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Questions tagged [dynamic-dml]

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2 answers

Assign dynamically values in fields via field API name

I am trying to populate a field with the value of another field dynamically based on custom metadata types. I use the method variable.put(fieldAPIName, value) in order to populate the fields. Here is ...
Xrhstos Kolonis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Dynamically Insert parent child records in a single DML

I'm trying to insert contact and account records in a single DML. In my case I don't want to use the . operator Instead, I'm using the put operator to insert records. Account acc=new Account(Name='...
Krishnan Mishra's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

DML Operation on List<SObjects> - Where I got the record ID of various objects

Scenario: I got a VF Page where I will get only ID's of various Objects, I wouldn't know which Object RecordID I would be getting in an instance. I need to update that record with that ID. Without ...
C. Praveenkumar's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Insert List of Parent and Child Records in One DML Statement

I saw an example how to insert Parent and Child Record in one DML Statement from Developer Guide and It's Working Fine no issue in that. Here In my case I would like insert List Of Both Parent and ...
Sharat's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

Apex Cast sObject list dynamically to a specific sObject Type

The upsert() DML operation requires a specific List based on a specific sObject type, for instance:List<Account> lstAccount = new List<Account>(); However, we are trying to generate a ...
Robin Wijnen's user avatar
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2 answers

Populating lookup fields using an external ID with Object type as String

My question is pretty much the same as here. But the difference is I'll have to do it generically. As in the object type is sent as text and I'll have to typecast in the code. Eg., //create an in-...
Vignesh Damodharan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to use Dynamic DML operation?

I’m having a requirement, where I guess I’ve to use Dynamic DML.But I’m new to Dynamic Apex as well as Dynamic DML. When I will create a Folder in server by using API call, I will get a ...
Noob_NoVoice's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Get field value dynamically

Let's say I have an sObject queried and want to dynamically get a specific field value. I need it to be dynamic so that it can be a different field through an input. sObject obj = [SELECT Id, Name, ...
Nathan Williams's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

'FeedItem' schema type undefined in Trigger

I am trying to dynamically create an sObject in APEX based on the following code. Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('FeedItem'); system.debug(targetType); sObject ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Error when I populate lookup with external id using .put method

You can populate lookup fields using an object with an external id field populated like so: Custom_Object__c o = new Custom_Object__c(Account__r=new Account(External_ID__c='123')); insert o; ...
James Sullivan's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Field Sets & Dynamic DML & Describing Fields Included in Field Set

I am attempting to write generic code which will use a fieldset, allowing for dynamic creation of a query. This bit is documented well enough in dynamic DML examples from SFDC. In addition to the ...
Mark Pond's user avatar
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