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Control binding for aura attribute being passed from parent to child

I am taking record id and object name as input from user <aura:attribute name="recordidinput" type="Id" /> <aura:attribute name="objectname" type="...
Shreya Pandita's user avatar
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Binding array nested in a map to a lightning input component not working as expected

I have a component attribute which is as follows: <aura:attribute name="variants" type="Map" default="{names: ['Tom', 'Dick', Harry']}" /> The array in the map is used in lightning input ...
user73893's user avatar
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Data binding of lightning:input and aura:attribute with type sObject(field) is not working

There is a weird scenario I'm facing while I try to bind the markup UI tags with Lightning aura:attribute as type sObject (fields). I'm trying to bind data to sobject's fields for different lightning:...
Himanshu's user avatar