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How to manage both single and an array of json reponse from the same external system?

I have a situation where when I make a callout I get a single json response like this: { "Person": { "Infomration": { "IndividualInformation": { ...
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JSON deserialize test

In normal runtime everything seems to deserialize correctly but when I try to run a test class it throws the following error: System.JSONException: Unexpected character ('r' (code 114)): was ...
Daryn's user avatar
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deserialize a JSON and modify a single attribute in the list of Object

I have a JSON string as below from a http response. { "agreements": [ { "agreementId": "ag0", "publishedDate": "04-03-2016 00:00:00", "AgreementNumber":...
Sisir's user avatar
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Having trouble deserializing a JSON string of Objects

I'm trying to handle a JSON response..the format it comes in is not the best but I can't change it..Ive used JSON2APEX and can access the object values individually but I need to loop through them ...
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Deserialize JSON to Map - EchoSign REST API response help

I am making a call to the EchoSign REST API and I need to get the signing URL of the most recently signed document using an EchoSign query. I am using the following: HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(...
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