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Questions tagged [data-raptor]

This is to be used for Omnistudio Data mapper related posts/questions.

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Receiving 'No valid SOQL query' error using 'Extract' DataRaptor in Omnistudio

I'm new to omnistudio and I'm trying to extract data using extract DataRaptor. Please refer the below screenshots.
Surya Prajwal Ch's user avatar
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Omni Data Mapper LOAD is creating a redundant child record

My question is similar to this. We have an existing Data Mapper (Data Raptor) which creates the Case record, and it's related records if they're present. It's creating a blank child record only for ...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
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how to line break on dataraptor formula

How can I break a line in a formula in a dataraptor, or format the text, I need the formatted text to display in a document template. CONCAT("TEXT1: ",%Acc:FirstName%, "lineBreak Here!!!...
Eduardo Secolin's user avatar
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2 answers

Datamapper Transform: Access a variables that's stored in a list inside another list

In my intergration procedure I call an expression set, which returns me a value. Yet this value is nested in a list inside a list. How can I fetch the calculated price from this json? I've tried ...
jvb's user avatar
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Identify Duplicate Value in Integration Procedure

I have an integration procedure which receives an array containing several listItems, in case any of the listItems have the same productId I need to recalculate a value. Input for the IP looks like ...
jvb's user avatar
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Use multiple nested object information to generate documents using Salesforce OmniStudio

I am trying to configure Omnistudio to generate a document using fields from multiple objects listed as follows. Account-->Order-->Order Line Item --> Invoice Here is the SOQL query that I ...
Namrata Paranjape's user avatar
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2 answers

Exporting Omnistudio Components

I have a few omnistudio components which I need to export from the current org and import into another org. If I import the omnistudio components do I need to export the related Integration Procedures ...
code234's user avatar
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Vlocity Data Raptor - CONCAT Function Issue [NEW 4/2024]

From the original question here: Example, CONCAT(list:fullName, " - ", list:relationship) to list:Result Expected outcome: [ { list: Result: "fullName1 - Child" }, { ...
sflearner's user avatar
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Group By a field with a DataRaptor Transform

I'm attempting to group Quote Lines in the JSON output of a DataRaptor Extract with a Transform and am unsure if this is possible without an Integration Procedure. I currently have Quote Lines ...
ivcv's user avatar
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Sum up items in a Flex Card

I am quite newb when it comes to Omnistudio, just getting the grips of it. I have two flex cards, parent and child. The parent is just a collapsible toggle, and shows/hides child card. Child card is a ...
vio's user avatar
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Rounding formula in Omnistudio Dataraptors

I am currently new to Omnistudio and I am using it to do document generation. I am extracting data from the Invoice Object and Invoice Lines Object to create an Invoice PDF. I have a problem ...
Teach Suppors's user avatar
2 votes
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DataRaptor - how to do a for each comparison formula?

I have a scenario in data raptor I have a list of records which I want to compare with one record both part of my extract. if the values are equal I want to set a formula to TRUE else FALSE. This is ...
pooja.T's user avatar
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update record via omniscript using integration procedure?

I'm very new to OmniStudio and getting confused when trying to create an Integration Procedure in an OmniScript to update a record. So, I have a FlexCard with an Action button that launches an ...
stormy's user avatar
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omnistudio - navigate action buttons for multiple datatable rows

I have a datatable in a flexcard where I show Name and Status from the IndividualApplication object. For each row on the datatable I want to put a navigate action button that will launch an OmniScript ...
stormy's user avatar
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Customer Community accessing OWD: Private records not in Sharing Set with Data Raptor

I have an Experience Cloud Site with users with a Customer Community license. We are using Vlocity Data Raptors to load data. We have records that are OWD, External: Private However, some records we ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar