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Trying to decrypt the file loaded onto my Enhanced FTP Import Folder

So, I created a PGP Key pair using Kleopatra, to encrpyt and decrypt the files. I am able to encrypt and decrypt the file using the keys, however, when I try to decrypt the file (encrypted by using ...
Yash's user avatar
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Public experience site and safe-calling Apex without Sharing

my company security department has concerns about the Experience Page with Screen Flow and Apex without sharing class, and I am looking whether a different approach is possible. Domain Experience Page ...
zanstaszek9's user avatar
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How to decrypt an encrypted incoming webhook payload

I have set up a webhook in an external system to send data to my salesforce sandbox. My sandbox is getting the webhook payload but its encrypted. This is my Apex Class @RestResource(urlMapping='/...
sfNewbie's user avatar
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Apex decrytion error: "System.SecurityException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption." [duplicate]

I am having some problem implementing a decryting function using a secret key and hash iv. I have a working code snippet in java script, but when I try to implement the function in apex, I get this ...
Ethan Lin's user avatar
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Unzip password protected zip file and save the extracted files in Content Version record using LWC

I am working on a problem statement where we need to pick a zip folder from Files related list on Case and then Unzip it and save the pdf files back to Files on same case record. The zip folder is ...
Sharma_raj's user avatar
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AMPScript AES Encrypted and Decrypt with Crypto Apex Class

I'm trying to decrypt the example that AMPScript has in the documentation using Crypto class. I have desperately tried all the scenarios but I don't know if ...
Jaume Bonet's user avatar
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Apex Decrypt AES/GCM/NoPadding [duplicate]

I have this example (in java) for decrypting a message (server-to-server integration), but I'm not able to transform this to Apex. // Data from configuration String keyFromConfiguration = &...
Rui Silva's user avatar
-1 votes
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Marketing Cloud, Decode qs URL Parameter in Cloudpage

I am creating a Cloudpage in Marketing Cloud that is meant to grab the 'qs' URL parameter, decrypt it, and parse the response to show attributes like email address, etc. of the subscriber. I am ...
Austin Scholl's user avatar
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File encryption using Crypto in apex

I am trying to encrypt and decrypt file using apex but getting below error while decryption of file. Goal is to encrypt the file in salesforce and send it to third party. Third party should be able to ...
Muzammil Bajaria's user avatar
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Decrypt a fernet encryption

Hello, I work with another team (who work on another technology) to develop an application. In that application, we encrypt and decrypt data. The other team would like to use Fernet to encrypt and ...
Oupat's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - Decrypt File - "Secret key not found in key data"

We have an integration that is sending a .pgp encrypted file to our Marketing Cloud FTP. Once the file is dropped into our /import folder, we are attempting to import and decrypt, it into Marketing ...
Aaron Gramlich's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I encrypt a string in Apex in a way that an external system can decrypt using C#?

Our security team has found an issue in our lightning experience site where a link to an external system is adding the account # in the URL. That system is then using that account # to display data on ...
Ryan Werner's user avatar
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Is it possible to decrypt a message in APEX using asymmetric RSA algorithm? [closed]

I know that Salesforce supports symmetric AES-based encryption(Crypto Class). What if I need to decrypt a message in salesforce which is encrypted using asymmetric RSA?
Jagadeesh's user avatar
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how to decrypt the data received by the soql in controller?

The is the query---- SELECT Name ,SVMXC__Company__c ,SVMXC__Component__c ,SVMXC__Product__c ,SVMXC__Scheduled_Date_Time__c ,SVMXC__Zip__c ,SVMXC__City__c ,SVMXC__Priority__c,SVMXC__Order_Status__c ...
Ankit's user avatar
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Convert decoding from JAVA to apex

I have a method that was implemented on JAVA, but I need it in Apex public static String decryptAccountInformation(String websitekey, String document,String encryptedAccount) { String key = ...
Curious Raccoon's user avatar
2 votes
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AES256 decryption problem with PKCS7 Padding

I have an encrypted token(Encrypted in Java system with AES256 algorithm and PKCS7 padding). when I try to decrypt in SF using crypto class. some of the information is missing from the original token. ...
ds9972's user avatar
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How to AES encrypt a link within Marketing Cloud and decrypt it in a third Party system [duplicate]

I currently have the following problem: I am working in a Marketing Cloud Email and need some of my customers attributes to be stored in a Json and then to be aes-256 encrypted. The resulting string ...
Nora Drexler's user avatar
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Decrypting a PGP File from SFTP Server

Problem The client that I am working with is asking us to encrypt (Using PGP or GPG) files from marketing cloud and insert them onto an SFTP Server. Then, we should create a separate Node JS ...
Neal Matta's user avatar
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Encrypt Symmetric and Decrypt Off-Platform [duplicate]

I have been asked to encrypt a URL parameter for a project that sends the customer to a non-marketing cloud corporate site. Encryption is easy enough: set @encryptedString = EncryptSymmetric(@...
Zach's user avatar
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Encryption / decryption with AES

I have an integration with another system which I should use the AES Algorithm.The Encryption is made in SF side - and sent in the header of an HTTP request. This made to recognize SF in internal ...
Salvation's user avatar
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Decrypt an encrypted string using SFDC certificate

I have SFDC certificate installed in my sandbox. let's say it "ABCD.cert" Now a external system sends a string value which is encrypted via same SFDC certificate ie; "ABCD.cert". Now I have to ...
Swagata's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

AES128: Apex Encryption to Java Decryption Checksum Generation

I am trying to integrate payment gateway into salesforce site, i have used the AES128 Encryption and same is use for decryption but while decryption i have used java code where i got the decrypt value ...
Shubhranshu Panda's user avatar
2 votes
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Verify POST messages signed with SHA1 in Apex

