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Questions tagged [inputdate]

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4 answers

LWC Datepicker in modal not displaying correctly

I have a requirement wherein I used <lightning-input type="date" variant="label-hidden"></lightning-input> for adding a datepicker in a modal pop up. But, the date-...
Rohit Maharashi's user avatar
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Restricting ui:inputDate to take '//'

ui:inputDate also takes '01//08//2011' as ' 01/08/2011' Is there any way of restricting ui:inputDate to take any value other than dd/MM/yyyy format when entered manually. Or Is there any way to ...
Shri's user avatar
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ui:inputDate change month event

I have a question can I add event in standard ui:inputDate lightning component on changin month in date picker?
JKasyan's user avatar
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Rendering date picker in iteration takes extremely much time [FIXED IN SUMMER 17]

I have iteration in my component. Each item in iteration is table row with few inputs for text and 2 ui:inputDate. When I have many items in array, it takes very long for component to load. In ...
Vladyslav K's user avatar
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ui:inputDate and placeholder issue in nested component

I have <ui:inputDate> field for which I set the placeholder via JS, like so: INPUTDATE.cmp: <aura:component implements="forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" > <...
pnoytechie's user avatar
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How to prevent manual entry in ui:inputDate

I have used <ui:inputDate> for entering date as follows: <ui:inputDate aura:id="ValidFrom" label="Valid From" class="slds-input" labelClass="slds-form-element__label" value="{!v.ValidFrom}" ...
DOMINIC EDWARD's user avatar