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Questions tagged [fileupload]

For questions related to the lightning:fileupload component

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lightning:fileUpload bug?

[SEE UPDATE AT BOTTOM] I'm using sfdx and a scratch org to develop/test my app, which uses the lightning:fileUpload component in two separate components (one for browser, the other for mobile). It ...
PatMcClellan__c's user avatar
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2 answers

Append files to the first upload in <lightning:input type="file">

I am using the following code in my lightning component to upload multiple files <lightning:input aura:id="fileId" onchange="{!c.handleUploadFinished}" type="file" name="file" label="Upload ...
Madhurima's user avatar
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For multi-file upload same file being uploaded twice

I am using the following to upload multiple files in Salesforce custom lightning component. I my component, I have the following code ...
Madhurima's user avatar
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Drag and Drop - multi file upload in Custom Lightning Component

I want to create a drag and drop multi-file upload in a lightning component form. The form is displayed in a community. I have used <lightning:fileUpload label="Attach receipt" ...
Madhurima's user avatar
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lightning:fileUpload is coming as disabled

I have a lightning component which has a form. The details provided in the form in turn creates a case record in the back-end. I want to attach multiple drag and drop files along with the details ...
Madhurima's user avatar
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3 answers

using Lightning:fileUpload to attach files to a record that isn't created yet

I am building a lightning component to replace the standard "Contact Support" form on our lightning community. Lightning is new territory for me, so I am learning all I can from documentation. I ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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Upload CSV file in lightning component

I need to upload CSV file(standard template with data to create new opportunity records) in lightning component and read this csv file in apex and insert opportunity records. Please find my code. ...
Sindhuja's user avatar
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Use visualforce page from Buttons, Links, and Actions in custom lightning component in case of S3 Amazon Uploader

Is it possible to use a Visualforce Page from Buttons, Links, and Actions in custom lightning component in case of S3 Amazon Uploader? I have an object NEILON__File__c. The object in its Buttons, ...
iloveseven's user avatar
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7 votes
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What setting controls how many files you can upload simultaneously using lightning:fileUpload?

I want to use <lightning:fileUpload/> to upload multiple files in my lightning component. In the documentation for this component, it is said that: By default, you can upload up to 10 files ...
Oles Malkov's user avatar
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3 votes
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Lightning File Upload Component - Event Not Firing

I have implemented the lightning:fileUpload component within my own component, and I've used the sample code provided in order to test it out. The issue I'm having is that it looks like the event ...
Justin Stroud's user avatar
2 votes
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How to trigger the click event of <lightning:fileUpload>

I want to display the lightning:fileUpload differently After many tryouts with css hacks, I decided this is not good enough My current approach is to create a different button, and upon clicking on ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Correct approach uploading File using REST API (file size 100 MB)

Looking for best REST API to upload a file to a record with at least file size 100MB? I have created custom REST API handles POST call, inserts both ContentVersion, ContentDocumentLink records (Base ...
Mahesh Pasupuleti's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can you upload a file from a Cloudpage into a Marketing Cloud FTP

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a form upload on a Cloudpage to upload a file into our Marketing Cloud FTP? Thanks in advance! -Nikki
Nikki's user avatar
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How to read file(pdf or excel or outlook msg) from the path given in CSV and upload that file in Attachment object?

I have requirement where I have to read a CSV file. Using CSV file I have to insert a records in Salesforce after that I have to upload attachment in newly inserted records. CSV File will be having ...
Jagadeesh's user avatar
2 votes
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How to upload a New Version of an existing File using lightning:fileUpload lightning base component?

Does anyone have an idea about uploading a new version of a File in Lightning Component using the base lightning component lightning:fileUpload? I tried passing ContentDocumentId into recordId ...
VarunC's user avatar
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How to identify which lightning:fileUpload was clicked

I am using lightning:fileUpload multiple times inside aura:iteration. After the button was clicked and the file was uploaded, I am using onuploadfinished event to do some stuff, but I need to ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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lightning:fileUpload displayed as disabled in community

I'm trying to implement file upload functionality following the instructions in the documentation. But the uploader is being displayed as a disabled input. <aura:component implements="...
Avinash's user avatar
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