the push extract, we encounter a "SenderId mismatch" error with a status of "Fail". This ...
sfPerson's user avatar
2 votes
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SfmcSDK Error: Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered

I've been testing push notifications on Android and got the following log on crashlytics and logcat. Important to note that I've received the notification successfully and had no problems opening the ...
Eloisa 's user avatar
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SFMC push notification not opening application

I'm working on an application build in flutter framework. I'm using sfmc_plugin ( for mobile push. Everything is working fine for iOS build but for Android build ...
Neville Santamaria's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) scheduled to be decommissioned in June, 2024 [closed]

I use SFMC Android SDK for the apps in my company and we have received a notification from Firebase stating that the Legacy HTTP protocol will be decommissioned soon. When looking through the ...
Gabriel Araújo's user avatar
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MarketingCloud SDK - Xamarin Android- Couldn't access subtitle field

I'm currently working with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud SDK in my Xamarin project. In the SDK response, I notice that the subtitle field is missing, even though I've set it in the SFMC dashboard.
Georgin Jose's user avatar
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How to set receiving mobile push notification in system notification in Android

I'm integrating Salesforce mobile push in react-native application using the official library I used firebase cloud ...
Thidasa Pankaja's user avatar
1 vote
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Push notifications stops working after a while

I am implementing the SFMC Push notifications on our app and we successfully implemented it (multiple sdk, contact key registration and stuff works okay) but we noticed that after a while (hours or 1, ...
Vinícius's user avatar
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Accessing Custom Keys on a SFMC push notification in React Native Android

I have finally managed to fix the implementation of push notifications using the SFMC SDK. The problem I am now having is that our implementation uses custom fields to send deeplink information to the ...
Dan Woodward's user avatar
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Remote message is received but not able to display push notification to user

On verifying salesforce SDK logs, we understood that when we set an anonymous subscriber key to the salesforce SDK profile ID, we received push notifications with the valid SDK log status response ...
Deepika Ch's user avatar
2 votes
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How to configure right contact key for MobilePush - Marketing cloud

I am facing issue in getting the right Contact Key in Marketing cloud for mobile push So here is the scenario - Recently we noticed that MC was populating with the correct SF contact key for some push ...
Umang Dwivedi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mobile PUSH SFMC - Images not coming on Android 13

Do we need to set up Rich media for Android too? Images are not coming for android 13 and Beyond
Ex- SFMC's user avatar
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MobilePush Android SDK(8.0.8) not receiving Push Messages

I have integrated Mobile Push SDK (8.0.8) in my Android App. It is not able to receive push messages sent from Marketing Cloud Mobile Push. I am initializing the SDK in the onCreate of my Applicatinon ...
Kartik Saraf's user avatar
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Manually track open push open rates

we are building a flutter app and integratin the SFMC plugins with our own plugin. We try to keep as much coding as possible in flutter/dart and we are also using firebase messaging. We have setup ...
Roundtrip's user avatar
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How can I send analytic event about "push open" in Android SDK

I want to share a problem that I have been looking for a solution for a long time.I have checked all the steps in this document Integrate the SDK 10 times. There is no page on the internet that I ...
Rıdvan Özcan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to call Mobile App Event from the App?

We have a Android App (Kotlin) and we declared Mobile App Events in Journey Builder. We created a Journey with an entry source configured to respond to one of our Events and are struggling to trigger ...
François Perret's user avatar
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Debug push error using SFMC SDK

I'm testing to send push notification from SFMC to mobile app using the app configured in MobilePush with FCM server key and APNS p8 Auth Key set. I sent a test push notification using Mobile Push: ...
Ron Ip's user avatar
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How to track app version of device for MobilePush

For MobilePush is there a way (e.g. a standard field that I could discriminate) to see the version of the app the user logs in with? The reason is to be able to know on the marketing platform whether ...
Nap's user avatar
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Is it possible to track In-app messages on MobilePush SDK?

My team is implementing MobilePush, and we are facing some difficulties regarding analytics. We checked the official SFMC MobilePush documents (both Android and iOS) , Android Javadocs, and iOS ...
Hannah Kim's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Cordova SDK notification only showing silently

We are using the Marketing Cloud SDK Cordova Plugin in our app. Registering the contactKey works fine but when we send the push notification, although device is receiving it, we don't get a Pop up ...
Emma's user avatar
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Disable badge count on Android

I'm using 7.2.0 version of marketing cloud sdk plugin. Is there a way to disable the badge count on Android?
mike's user avatar
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Is it safe to remove MCInitContentProvider in our AndroidManifest?

Just a question. Is it possible to remove the MCInitContentProvider in our AndroidManifest? Not have it registered when compiling the apk. It seems like the point of this content provider is to expose ...
watts_up's user avatar
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Mobile Push message is not being Received

We have recently implemented Mobile Push SDK for our Android App and we were able to see that the attributes are getting injected successfully on Contact Builder. However, on performing a Mobile Push ...
Lijo Johns's user avatar
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Looking for ways to implement the migrateBU gist given by salesforce for MobilePushSDK

Questions I have about implementation When I import this method 'context' is not found and Im not sure I am setting it up properly. Will I be able to switch BU and register a contact for 2 BUs ...
lom2021's user avatar
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Not Opted in Status updates Android vs iOS

We have implemented MobilePush in Android and iOS. Upon app install and acceptance (on iOS) of notification consent the SFMC contact is set as "Opted in" On iOS when a user toggles off push ...
user93293's user avatar
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Crash using mkt cloud version 7.3.1 - Android - RejectedExecutionException

We recently updated our application to use version 7.3.1 of the SDK marketing cloud for Android, we were using 6.4.0 because we still supported API 19 in previous versions of the application. We saw ...
Guilherme's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the text font in Marketing Cloud?

