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Using Apex or API, how to determine who has access to a Document Folder?

In Salesforce UI, I can assign access to Document Folders. How can I determine who has access to a Document Folder with Apex or API? I thought I would find an object like "FolderMember" or similar, ...
Doug Ayers's user avatar
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Sending Documents From a Developer Organization

I am developing an application in a developer organization which sends emails via POST requests using an external API. Back in February or so I was able to send Salesforce Documents as attachments in ...
Robert's user avatar
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Create and insert new document into specific folder via (sfdc) REST API?

In order to create a new document and insert it to a specific folder via API, must I specify the folder in Database.insert (doc); method? I am getting a missing required fields error when testing ...
GuestCoder's user avatar