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Help with incomplete Tracking Extract documentation

Would anyone out there be able to provide some additional documentation for these Include Options for a Data Extract of Tracking Data? I've requested an update to the one wiki page that has most of ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
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Is there any OpenAPI or Swagger definitions for Marketing Cloud?

I would like to know if there are any OpenAPI or Swagger definitions available for Marketing Cloud API either REST or SOAP. Thanks
Mrquestion's user avatar
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Where is the Krux Documentation?

I am eager to work with Krux and would love to hear from anyone that has pointers to resources on this. Yet where can we find any documentation or tutorials to get started ?
0xsegfault's user avatar
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Up to date ExactTarget / MarketingCloud documentation?

I have been referencing this documentation but it seems like these are a little out dated, is this the case? If so could someone point me to the more updated version?
dupes's user avatar
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Is there a way to retrieve all attributes of an Object? (Using Fuel-sdk)

I am using the python fuel-sdk, Say I want to fetch data-extensions, but instead of specifying which specific attributes I want, can I tell the fuel-sdk just give me all the attributes of the data-...
dupes's user avatar
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ExactTarget Query Activity Data View - Correct Names

I am in the process of writing numerous query activities and have written a simple SQL for getting bounce events. SELECT SubscriberKey, EventDate, BounceType FROM _Bounce When checking the syntax of ...
dlstadther's user avatar
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Android 12: Mutable or immutable PendingIntent

As per your “How to Customize Notification Handling” documentation, one can pass a PendingIntent to SFMCSdk.configure (or MarketingCloudSdk.init) in order to open an Activity of choice from the ...
sindrenm's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - IP Addresses Warming

I'm trying to Warm Up one IP, in Marketing Cloud docs I see the "IP Addresses Warming Recommendation" Table But It's not so clear if the Sends in this table is: 1) Total amount in the period. For ...
Leto's user avatar
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SFMC Journey Builder Custom Activity Failed event without any error message

I created a Custom Activity for SFMC Journey Builder and every time a contact reaches it a "Failed" event is logged and there isn't any more information than that. I can see the execute call being ...
Seb's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Data Views status and documentation [closed]

What is the current status of Data Views on Salesforce Marketing Cloud? The official documentation at here returns a 404 error. Is the functionality being phased out? Or is that an error on SF ...
bst's user avatar
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud - SOAP API - Python - Usable Properties For Data Extension Object Type

Is there documentation outlining all usable fields to pass into your SOAP packet when retrieving information on the DataExtension Object Type? I thought the below link was outlining usable fields with ...
Carson W's user avatar
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RN Documentation for Troubleshooting MobilePush

For my question ref to push notification not received, Bill mentioned that I may have failed to follow the multiple push provider implementation instructions (ref. https://salesforce-marketingcloud....
Arianne Lee's user avatar
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Types of BarCodeURL

I have not found this in the documentation. Is there a list of all codes supported for the function: BarCodeURL? I have tried with a "Code39" and a "EAN13" code and both work just fine. But when I ...
Cesar Vasquez Ibaceta's user avatar