Questions tagged [job]

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11 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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SFMC Receiving dedicated IPAddress information from _JOB per JobID

I'm trying to create a report to retrieve IPAddress from _Job table per each JobID using query but i comes back as NULL. According to SFMC information IPAddress is only available to users without ...
Joseph's user avatar
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How to use loop to find related object using Pentaho Data Integration

I want to identify the bad/invalid records so that i can add in a separate SQL Table. For example, we have an account object. And i want to find bad accounts. But i need to apply some filters on ...
user122146's user avatar
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PKChunking problem when using Content-Type: application/json

I have the following problem when creating a batch to a job in Salesforce and I want to enable PKChunking. I perform a POST request at /services/async/37.0/job and I am creating the job like this: ...
Laurentiu Stamate's user avatar
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A way to let non-Salesforce user to have a limited read/write access to internal data

I have a following use case: Company Alpha wants to use Salesforce for recruiting purpose. In order to do so, Alpha would like to let non-Salesforce user to have a limited read/write access to ...
Will's user avatar
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How to get row number for jobid via SQL?

I am trying to extract jobids from data view bases on the emailname. How can I get the row number if I am getting back multiple jobids? I tried using ROW_NUMBER() but getting a static value of "1&...
kl2's user avatar
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Record Trigger Flow Running Apex Job - Avoid Flex Queue Limit

We are using a managed package, Geopointe, to define regions and Assign Leads based on Assignment Plans. The Business is insisting that "warm" Leads (based on the Lead Source) be assigned ...
Jeff Callahan's user avatar
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How is it possible that queueable apex jobs run for multiple hours and can not be aborted

Last week we had an issue with a queueable jobs which ran for more than 8 hours and thereby locking many records during this period. We were not able to abort this job and were obliged to sit it out. ...
s vanhulle's user avatar
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Calling "ImportCatalog" Job step from a script as part of a custom job in SFRA

I want to call the ImportCatalog pipelet in a custom job that I am writing in SFRA. I came across the job step created for it in SFRA, so I was wondering, if there was a way to call the step through ...
Rooshan Ali Khan's user avatar
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"INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY" while running a batch job

I get this error while trying to perform deletion using a batch job. I have all access to the object. In my case, Custom obj A is parent and B is the child (One to many). As per the code, when record ...
Nishanth's user avatar
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Submitted date of apex jobs = 15.12.2017 and how long it took to run?

our client notified us that a scheduled job ran on the 15th December 2017 and it took longer than expected. Checking the processed jobs and their submitted dates, I couldn't find any job running on ...
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Class produces same result everyday using SOQL Today() function

I have a class that implements Schedulable...pulls in a list of records created today, by using the TODAY() function. The data should change, and when the SOQL query is run manually, I do get ...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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