Questions tagged [group-by]

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18 votes
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Reference fields on parent object in aggregate query

I am trying to run a group by query in Apex where I am grouping by a field on a lookup object. For example: SELECT Account.Type, count(Id)FROM Opportunity GROUP BY Account.Type I can run this from ...
hamayoun's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is Salesforce SOQL GROUP BY case sensitive for different locales?

Lets say I have records with values like 'TEST DATA' and 'test data' in some field. When I run SOQL (in Developer Console or from Apex) by user with EN locale, it arranges records with 'TEST DATA' and ...
Oleksii Bezuhlyi's user avatar
13 votes
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Aggregate SOQL - How Many Fields Can Be Grouped?

As stated in the title, is there any maximum on the number of fields that can be passed into a GROUP BY clause? I can't find any documentation on it. For example, if I had the following query: SELECT ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

What types of fields are groupable in a SOQL `GROUP BY` clause?

The Salesforce documentation is notably terse in describing Considerations When Using GROUP BY. The guidance provided for determining which fields can be grouped is simply: The Field object ...
David Reed's user avatar
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7 votes
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Any way of returning a constant (ideally null) from a SOQL "group by"?

I have some code that does a series of "group by" queries, and uses a common method (apply) to process the results: for (AggregateResult ar : [ select PaymentSpecification__c id, Status__c ...
Keith C's user avatar
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5 votes
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Group By Child Objects

I'm facing some trouble to GROUP BY a SELECT with 2 Child Objects. This is the following SELECT: [SELECT Id AtendId, BI_BR_Adabas__c, BI_BR_Adabas__r.BI_BR_Parceiro__c, BI_BR_Cliente__c, ...
Luis G. Lino's user avatar
5 votes
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group by soql query

I have records with same values in custom field, Unique_Name__c. On a Visualforce Page, I have to display records grouped by Unique_Name__c. Unique_Name__c is custom field on OpportunityLineItem ...
Anurag's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why am I getting group by aggregate errors in this query

I need to count the total number of orgs. Why won't this query work? I get errors not matter what I group or not group. I only put in Group by to try to placate the compiler but he's in a very bad ...
Apex N-u-b's user avatar
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SOQL aggregate functions do not work with Task.ActivityDate

When I try the following in the Query Editor of the Developer Console: SELECT WhoID, COUNT(Id), MIN(ActivityDate), MAX(ActivityDate) FROM Task GROUP BY WhoID LIMIT 1000 I get the following error: ...
catalandres's user avatar
4 votes
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how to use group by in soql with lists

Hi friends i'm new to sfdc development I wrote a sample query to fetch opportunities related to account with some conditions try to group i getting error. my code is: List<Opportunity_Trial__c>...
Pavan tej's user avatar
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SOQL - how to group by CALENDAR_MONTH

I am trying to create a custom chart in a visualforce page. I am using the results of a SOQL query as my data for the chart. I have this SOQL query: SELECT CALENDAR_MONTH(Hire_Date__c) month_number,...
Optimus's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to read field values from AggregateResult

I need to use group by cube to display the count of added services for each group for each package. I get an error on line 18: method does not exist or incorrect signature: void get(String) from the ...
Sebastian's user avatar
3 votes
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GROUP BY custom field

I'm doing this query: SELECT ID, Name, Email_Domain__c FROM Contact GROUP BY Email_Domain__c And I'm getting this error MALFORMED_QUERY: GROUP BY Email_Domain__c ^ ERROR ...
raygo's user avatar
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Do custom metadata types not support COUNT(fieldName) with a GROUP BY?

