Questions tagged [jquery]

jQuery is an open-source multi-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

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1 vote
2 answers

How to refresh contents of modal on button click? (VF Page)

I'm using a modal that has as input fields object fields linked to the controller. After filling the modal I send the "experience" to the controller and save it and send back an empty singlExp so that ...
2 votes
2 answers

Connect PageblockTable and Plain HTML Table in visual force using sortable in Jquery

Im Trying to connect pageblocktable and plain HTML table in visualforce page but I'm not able to do. When Im Dragging element from table 1 to table 3. element is not being appended to table 3. Can ...
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1 answer

Display/Hide an Empty Table On Click of Javascript Checkbox Using Jquery and Visualforce

I am trying to search anything about automatic rendering of an empty table row for each selected javascript checkbox using jquery and visualforce. The aim is for every selected row from CustomObj__c,...
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0 answers

SalesForce chat widget breaks JQuery Ajax

we face some issues with events of ajax form after opening SalesForce chat. We use JQuery and JQuery-unobtrusive-ajax. If the chat is not open there aren't any problems. We would be happy if someone ...
1 vote
1 answer

Select2 dropdown getting hidden

UPDATE: Adding image from console view: I am trying to implement Select2 js in my sample page: Initially I ran into this problem - jQuery not a function, $ is not a function on select2.js in doInit ...
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery VF window popup issue

I want to open a popup window using jQuery after clicking on "more" button.. jQuery more/less link in pageblock table <script src="" type="text/javascript"&...
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1 answer

JQuery Datatable in LWC responsive not working

I am using JQuery Datatable in LWC ( which i can use both in desktop and mobile version . I am trying to achieve the below responsiveness where ...
2 votes
2 answers

DatePicker Issue

I have two text field: One normal text field that accepts numbers. <apex:inputField value="{!FinancialAssCont.Down_Payment__c}" styleClass="form-control downpaymentAmount" onblur="...
1 vote
2 answers

How to retain same page in jquery data table?

I am using jquery data table for the list view. In the list i have Action section, this section contains the 'Edit' option for that row. When selecting the Edit button on record that in 2nd page of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Refresh a jQuery Accordion in a Lightning Component

I am attempting to use jQuery Accordion in a Lightning component. It uses code like this: <div id="ticket-event-list"> <aura:iteration items="{!v.insights}" var="insight" indexVar="...
1 vote
3 answers

How can I load jQuery in LWC?

For the convenience of the user, I'm implementing the requirement of katakana is automatically entered when entering hiragana or kanji in Japanese using this JavaScript library. You can check the ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to display textarea with button on clicking Javascript

I have a custom button on case. On clicking that, it should display a text area with a button in it. I'm able to display it, but at the bottom of the detail page. I want that to be displayed in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Error on browser resize after using JQuery in a LWC

I am porting an existing app that uses JQuery to insert HTML into a Lightning Web Component when it is sent a formId via pubsub from another Aura or LW Component. The sfEnv object is for sharing data ...
0 votes
0 answers

Date range filter using JQuery DataTable with Salesforce as server side

I have a requirement where I need to put all the TXN__c records in a table where I have more than 50,000+ records that's why I use server-side. On load I can now get what I want. My next challenge ...
2 votes
2 answers

Jquery lightbox(Salesforce Default) Render issue on VF page,

I am using Salesforce default lightbox on VF page. Actually My intension is to display a popup of editing record in a page block which is embedded in output panel as shown below screenshots Please ...
2 votes
2 answers

AMPScript/jQuery conflict

I have a landing page that has a conflict because we are referencing the same content via AMPScript and via jQuery, I'll preface this with saying, I have not put in the full code, because I am hoping ...
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1 answer

How to update sendlog data extension after the email launch that has no primary key

We launched the ABC campaign newsletter to a 30000 target audience. Unfortunately, the subscriber key's email address was mapped incorrectly and the email launched. After the email launch, all email ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to run jQuery (3rd party library) from a LWC that is inserted into an LWR site?

There are many tutorials on adding 3rd party scripts in LWCs. I've tried adding this LWC in both the Salesforce dashboard and an Experience Cloud LWR site. It works on the dashboard, but breaks in ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using LWC in a VF page (Lightning Out) is causing issues with the old VF page behavior

We have a VisualForce page which is used to be the config page for a managed package, there we have a lot of logic, and everything worked fine before adding an LWC using the lightning out. All the ...
2 votes
2 answers

LWC - Checkbox read-only, reset

I'm pretty new to this LWC environment and trying to change jQuery to the LWC friendly. So this is about the checkbox where you can select all the options, but when you click on the "None of the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Having a double question mark query for one email url

I've added a question mark in url on marketing cloud because I want a specific code added in every email of the journey. When I send my email the usual query added after the launch give me two ...
6 votes
1 answer

jquery version 2.2.4 with lightning component version 40

Before summer 17, the jquery version 2.2.4 was working well with locker service. Now, with summer 17, we have locker service enabled automatically. With this, if we update our components to version 40,...
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0 answers

jQuery datatable checkbox checked not working

I am trying to use checked. checked property in jQuery datatable based on record selection and want to pass it to server side for further processing. Here is a prototype of what I am trying to do. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Change the apex:commandButton value from 'Return to Uploader' to 'Done' from Javascript (Jquery)

I have a requirement to change the value of apex:commandButton from 'return to uploader' to 'Done' using Javascript(Jquery). Below is my VF Page code: <apex:commandButton style="float: right;&...
2 votes
0 answers

Multi select Date Picker - LWC component

I am working on an LWC component that requires a multi-select Date Picker. Currently I have created a date picker with out-of-the box date picker. But the out-of-the box Date Picker doesn't support ...
0 votes
1 answer

Visualforce Page - Prevent onComplete With JQuery If Condition Does Not Meet

Folks, I have a button calling a function in JQuery and it has onComplete attribute. I want to check if the condition has been met or not , if not onComplete will not fire. Here the condition I want ...
3 votes
0 answers

Drag and Drop Functionality using Lightning Component Page in Salesforce

I am here trying to sort table row using drag and drop functionality. Drag and drop in table and the jQuery seems to work when I am running below code in Lightning app but, not working when creating a ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to restrict certain Days from DatePicker in Lightning web component (LWC)?

