Questions tagged [describes]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are labels for Mobile and Phone not the same in the API?

I asked this question on the Salesforce community but its probably not as active as here so wondering if anyone can shed any information on this; When getting the labels for the Phone and MobilePhone ...
r0bb077's user avatar
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Output object description in Visualforce?

Is there a way to query the description of a custom settings objects so I can use it in my visualforce page. Like OppCountryRegionMapping__c.Description?
Kush Patel's user avatar
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Describe listview using rest endpoint

We are trying to fetch listview columns and its attribute using below rest endpoint. /services/data/v53.0/sobjects/AppMenuItem/listviews/00B5g000003EehNEAS/describe but getting below error as shown ...
infa salesforcetest's user avatar
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INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY or sObject type 'Lead' is not supported when calling describeSoqlListViews over SOAP

This is a bit of an unusual one. I'v generated Apex classes using WSDL2Apex in Salesforce itself, using Salesforce's Tooling API WSDL file (had to modify it a bit - there's no ANY type in SF). Then I ...
dzh's user avatar
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How to Comparable interface sort a List<String> of Schema.DescribeFieldResult.getName() entries by many DescribeFieldResult properties?

I use str to dynamically generate input fields on a visualforce page. Unlike standard page layouts that come with a drag and drop layout editor, my page's positioning of input fields depends on the ...
Peter Noges's user avatar
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