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Need to find the documentations for these global variables and event names

Most programming languages have a full documentation or at least a complete list of all functions and classes and a short description, I noticed a few things in aura and apex that I can't find it's ...
Mac A.'s user avatar
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Use of Label attribute in apex:page tag

I am quite confused about this statement in Documentation: label || String || The label that is used to reference the page in Salesforce setup tools. I tried with following code: <apex:...
Ysr Shk's user avatar
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Why is the Salesforce developer documentation NOT indexed on Google anymore?

For years now I'm working frequently with some Salesforce developer documentations, e.g.: Apex Developer Guide Visualforce Developer Guide The best and easiest way in my workflow to find stuff (in ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Why there is no information in the documentation that page action support URL parameter?

Looks like it is possible to create some static resource AdvDev with pdf content and define following VisualForce redirect page which would redirect and display that pdf document <apex:page action=...
XpucTuHKa BuwuBaHKa's user avatar
23 votes
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Why documentation deep links are broken?

Since the Salesforce developer documentation was never the fastest UI ever made by man, I enjoyed the old FRAME layout which allowed me to create deep links to content I use frequently. Now having ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Where can I find winter 14 updated Visualforce developer Guide and Apex developer Guide?

Does any body know where can i find winter 14 updated Visualforce developer Guide and Apex developer Guide? Thanks in advance
Pramod Kumar's user avatar
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