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Questions tagged [lmo]

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Are Subscriber-to-LMO parameters directly accesible by Subscribers?

Salesforce documentation explicitly states that both Subscriber and Developers can edit the value of a Subscriber to LMO feature parameter. However the documentation does not specify if anyone in the ...
zurdo's user avatar
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Discrepancies between the Install Date and Created Date in the License Management App (LMA)

Why is the Install Date different from the Created Date? In this Trailhead module, it states: ...
KS Vikas's user avatar
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FMA and LMO communication for 2gp

I have created a 2gp package for FMA which works perfectly when using feature parameters in an unmanaged deployment context. My request is the following: interact to the subscribers while being the ...
Raul Pereyra's user avatar
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"Insufficient Privileges error" happens when opening Subscriber Organization Detail in LMO

In two cases I see "Insufficient Privileges error" error when opening Subscriber Organization Detail in LMO. When I am logged into subscriber organization by username and password (where ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Create Protected Metadata During Unlocked Package Version Creation?

My company owns a managed package with a feature licensed in the FMA. Inside the managed package we have a button the user presses to flip a protected metadata setting to enable the Objects/Fields ...
HartyeTech's user avatar
4 votes
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License Management Application (LMA) in scratch org

We would like to do some sort of exploration of License Management Application, i.e. play with it, look at new objects added to SF schema, maybe write some triggers etc. Is it possible to spin up a ...
wesaw's user avatar
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Managed Package: Feature Parameters - Advanced Usage

In our managed package we are planning to use Feature Parameters (in particular LMO to Subscriber, boolean) to be able to enable/disable feature in subscribers orgs right from LMO/FMA. After reading ...
wesaw's user avatar
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Salesforce feature parameter

I have Salesforce developer org connected with my LMO and I have enabled feature parameters in this developer org. I created all 25 features (LMO to Subscriber) and then deleted the unwanted ones. (...
Shankish's user avatar
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2 answers

Minimal Salesforce License to use LMA and Subscriber Support

I couldn't find any information on what's the minimum Salesforce license to grant a support person permissions to do Subscriber Support in the LMA. Can someone please point me to such information?
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Can a managed package be managed through different licenses?

In the context of this question: Can two managed packages utilize common core libraries and other questions concerning managed packages and extensions... For any two apps that share a lot of code, ...
tobibeer's user avatar
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I wan't to create an web page to buy new user license for my salesforce App but outside the LMO?

I'm not sure how I can do it and respect security because it look like usualy people do it in salesforce apex visual force page? I want to use an external web site done in .net for being able to ...
jboo's user avatar
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How do I get an ISV business org?

I have developed a managed package in a DE org, and later became approved as a Partner. I plan to put my package on AppExchange, but I need an LMO. I read somewhere that my ISV business org comes with ...
Neo's user avatar
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What should I use as my APO?

I'm confused about what I should be using as my APO. I see a few options: Get a Business Org page from the ISVforce Guide suggests that I should Create A Case and apply for an ISV CRM. The ...
Chung Wu's user avatar
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5 votes
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LMO without using partner portal

I want to create License Management Org (LMO). Can I do it without having Parnter Portal? Can I make any dev org as LMO?
doga's user avatar
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