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Salesforce: Batch Apex: State

I need to know something about a class that implements the batchable-interface. If I have a constructor defined, that initialize a non static member variable: Will the constructor be invoked for every ...
ChriZ's user avatar
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Lightning: Need help understanding @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)

Going through the Developer Guide I found this statement. To set cacheable=true, a method must only get data. It can’t mutate data. Does data mutation only refer to DML operations? I have a method ...
Prapti's user avatar
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Documentation for Singleton in Salesforce has incorrect information

I was reading through the documentation in salesforce for using a singleton pattern and it is mentioned. Limiting Impact of Governor Limits - certain system objects and methods, such as Apex ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
5 votes
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Apex compiler claims that "ShippingStateCode" does not exist, but the documentation says it is always present

Variable does not exist: ShippingStateCode While trying to compile a code with the following variable defined, I'm getting the error above. private static Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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How do I apply formatting to method descriptions in Apex / VSCode?

VSCode, when showing a tool-tip for an Apex method, will show the description of that method as defined in the fairly standard format: /** * States that the next method definition is expected to be ...
Rob Baillie's user avatar
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Disable Lightning Combobox in LWC based on FLS

I know there is a way to check if the object/field is updateable, then only it will allow the user to read or update the field like below apex : if(!Schema.SObjectType.Account.fields.Type....
compski's user avatar
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Shouldn't NetworkAffinity be insertable?

To simplify tests with community users, I am trying to configure the default community for a specific profile. Running this in Anonymous Apex, or trying to save my class containing the code: insert ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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Need to find the documentations for these global variables and event names

Most programming languages have a full documentation or at least a complete list of all functions and classes and a short description, I noticed a few things in aura and apex that I can't find it's ...
Mac A.'s user avatar
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How do we specify onclick action for type url in lightning:treegrid /lightning:datatable

Im trying to use lightning:treegrid /lightnng:datatable using below documentation for griddata of type = url ...
Saravanan Baskar's user avatar
5 votes
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Is the API Version available for Standard Fields/Objects with which the fields/objects has been introduced?

I have written a SOQL-tool which allows me stuff like SELECT * FROM ... It is based on APEX Schema functions and works very good. It expands and compiles a full list of fields in a string, which I ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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42 votes
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Why is the Salesforce developer documentation NOT indexed on Google anymore?

For years now I'm working frequently with some Salesforce developer documentations, e.g.: Apex Developer Guide Visualforce Developer Guide The best and easiest way in my workflow to find stuff (in ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Apex transaction

What does it mean? If I have code that get fired any trigger, It's form with him one apex transaction?(Or my code and code that executes in trigger are two separated apex transactions?) An Apex ...
I.Kliavakin's user avatar
8 votes
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Invalid Class/Method identifier, is this a bug?

I was writing some unit tests just now, and was lazily creating more test methods when I ran across an error on trying to save my unit test. > Compiling testOLIUpdateManualRollups.cls > Compile ...
Derek F's user avatar
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23 votes
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Why documentation deep links are broken?

Since the Salesforce developer documentation was never the fastest UI ever made by man, I enjoyed the old FRAME layout which allowed me to create deep links to content I use frequently. Now having ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Apex Developer Guide Gone?

Does anyone know what happened to the Apex Developer guide? I just woke up one day and the now my Apex Developer Guide bookmark started bringing me to a really un-useful
mattyd2's user avatar
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How do governing limits work with @testSetup from Spring 15' release

The new @testSetup method is covered pretty well by Jesse Altman in his: New Spring ’15 Feature: @testSetup article but as mentioned in the comments, there is a question about how this new feature ...
Xtremefaith's user avatar
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Apex Standard Library Symbol Table

The ability to query a symbol table for a custom apex class is great, but can we obtain this information for standard classes? I have tried things like... SELECT SymbolTable FROM ApexClass WHERE ...
Phil Rymek's user avatar
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How to write comments in APEX classes?

I'm wondering if there is a standard to write comments in APEX ? In order to pass the Security Review, I review my code. And I think writing good comments in APEX classes can help the reviewers to ...
SF_user's user avatar
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Disadvantages of the platform - are these (still) true? [closed]

I'm evaluating pros and cons for building an integration with Salesforce on platform. This time, I'm curious to what extent are the following points (still) valid, since they were made a ...
Haris Osmanagić's user avatar
4 votes
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Trigger context (System.Trigger class?)

It says here that trigger context variables are contained in the System.Trigger class. However, such a class is unknown to the Apex language reference, and Trigger doesn't seem to behave like a class ...
Jan Ruusuvuori's user avatar
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SObject constructor signature?

when instantiating an SObject type, I can set initial field values by passing them to the constructor. For example like this: Account a = new Account(name = 'Acme', billingcity = 'San Francisco'); I'...
Jan Ruusuvuori's user avatar
3 votes
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What is Limits.getInteractionQueries() used for?

Browsing the Limits class recently, I saw there was a getInteractionQueries() and getLimitInteractionQueries() method. Can anyone tell me what this Limit refers to? Running the ...
George S.'s user avatar
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Where can I find winter 14 updated Visualforce developer Guide and Apex developer Guide?

Does any body know where can i find winter 14 updated Visualforce developer Guide and Apex developer Guide? Thanks in advance
Pramod Kumar's user avatar
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Where can I find the official APEX language and system class reference?

Specifically, I want to look up what parameters the constructor of the Cookie class takes. The most official looking thing I could find was in the salesforce developers docs, but the constructor is ...
JannieT's user avatar
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