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1 answer

How to Create Record from LWC using External Id in lookup fields

I'm trying to create an object in LWC, without using Apex. So I found out that we can do that with CreateRecord from uiRecordApi : But I'm trying to create a Custom Object (ClientMember__c in our ...
Yaac0's user avatar
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Rest API - Set polymorphic Lookup with external Id

I am wondering If it is possible to set a polymorphic lookup value with external Id with Rest API. I didn't find any documentation on this and it does work for me. Here I am trying to set the lookup ...
Raphael D's user avatar
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External Id a standard field on Custom Objects

I am writing a data migration project to take data from an external system and map it into SFDC as a hierarchical structure of custom objects using the Bulk Api 2. The pattern is as follows: Insert ...
Mike Sowerbutts's user avatar
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SOAP API: Populate lookup using an external Id

Helping a client structure their C# SOAP API an upsert into Salesforce and we're running into issues. I'm having a hard time finding documentation on this. (searched all this doc, found nothing ...
JetSparx's user avatar
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Using External ID field from User in Dataloader to set lookup field (User)

I have created below two fields - Object: User, Field API: identifier__c, Type: Text(25) (External ID) (Unique Case Insensitive) Object: Lead, Field API: Lead_Owner__c, Type: Lookup(User) Sample ...
Sudipta Deb's user avatar
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Cannot update lookup reference by External Id, if current reference is not null

Scenario: Product__c product = [SELECT Id, ProcurementGroup__r.Number__c FROM Product__c LIMIT 1] product.ProcurementGroup__r = new ProcurementGroup__c(ExternalId__c = '123'); update product; I am ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Add dynamic lookup on Contact to sObject with external Id

I'm trying to make something that reads csv's and imports the data for our users, but SF ids for the lookups on the Contact are cumbersome for them as they already know the External Ids of the object ...
Chris Abraham's user avatar
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Syncing a Custom Object with Foreign Key relationship via REST-API and .NET-Force-Client

In our company's Salesforce we have a list of accounts with an External ID (External_ID__c). And we have a custom object Event (i.e. Event__c), also with an External ID (Event_ID__c) used and managed ...
Christian's user avatar
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18 votes
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Set Relationship Via Name Pointing Field?

One of the most startling things I ever learned from @BobBuzzard is that you can update a lookup by using the name pointing field. At least, I thought that's what I learned, until a recent debate cast ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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Lookup field Traversing giving an error for Invalid field

I have a visual force page and it has a lookup field given below <apex:inputField value="{!X.loan_Loan_Account__c}" required="true" label="CL Contract"> ...
Abhinav Pandey's user avatar
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Insert data to custom object with relationship using external Id

Good day everyone, I have installed an npsp package and then I created a visual force that will save a new affiliation . I've tried to used an external Id to save the data. I've already tried saving ...
Hope's user avatar
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Error while updating custom object lookup using external id using SOAP API request

I am trying to update a Custom object lookup using SOAP API by passing an external Id. While doing that I am getting an error Invalid foreign key relationship name Service_Maintenance_Contract__r ...
Snehil's user avatar
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Is it possible to populate a field of type Auto Number External ID?

I'm trying to populate a Lookup using External ID which is Auto Number field. It is giving the error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Opportunity.Opportunity_Number__c Opportunity_Number__c ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Exact Target - Individual Email Result object - set Lookup to IER records in Salesforce

Apparently Exact Target "uses" Stack Exchange for support issues. More specifically, they have no developer support, and their API is "as-is", and either way I believe I have this isolated to a non-...
AMM's user avatar
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Prevent DMLException when lookup's external id is unknown

Imagine a Custom SObject X with a lookup field for Custom SObject Y. Y has an external ID field EID. As described in this answer, I can create a record X like this: Y y = new Y(EID = 1); X x = new X(...
Jolanda Verhoef's user avatar
2 votes
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Can free Jitterbit dataloader do an auto-relation like

Until now I was a happy user as it allowed me on a Mac to insert from CSV and have this wonderful auto mapping feature where a Lookup or Master Detail relation can be pointed to an ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar