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How to prevent user from re-clicking a button to submit input fields until API sends a response to a Callout?

There is a Salesforce UI built using Visualforce and Lightning Aura Framework. There are 3 input fields. On clicking of a button we want the values of the input field to be sent to an external API and ...
Amax1's user avatar
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Apex removes \n from HTTP Response

I am using google api. The expected response is { "responses": [ { "textAnnotations": [ { "locale": "en", "description": "ABBEY\nROAD NW8\nCITY OF WESTMINSTER\...
SFDC shaikh's user avatar
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Displaying Json Data on Visualforce

{"QueryResponse":{"Item":[{"Name":"Concrete","Description":"Concrete for fountain installation","Active":true,"FullyQualifiedName":"Concrete","Taxable":true,"UnitPrice":0,"Type":"Service","...
Gaurav Prakash's user avatar
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How to read HTTP Response values from Visualforce correctly?

I'm calling an external site from Visualforce and it's returning me a response as below (i.e. HttpResponse.GetBody() returned sting). <DtResponse RequestId="" ResultCount="1" ErrorMessage=""> &...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
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Calling a web service from a Visualforce page using jQuery Ajax

I want to call a web service using REST API from the Visualforce page. Below is my code. <script type="text/javascript" src="">&...
codeinprogress's user avatar
3 votes
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Parse JSON Response and add to Visualforce Page

I have this JSON Response, and I'm having trouble trying to figure out both the JSON.deserializeUntyped and JSON Parser. My ultimate goal is that I need to parse the JSON, then take each value and ...
Stephen's user avatar
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In an internal SFDC Http Get from a VF Page, how do I authenticate for the redirected URL?

I'm trying to execute an internal http: GET from a VF page on a Knowledge Article so that I can parse the response HTML for some text in the page. (The Knowledge article looks like this: https://...
DaveS's user avatar
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HTTP Post issue - unable to redirect when authenticated

We are experiencing an issue with our HTTP Post method. We have the need to POST some information to an external server. We have created some code in visualforce to do this for us but it seems to only ...
Chris's user avatar
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