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How to nest maps and display them in visualforce page

I need to display a a 4 level deep relation on a visualforce page from the parent showing the child relations. Account>property__c>Booking__c>Order>OrderItem. Since we can only go 1 level deep with ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Apex output only showing id how to show all data in list?

I am trying to display data that is being return by an API. On my system.debug I can see the data is there but on displaying on the page it only shows an array of the ids of the list object. This is ...
Dan C's user avatar
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How to Execute Function after For Loop? - Console Tabs

I am passing primary tab ids iteratively into a function to get the sub tub ids of each primary tab. At the end of this function I have a list of all primary and sub tabs open. How can I iteratively ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Variable from loop being repeated on Visualforce page

I'm working with a local non-profit group and trying to help them display a list of 50 closest volunteers within 100 miles of a given site. The custom VF page is displaying all of the values ...
Talphius's user avatar
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Write Conditional For List

I have a phone list of users and have each department titled. If it's a sales department, the sales manager name is listed next to the department name (see picture). I want the sales manager to show ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Pivot/Matrix Type custom page in VF/APEX

I have Account object and a custom child object pprevenues__c. Every month the revenue for Account is captured. I have created a page that would pull the data into a SOQL. select id,name,,(...
SFDC Dud-e's user avatar
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How to get parameters from a dynamic field in visualforce page

Image below is my visualforce page to select what are the fields I want to add to the Booker Information. This is my apex code for the form/fields: public PageReference BookerInformation(){ ...
Lennon Leopoldo's user avatar
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For loop run just once

I have seven different recordtypes, but it seems that the first "for" (FOR (RecordType RType : RTypeList) loop run just once. The debug log show that the sql find 7 rows. 09:22:47.089 (89771210)|...
peXeq's user avatar
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For Loop Iterating last Value only in Visualforce

I have a SObject list that I am iterating through, so my var="standardOppFields" I created a loop to generate a value for each opportunity. I want to display both the standard fields AND the custom ...
BigTimeFailure's user avatar
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Breaking out of nested loop without repeated data

I'm trying to loop through 3 nested loop. To retrieve product Id, I need the first outer loop. To retrieve the specific product based on the product Id, I need the second loop. Finally the last loop ...
taradyn's user avatar
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Get field label without doing a loop

Is there a way to get the label of a field without doing a loop on all object fields like this : Map<String, SobjectField> fieldMap = Account.getsObjectType().getDescribe().Fields.getMap(); ...
SF_user's user avatar
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Get fields name into a Javascript loop

I do a loop on random fields of Attachment object and I try to get the label of fields. // arr is an array with some random fields of Attachment object for (var i=0, i<arr.length; i++) { var ...
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