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Questions tagged [fuseit]

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Command Line FuseIT in a wine bottle?

I know this is pretty obscure, but has anyone been successful running the command line FuseIT tool in a Wine bottle? I'm trying to run it on my Mac without needing a VM. Alternatively, if you've ...
sberley's user avatar
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Wsdl to apex class issue with soap1.2

I was using FindRegistrationService service to generate apex class from FuseIT SFDC Explorer Wsdl2Apex parser. It is giving me below errors. Is it due to SOAP 1.2 services? Is there any way to ...
Avijit's user avatar
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'FuseIT SFDC Explorer' tool for importing WSDL(with multiple import, include tag and XSD files)

I am trying to import a WSDL in FuseIT tool which has multiple nesting of XSD and other WSDLs in it. I have a folder with all XSD and WSDL files. Now I want to remove nesting from WSDL and combine all ...
Er Anjum Attar's user avatar
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WSDL2Apex not generating type info for class properties

I am using WSDL2Apex tool in FuseIT Explorer to generate Apex classes. After tweaking my wsdl file a bit in order to get it to parse with the tool, all the classes are generated properly with the SOAP ...
Whatamidoing's user avatar
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salesforce to salesforce using partner wsdl in Apex - query call failing

I am trying to connect to other salesforce org. I have partner wsdl. I have used FuseIT SFDC explorer to create Apex class from this partner wsdl. I am successfully able to login to other SF org using ...
apn's user avatar
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FuseIT WSDL Parser - Error generating Apex Classes

I'm receiving the following error when parsing a wsdl we've used for java and .net c# applications. I understand the parsing is different for both the Salesforce apex generator and the FUSEIT ...
KcBrewRon's user avatar
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FuseIT WSDL Parser -

I am trying to parse a wsdl (this one) using the FuseIT SFDC Explorer tool, as the wsdl has some xsd imports. I am getting an error that I dont understand, not sure if it is wsdl related or parser ...
dacology's user avatar
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