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Document.fullScreen API implementation in Lightning Web Components(LWC)

I was trying to achieve full screen on an element in Lightning Web Components but was unable to use Document.fullscreen API. I tried var elem = this.template.querySelector('svg'); if (elem....
Nishant Sharma's user avatar
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disable an input field when command button clicked

I have below piece of code where click on Coach button needs to disable input field Outcome. I have placed that in below code which is not giving desired output. Can someone please let me know? Apex ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Reference Static Resources or Documents with direct link and no login to system

Is there a way to access static resources or documents without being logged into the system. So if the file in not marked as "Internal Use Only", can I provide a direct link to it for others to access ...
Yevgen's user avatar
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