Question title covers most of it. Here's a sample query and the error I receive in response: SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM MyCustom__mdt GROUP BY MyField__c field Id does not support aggregate operator ...
Grekker's user avatar
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error thrown while trying to do a group by

I'm trying to write a query that gives me the name of users and the total number of ids assigned to them. Here I've Daily_Task__c a custom object with a lot of fields, here I'm trying to get the ...
Rakesh K's user avatar
3 votes
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SOQL: Recent date grouped by AccountId

OBJECTIVE I am simply trying to return the most recent activity for a given list of accounts: List<Id>. I just want 1 row for each Account ID that gets passed. For each row I need the ...
Xtremefaith's user avatar
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Querying distinct logins using LoginHistory and COUNT_DISTINCT

I seem to have run in to a SOQL error that I'm hoping someone has solved before. I am creating a dashboard for UserLogins using the LoginHistory object The query I am trying to run is: SELECT ...
ChrisBland's user avatar
3 votes
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Grouped Query Cannot Use Child Relationship in Remote Action Apex Class

I am trying to count the number of account names that occur in my soql statement. Ultimately I have a map that shows all of the accounts near a technician and I want to show the number (count) of ...
NewbieDeveloper27's user avatar
3 votes
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SUM of 1 or more fields using GROUP BY

I have got a situation where there is a filed named "Sub-Category" which is dependent on its master "Category", 3 check boxes and a formula field. So, when I select a "Category" (for ex. X), then a "...
Sapthagiri's user avatar
3 votes
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SOQL: Get most recent amount grouped by a parent and a type

Should be simple had it been SQL. But. I would like to get the amount field value that belongs to the most recent month available for that parent and that type. Data: Parent_Id__c Type__c ...
Lightning Evangelist's user avatar
2 votes
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Group by part of string in SOQL

Is there any way to Group By part of string in SOQL. For example something like: Select Id, Name from Object__c group by Name.substringBetween('.','.') So query by part of a string field and not ...
Danish's user avatar
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Use SOQL aggregation result to count number of related objects

I have a fun puzzle here, and would like to see if anyone has a better solution. There are 3 objects: Account, Infusion__c, Patient__c. Infusion__c is a child of Accounts, and Infusion__c has a ...
Jake's user avatar
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Salesforce group by

I want to use group by from salesforce query : SELECT Candidat__c, Commande__c,Statut__c,IsDeleted, TypeContrat__c FROM Candidature__c WHERE Candidat__c = '0032000001GAPoXAAX' AND Statut__c = '...
esydev's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Formula field cannot be grouped in SOQL GROUP BY query call

I have a Pipeline__c object with fields Segment__c, Status__c, and Sales_Date__c (among many other fields). I also have a Sub_Pipeline__c object which is related to Pipeline__c. Inside I have the ...
ohseekay's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to get unique values of two fields in one SOQL?

I have a custom object named "Performance" in which there are two text fields named "Main Category" and "Sub Category". Here, I would like to first extract the unique values of Main Category from all ...
TSunar's user avatar
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split before GROUP BY soql

I have a field which has the values in the format [5 digits-3 digits] 12345-123 34646-345 12345-133 I want to Group BY this field with the just the 5 digit number only (not the complete field). How ...
sfdcFanBoy's user avatar
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Why does using GROUP BY ROLLUP multiply the number of query rows returned by the number of fields you are rolling up + 1? Example: I have 3408 records in the database. If I run: [SELECT Sex__c, ...
Jacob C's user avatar
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Limit results from list

I have a helper class in which I'm trying to create a new record using information from various other related records that are gathered using maps and lists. My problem is that I'm trying to build a ...
Sesaco Admin's user avatar
2 votes
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Group By Cube on Related List

I need to do a group by cube on a related list. What I want is to display a list of added services groups and the distinct count across all completed inspections by package, and the matrix should have ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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GROUP BY Clause in SOSL (FIND instead of SELECT)

I am looking for the equivalent of the GROUP BY statement but then for a FIND query. I want to do a search on all fields of ContentVersion by a keyword and I want it to return a list of all values in ...
Wim's user avatar
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SOQL: Aggregate, Grouping By and WHERE Clauses not working

This query SELECT Reason, COUNT(Id) FROM Case WHERE RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Problem' AND AccountId = 'xxxx' AND GROUP BY Reason is giving me Unknown parsing error: But when I run the ...
BoDiE2003's user avatar
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2 answers

Access SOQL results by grouped field

I'm attempting to aggregate all ObjectPermissions at the user level for a user access review (audit) application. This application's central function is to show an end-user (a reviewer) their reviewee'...
Nicholas Zozaya's user avatar
1 vote
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Marketing Cloud -SQL Group BY