I want to disable certain days from a datepicker like weekends. I've read that it's possible using Jquery but I couldn't find any documentation related to LWC. Thanks, Kamal
1 vote
1 answer

JQuery - "$ is not defined" Error only in Experience Builder

im trying to use jQuery library in my experience builder (LWR) site i used code from this video: and it works perfectly OK in salesforce (exactly as shown in video) but in ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why does submitting hidden POST form via jQuery in an LWC not open a new browser tab?

This JavaScript code works when clicking a button on a web page but not in a Lightning Web Component action on a record detail page: var form = $('<form />', { action: tat_loginAs_URL, ...
1 vote
3 answers

Web to Lead, Date showing in Debug page, but not in the Lead

My contact for is using 2 date pickets, Check-in/Check-out dates. When I fill out the form the dates show fine in the debug page. I receive and email with a link to view the lead and the dates are ...
0 votes
0 answers

Javascript datatable - Row ID's not being picked up after pagnation

I am creating a data table which has an onclick event for 3 columns. When clicking any of the columns on page 1 everything works as expected. If I use the pagination to go to page 2 then the onclick ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to load separate VF page as modal dialog without risky Iframes?

In my custom Edit page, I have a button where the user can select records and make them child records. As the edit page and the selection page must work on the same record they are currently ...
0 votes
1 answer

Passing values using actionfunction with javascript not working

I'm trying to filter a page based on two dates, this is my current actionFunction: <apex:actionFunction action="{!modifySoQLBasedOnNewDataRange}" name="passDateValues" status="loadingDiv"> <...
0 votes
1 answer

Using Magific Popup

Using Magnific plugin to try to display images in a lightbox gallery. Using {!URLFOR($Action.Attachment.Download, someId)} or /servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!someId} instead of the filepath, ...
0 votes
0 answers

API callout from aura component using Jquery

We have a API callout from aura component which gets invoked on a button press. Our org has about 150+ users using it. Nowadays , few users are complaining of API not getting called from aura ...
0 votes
0 answers

LWC + Bootstrap Datepicker: issue trying to refresh the calendar UI

I got a request to disable some dates on the date picker and reload it when a certain field is changed. Disable certain dates is not possible with lightning input. So I've implemented it on Bootstrap ...
-2 votes
1 answer

JQuery to make either one of the date picker field required

I have two date picker fields in my vf page. I would like to make either one of them required. I am able to make them individually required, but need help to make either one of them required. ...
2 votes
1 answer

set Focus on Visualforce Page

I am trying different code suggestions to change the focus to another field instead of text field using jQuery: j$('.elementId').focus(); and changing the focus on load: <script>function ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using with VisualForce Pages

I read from a contributor about using for tables in VF pages. I have the need to sort out a child related list called "Labor_Items__c". Since I am using standard ...
1 vote
1 answer

Smart Capture / Jquery conflict

I have created a smart capture form in the MC which is working just fine. However, I have now am working on enhancing the form and I noticed that once I add the Jquery library to the page the submit ...
1 vote
0 answers

Getting Salesforce user Information Using Identity Service

Using OAuth2 and REST with a custom created Remote APP, I am not able to get user Information using sales Identity Service by using jqury ajax call, however when i use postman of chrome to ...
1 vote
0 answers

DataTables taking a long time to load/timing out

Is there anything about the following Datatables code that would cause a timeout or cause issues with the construction of a datatable? First, I have jquery, bootstrap, jqueryui, datables, and moment....
0 votes
0 answers

updating data extension from front end javascript using ajax and json code resource

I have a preference center page to update preference values using toggle button(check boxes) without a save/submit button, so each toggle button should be processed separately. I am making ajax call ...
0 votes
1 answer

Help needed, apex visualforce tabs stops working when I add link href and script src

My visualforce apex tabs and the picklists I have in them stop working if I add these lines below . Iam need to add tagging system for search, so I found this jQuery plugin but it is creating issues. ...
0 votes
1 answer

jQuery hide buttons but after another event they are shown again

I have installed a managed package that has a VF Page and a static resource (JS). I cannot change neither the code of this static resource nor the VF, but i have the ability to create another static ...
0 votes
1 answer

jQuery hide button before even shown

I have installed a managed package that has a static resource (JS). This static resource performs a jQuery "prepend" to show a button. I cannot change the code of this static resource but i ...
0 votes
2 answers

Merging multiple attachments of a record into a single pdf

Is it possible to merge multiple attachments of a record into a single pdf using javascript or Jquery. Has anyone tried this kind of scnario. If yes, please guide me towards the solution. Regards
0 votes
1 answer

Drag Drop records in canvas giving error Aura lightning

I am trying to display all records in a card format and trying to drag and drop it in a canvas. When i am trying to drag an element its giving the below error <aura:component controller="...
1 vote
1 answer

Can we use jQuery UI with Salesforce LWC

I am trying to use draggable functionality of jQuery UI in LWC. I am loading the jQuery Base Library 3.6.0, jQuery UI 1.12.4 (js & css) below is my code dragTest.html <template> <...

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