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Using Apex or API, how to determine who has access to a Document Folder?

In Salesforce UI, I can assign access to Document Folders. How can I determine who has access to a Document Folder with Apex or API? I thought I would find an object like "FolderMember" or similar, ...
Doug Ayers's user avatar
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Sending Documents From a Developer Organization

I am developing an application in a developer organization which sends emails via POST requests using an external API. Back in February or so I was able to send Salesforce Documents as attachments in ...
Robert's user avatar
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Create and insert new document into specific folder via (sfdc) REST API?

In order to create a new document and insert it to a specific folder via API, must I specify the folder in Database.insert (doc); method? I am getting a missing required fields error when testing ...
GuestCoder's user avatar
7 votes
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How to preview documents in SalesForce?

In my Apex page we want to show the preview for the SalesForce documents? We want to have preview for the following file types? Supported file types: MSWord, MSExcel, PDF and PPT. Is the any we ...
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