I have created a REST Endpoint (exposed on site) to allow Webhook integration. The third party service which POSTS data signs requests including the JSON-stringified body using SHA1 ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Decrypt challenge in Salesforce from external system in 2FA

We are integrating salesforce with external system. External system has two factor authentication process. We are calling first URL to get challenge. - Working fine. We need to decrypt challenge in ...
siva krishna's user avatar
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Decrepyt Password Field

I want to Decrypt the password of Contact portal. But In my Code Unrecognized based 64 :* error occured. I did that things first timei.e didnt understand what is the main problem. maybe my code ...
Liza's user avatar
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AES128 decryption. Invalid private key. Must be 16 bytes [duplicate]

I get an encrypted data from external service (AWS Cognito). With the following code, I get the 'Invalid private key. Must be 16 bytes' error. String data = '...
Colombo's user avatar
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Decryption is throwing System.SecurityException error in apex class

I'm creating community site and storing the password in cookies in the form of encryption. Now I've to decrypt that password. but decryption is not working. getting below error. System....
user29314's user avatar
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How to decrpt the MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 encrypted value in salesforce.

How to decrpt the MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 encrypted value in salesforce. Let me explain saelsforce getting encrypted (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, ECB mode) value from external website. So, we need to decrypt ...
srija's user avatar
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Encryption and Decryption in apex Salesforce Using Crypto Class

The below code works sometimes and sometimes it gives an error. The error is like this. Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with the padded cipher. I am getting an error in decryption ...
Ghanshyam Kumar's user avatar
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Related to Digital signiature

Something related to Digital signature if we have a doc in sales-force and needs to be digitally signed, which involves digital certificates.. and how we can use crypto class of apex in this. also ...
NITHESH K's user avatar
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Apex Encryption to AMPscript Decryption

I receive a string encrypted using the Apex function Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV() using AES256 as a url parameter, and I need to be able to decrypt this string on a marketing cloud landing page. I ...
ncv's user avatar
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How decrypt MD5

I'm try decrypt one string in format MD5 but I have not been able, this the code: String e = 'test@testcom'; Blob b = Crypto.generateDigest('MD5', Blob.valueOf(e)); System.debug(EncodingUtil....
Erika Giselle Gutierrez's user avatar
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AMP Script Marketng Cloud EncryptSymmetric [duplicate]

I would like to encrpt a emailaddress with AES and decrypt with a other java appclication. I try %%[SET @encData=EncryptSymmetric(emailaddr, "AES;mode=cbc;padding=pkcs7", @null, "1111222233334444", ...
user2307526's user avatar
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How to decrypt encrypted text generated using generateDigest method and SHA256 algorithm

I have a DOB field(Type-Text) in Contact object, In Before insert event i have encrypted and show in encrypted form in page layout. contact con = [select id, DOB__c From contact where id = '...
Nirmallya Ghosh's user avatar
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CCAvanue Payment Gateway Integration with Salesforce Apex

CCAvenue does not provide integration kit for Salesforce Apex language. They provide, Java, NodeJS, iOS, Android, Windows. How do we encrypt and decrypt data and make request for CCAvenue ...
Mukund Gadave's user avatar
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Subject line AMPscript issue

I am pulling in First Name from subscriber information but it has been encrypted before the data is pushed up to ExactTarget, I need to use AMPscript to decrypt and check the data to make sure it is ...
shanij's user avatar
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AES decyption with PKCS7 Padding?

I have encrypted some Text in Java using PKCS7. In the Crypto class it is written that PKCS5 is supported, but is there any possibility using PKCS7? Or do you know a possibility that it would work (...
Lukas's user avatar
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Decryption of something encrypted with Java

I have a little problem. I want to decrypt a Text that I encrypted with a method written in Eclipse using Java. When i try to decrypt it using my IV and my key, i get an error (System....
Lukas's user avatar
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Get an Error Message when sending Email to Sandbox

I want to send an Email to my salesforce Account and the update Account informations given in the Email. My problem now: The Email is Encrypted. So i wrote an Apex class and now I'm trying to ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Issue with decryption using the key in a protected custom setting

I'm working on an app with a base managed package and two extension packages. I need to encrypt a user-entered password as a part of post-installation setup (done right after the base package is ...
user12106's user avatar
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Decode Signature

I've one signature field containing encoded values like 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAApAAAACNCAYAAAAAYko8AAAAHGlET1QAAAACAAAAAA...' and i want to restore it back and put them into a list and display the ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Decrypt base64 signature

I have to decode a long Signature field value to generate signature image. Please find code below. Can someone help me here? public class AccountPDF111 { Public void AccountPDF111(){} Public ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Any work-around for the lack of XMLSignature implementations?

As explained in this unimplemented for 4 years idea, Apex does not expose any XMLSignature implementations that could be used for example to validate the X509 signature on some XML. So: Does Apex ...
Keith C's user avatar
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AES 256: Apex Encryption to Java Decryption

Could you please help how to decrypt the data in java. It was encrypted by SFDC Apex (AES 256) Blob cryptoKey = Crypto.generateAesKey(256); Blob data = Blob.valueOf('Test data to encrypted'); Blob ...
Jagadeesh's user avatar
3 votes
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Valid email string decrypted with AMPscript DecryptSymmetric() returns false for isValidEmail()

I have the following ampscript above a landing page unsubscribe form. It appears as though the EncryptSymmetric from the test email and DecryptSymmetric on the landing page are working as expected, ...
Ellen's user avatar
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