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4 votes
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Change in ImageServer Behavior?

We have an app that manages images in Salesforce. Part of the functionality is generating Document records that are externally available, then saving the externally available link in a field on a ...
tompatros's user avatar
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Grant document folder access for a Profile

I would like to give all users with a certain profile access to a Document Folder I have created. However, when I edit the folder, I am only able to grant access to Roles or Public Groups, I am not ...
user2221343's user avatar
2 votes
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Preview .doc document on visualforce page before downloading

I need showing preview .doc document before downloading, on visualforce page. After researching, I have seen google viewer and I have tried but I couldnt run it. Do you have an working example code ...
berkay ozkan's user avatar
1 vote
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Override Standard Documents Home Tab/Document Detail Page

Is it possible to override the Documents home tab or Document detail page's buttons, links, and actions or page layout? Salesforce describes how to override standard buttons and tabs here, but this ...
Cynthia G's user avatar
0 votes
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disable an input field when command button clicked

I have below piece of code where click on Coach button needs to disable input field Outcome. I have placed that in below code which is not giving desired output. Can someone please let me know? Apex ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Parse XML fails with null object dereference

I have below code that fails to execute in developer console, I receive the following error: Attempt to de-reference a null object. Can someone please help here? Apex class: public class ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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How can I display a document image in a VisualForce page so it works in a managed package?

I am making a managed package that contains an app that uses a document type image as a logo. I use the same logo on a VisualForce page in the same package, but that file is actually stored as a ...
Neo's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do I generate 2 different documents from the same VisualForce page?

I've figured out how to open a VisualForce page that autogenerates a Word document using a button click: <apex:commandButton onClick="'/apex/GrantDoc?id={!Grant__c.Id}');" id="...
Aaron's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Download a pdf file onclick

I want to develop a visualforce page with "download pdf" link. So that when user clicks on the link, related pdf file will be downloaded. How would I set that up? The pdf file has already been ...
user5428's user avatar
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How to use servlet.shepherd for downloading public documents with Sandbox?

I'm presently using this for our production, which is working ServletShepherdBaseUrl = @""; What would be the equivalent for me to ...
Bradley Thomas's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Display images from Salesforce Document folder

I currently managed to display some images(from salesforce Documents folder) on an extracted Excel sheet from Salesforce but I have hard coded the document Ids. So this might not work after creating ...
Tinkerbell's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I query files uploaed by other users?

I tried to sample code from the Quick Start Guide And I want to get file information which is uploaded by any users in my Salesforce. What I tried query is SELECT name, folderid, authorid, ...
Jehyun Shim's user avatar
5 votes
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Salesforce Document Unique Name Issue

We are facing an issue with "Salesforce Document" while uploading a document in "My Personal Document". After uploading a "Test Document" if we delete it, we are not able to upload a "Test Document" ...
Ashish's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to attach a document into an object

I know I can add an attachment into a record. But the issue is, if there is a document object containing a file and I want my record to be able to connect to that document, is there a way to do this? ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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1 answer

List of documents in 'My Personal Documents' folder

I'd like to know how I can get list of all the documents located in 'My Personal Documents' folder. For other folders I can write something like this: SELECT Id, Name FROM Document WHERE FolderId =:...
Mike Raven's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can I Upload Documents from PHP Toolkit?

I want to upload files into the document library. Is it possible to do this with the PHP Toolkit?
metadaddy's user avatar
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Difference between servlet.imageserver and servlet.filedownload

I have my images stored as documents. I am able to access them by both these urls servlet/servlet.imageserver?id=<record id>&oid=<orgid> servlet/servlet.filedownload?file=<...
Sethuraman.AR's user avatar
1 vote
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Create and insert new document into specific folder via (sfdc) REST API?

In order to create a new document and insert it to a specific folder via API, must I specify the folder in Database.insert (doc); method? I am getting a missing required fields error when testing ...
GuestCoder's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Upload an Attachment via the Rest API

I'm having an issue uploading attachments via the REST API. When trying to upload attachment data (i.e. data about the attachment and the associated base64 binary data) I'm getting a 400 result (Bad ...
contactmatt's user avatar
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Reference Static Resources or Documents with direct link and no login to system

Is there a way to access static resources or documents without being logged into the system. So if the file in not marked as "Internal Use Only", can I provide a direct link to it for others to access ...
Yevgen's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can a document be stored against a Community User?