Is it possible to move the Media image from bottom-right to the left of the Push notification. and is it possible to change the text font in Marketing Cloud?
Shahbaz Durrani's user avatar
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MarketingCloud SDK - Xamarin Android

I am aware that Xamarin SDKs are not currently on the roadmap for the MarketingCloud SDK as per this question and others: Xamarin support for MobilePush SDK Has anybody out there got any experience ...
Keab42's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - Changing the Status of a Mobile Push Android App

We have an android app with a status of expired because we unintentionally uploaded an Apple APNS cert to the app, and now that has expired. Is there a way to change the status to active without ...
Luke Krausmann's user avatar
3 votes
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Extracting In-App Message Analytics data in journey builder for individual contacts

We would like to track for individual contacts the following data: Was the message displayed or not? What buttons were clicked within the message. We can see this info when clicking on a in-app ...
Barak's user avatar
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Displaying in-app mobile push messages while app is in active use

Hi everyone I would like to know if there's a way to send mobile push in-app messages that will appear instantly in the app screen without the need for the user to close the app and reopen it again. ...
Barak's user avatar
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Xamarin support for MobilePush SDK [duplicate]

I want to re-ask this question that is 3 years old. In the year 2020, does SalesForce provide Xamarin library for MobilePush SDK, or still only platform-specific libraries for iOS and Android? We ...
Phil's user avatar
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Sometimes the contact key is not updated

I'm using Marketing Cloud to send push notification to our Android users. I also need that the contact key is valorized as userId when the user performs the login. So in the same transaction, I update ...
filo's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud SDK android Learningapp not working

First,i want to perform mobile push in marketing cloud. so i found this Learningapp and i follow through the procedures. Heres ...
Android11's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Cordova Plugin - Inapp notification

We are using Marketing Cloud Cordova Plugin for sending push messages from Marketing Cloud. When we send the push message, it appears in the notification bar of the phone. I want to check if we can ...
Chandan's user avatar
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Disable PUSH notification (opt-out) from SDK

We want to create a setting inside our app that let our clients enable/disable PUSH notifications permission sent by MC (commercial PUSH). We need this because we also send transactional PUSH ...
LorenaSM's user avatar
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Opens in mobile push are not reflected in marketing cloud

Recently we have created and integrated an android app into the Mobile push of Mobile Studio. We have implemented the Marketing Cloud Mobile Push Android SDK in the app. Additionally, to implement ...
Sapna S Mishra's user avatar
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Open Count - MobilePush Marketing Cloud

I had noted an issue with the Analytics Open Count on push notification on IOS/Android Devices. The methods from docs available are already implemented, but notification opens are not being recorded. ...
rodrigofreitasit's user avatar
2 votes
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How to know if a push notification has been read or at least delivered in Marketing Cloud?

I added a push notification in my JB and my requirement is to send an SMS after some hours if the subscriber did not open or see the push notification. Is there a way to get this information any how? ...
eeadev's user avatar
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Application Not Responding while reading Inbox Messages on Android App Start

I'm using Marketing Cloud SDK (Mobile Push) v6.1.0 But I'm receiving a lot of ANRs as observed on Google Play Store performance reports. ANR is observed while we are reading InboxMessages using ...
charlie's user avatar
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Cannot redirect to a WEB URL from push notifications

We need to build a push notification that redirects to a web link when you click it. Anyway, when I create a push notification from the content builder, I have an option to select an open behavior, so ...
Omri Brandes's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Push Notification not received on Android

I have implemented the Marketing Cloud SDK in an mobile application using the Marketing Cloud cordova plugin ( and i have contacts being ...
Samuel Alves's user avatar
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Is it possible for both MCCordovaPlugin and FCMPlugin to co-exist?

Specifically we would like our Mobile Hybrid App to be able to receive Push Notifications from Salesforce MarketingCloud MobilePush, but to also have the ability to send Push Notifications, using the ...
RJS's user avatar
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Mobile Push Device ID Android SDK

Is the DeivceID that is visible in Marketing Cloud (on Contact) after registering a device via MobilePush SDK is unique to the device or is it a system generated value?
jc_mc's user avatar
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Cordova Plugin crashes the app on launch

I'm having some problems with MC-Cordova-Plugin. When I install it, it crashes the app. Whithout it the app runs seamlessly. With the plugin installed, I can build it with no problems, but when I try ...
Murilo Pereti 's user avatar
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OpenDirect in MobilePush not working properly Android

I'm trying to send a notification with URL from MobilePush in Marketing Cloud with OpenDirect feature. When the user clicked on an alert notification. I want a web page or landing page to show on ...
Napathorn Kaeokomonmarn's user avatar
2 votes
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Marketing Cloud Mobile Studio Subscriber key

I'm trying to understand how I can do targetted push notifications from Marketing Cloud within a journey. I'm having a hard time understanding how will I identify specific people and setting their ...
Andrei Barany's user avatar
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Initialize Mobile Push SDK twice in Mobile App

I have a use case where I need to send a push notification to the same mobile app from two different business units. For that, I created a Mobile Push app under Mobile Push administration in both ...
zeljazouli's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Mobile Push SDK - Switching app user

I'm currently building a clienteling app that integrated the Mobile Push SDK on both iOS and Android and encountered some issue on switching the account. I found that when I login to user A, and set ...
Parker Liu's user avatar