I have a table and I need to run some calculations on it for reporting purposes. I want to add a row that measures counts by that month. And I'm attempting to use the following statement: SELECT ...
Waystone's user avatar
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SOQL record with highest value, GROUP BY not working

We have an object called "Compensation__c". This object contains the compensation a partner receives for selling a "Product2". "Compensation__c" has a start date. Before this date this compensation ...
Stijn's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying month/year from createdDate in SOQL query

I am very new to Salesforce and struggling to get a query to return the data in the format I require - i.e pushing the results through Conga composer to feed a chart in a powerpoint template. The ...
DaveS's user avatar
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2 answers

CPQ - Template Section - Group Field - Sorting

I am in the process of using the Group Field in the Template Section object to Group a Line Items section, and am hitting an issue. It seems to be grouping in alphabetical order of the picklist ...
Dan Williams's user avatar
1 vote
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StandardSetConnector Aggregate query grouping

I have a pageblock table with the following columns: Company, Package, Type, Revenue, Age, Users, Total Usage Actions, Top 3 Modules. All of the fields apart from "Total usage actions" and "Top 3 ...
GJOkoro's user avatar
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SOQL query aggregation

I need to provide statistics to the users in my VF Page, showing the total of records they own where the status is New, In progress, Approved, Pending, Converted I have tried the below query in my ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
1 vote
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A field isGroupable is FALSE but GROUP BY is still working

I have enabled the Shield Platform Encryption and encrypted the BillingAddress field of the Account sobject. When checking the describe field result of the BillingCountry (sub-field of the ...
totaki's user avatar
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Visualforce table for aggregate result grouped by CreatedBy.Name

I'm trying to create a custom report table in Visualforce based on an aggregate result retrieved by the SOQL: SELECT CreatedBy.Name, Description, SUM(Value1), SUM(Value2), SUM(Value3) FROM Object__c ...
Daniele's user avatar
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Group by, Complex query

I am trying to do a query that engloves two different querys, the idea is spend just one soql query instead two but I don´t find the way. AggregateResult[] results = [ SELECT ...
David Marciel's user avatar
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Salesforce google charts group by aggregate query not pulling appropriate results

Set<Id> realBy = new Set<Id>(); for (Projects__c vP1 : [SELECT Id,Name,(SELECT Id, Total_Value__c FROM Proj_Upd__r WHERE ...
JSwaroski's user avatar
1 vote
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Report Grouping by Date

I'm relatively new to SF but gaining steam quickly. I've got Opportunities that include a contract start date and contact end date and I am trying to create a report that summarizes who we have ...
MarkLumpus's user avatar
1 vote
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Group by: Combining two groups

I need help with this query. It returns me with 3 groups: Closed, Waiting and In progress. However I want to combine the Waiting and In progress groups to see the Closed vs not closed. How can I do ...
Martijn's user avatar
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2 answers

using group by in my query

I have the following query that adds each record to a list that is displayed in as dataTable on a Visualforce page. for (MyObject__c obj : [SELECT Date__c, Stage__c, Members__c, Type__c, ...
Dman100's user avatar
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Group By in Soql

I need to group data on the basis of two fields "description" and "createdDate" in soql. Select Subject, WhatId,,, Owner.Id, IsVisibleInSelfService, ActivityDate, ...
Anzar's user avatar
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SOQL check if unique value exists and throw error message

I want to check if all the records have the same values for "Group__c" field and throw a message if the values are different. Example data: If all the records are of the same group(Group-A ...
Jenina's user avatar
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marketing cloud - how to join my audience with subscribers having a distinct value [closed]

I have an audience in a table called wtab which contains a column mail, and I want to join it with the subscribers data view without duplicates. when I have one 1 column I can use the DISTINCT keyword ...
eeadev's user avatar
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List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject error

Help please, I test the SOQL query in developer Console, and work as expected But, i get error message in the VF My Controller is: public class InventoryReport { public List<...
Girbson BIJOU's user avatar
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SOQL Group By Query

I am trying to include an additional currency field in the below Group By query, but receive SOQL error. "Field must be grouped or aggregated". Is it possible to add a Currency Field to a Group By ...
SFDC-ThEq's user avatar