Suppose I have 10000 Community Users, can I store a document for each of them? The content of the document would be miscellaneous info, logs etc.., . If so what are the file size limitations? Also I ...
Bharath Bhandarkar's user avatar
2 votes
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Upload a file using <apex:actionFunction> integrated with JQuery

I have an html form that contains a file input, so I want to upload the selected file from this form using <apex:actionFunction> The problem is that I don't know how to pass the file to the ...
hasan.alkhatib's user avatar
3 votes
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Community user can not return document

I am creating my own profile page (branding/security reasons) and I ran into an issue where the user is not able to change their profile image. public Document document { get { if (...
Grady D's user avatar
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1 answer

Display only first 2 pages of pdf in browser

i have uploaded a pdf file using document object in salesforce. i am using the below code to display that file in my browser. my requirement is to show only the first two pages of that file in the ...
Yogesh Goad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Returning Image from Query

I have a query fetching a document which is an image. I want to assign the image to a field (URL). I am doing: Document doc = [select id, name,url, body from Document where name = 'image']; Object....
Thomas Riddler's user avatar
5 votes
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How include Salesforce file picker for a custom VF Page

I have a VF page where I need to attach files for an Email to be sent. I am using apex:inputFile for uploading the attachments. When you click on the "Browse" button next to the attachment, it opens ...
ankittaneja's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to update the document from the

I have upload the file from the by using the following code and document created successfully in Salesforce org. sforce.Document docvar = new sforce.Document(); docvar.Name = ...
Lemon's user avatar
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Files Stored under Document tab

Is it possible to associate files stored under document tab with different records say with account record. I know that the files which are stored using chatter can be shared with records but is it ...
arjun singh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

URL redirect after attachement upload

I want to make a program where a user uploads any document. On uploading I want the user to be redirected to a folder. So here's what I have tried so far from salesforce documentations... public ...
MnZ's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

When to use Static Resource vs Documents

I want to use a check mark image in the formula field. I got confused about where to store the image: in static resources or in documents. Please explain to me the use cases of both.
sfdc's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to share documents with customer community login users

So we need to share a number of documents with our customers who our accessing our community using the Customer Community Login license. The documents that need to be shared are VF pages rendered as ...
Vic's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I access a document on the open internet from my Visual Force page?

I am wondering if its possible to access documents from outside SalesForce in a VisualForce page? It is my understanding that to access resources outside of SalesForce I may have to use a Canvas? Is ...
Donal Rafferty's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Blob store the data in binary form or in base64

1) When we upload a file into the document object then is the body of the document in binary form or in base64 form? 2) If I uploaded two files in document, First is abc.txt and second is xyz.pdf ...
D-Horse's user avatar
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2 answers

problem with uploading document .. missing fields

I have a page with uploading document form, I followed this example but I got a problem when I try to upload the file with the following error message Required fields are missing: [Document Name] And ...
user3003810's user avatar
1 vote
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Querying users' fields within a document list to use it in a pageBlockTable

I have this query that retrieves a List in order to fill a table, but I want to retrieve each documents' user or account according to the AuthorId. Here is my query that retrieves the documents and I ...
hasan.alkhatib's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Uploading file via visualforce page error "Maximum view state size limit (135KB) exceeded"

I am trying to implement a page that I will upload files through it, but I keep having this error Maximum view state size limit (135KB) exceeded. Actual view state size for this page was 158....
hasan.alkhatib's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

REST Downloading a document Response Headers don't have Content-Length

I am using /Document/{id}/Body endpoint to download the file. The returned response headers don't contain a content-length header { which really is a norm, right ? } ... Does anyone know why that ...
Noob_ForceDev's user avatar
4 votes
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Sharing 'Document' sobject among different user?

Say, there are two users - A and B. One document - X X is owned by A but shared with B. The REST Access is granted with user B. If X was modified by A, would invoking 'updated' API from B's ...
Noob_ForceDev's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

REST API Sobject GetUpdated/GetDeleted on sobjects returns The requested resource does not exist

I am trying to use the following - On 'Document'. Authentication and everything is successful, even calls to '...
Noob_ForceDev's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Sharing documents with partners in partner community

I have a partner community. I'm not sure what is the best way to share documents with them e.g. using Documents, Files or Content. I thought of using the Documents tab but even though the partner ...
Dedo's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to preview documents in SalesForce?

In my Apex page we want to show the preview for the SalesForce documents? We want to have preview for the following file types? Supported file types: MSWord, MSExcel, PDF and PPT. Is the any we ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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16 votes
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Best practices for monitoring Scheduled Apex and Batch Apex?

We have multiple Apex jobs running, both from Schedulable and Batchable code. While an attentive SA could examine the Apex Jobs list to check that everything is OK, it seems a better idea to have ...
Keith C's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create a document with previously used developer name?

I am getting an error 'Unique name already used'while creating a document with which was deleted previously. I want to re create the same document with the same developer name. Let me know how to ...
Keepcalmncode's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I unit test Uploading a Document using Visualforce and a Custom Controller?

I'm presently playing with the cookbook recipe at ... and trying to figure out how to unit ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
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How to write into an existing document

i have uploaded a doc and trying to access it from my Apex code. But now i need to insert some information into my doc. How can i do this i tried it by using my code public class readXmldemo{ ...
AnuRaj's user avatar
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