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Questions tagged [data-model]

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How two Data Model objects can be related in Data Cloud to be used in a report?

I have two tables which I want to bring to Data Cloud using Ingestion API. The first table, appointments, has columns like id patient_id The second table statuses has id appointment_id status I ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Data Model Design Question

I have a design question. Our organization provides equine-assisted therapeutic riding instruction. At the end of every quarter, each rider is evaluated to measure their progress. The rider info is ...
Glenn's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement Label encoding/one-hot encoding categorical data-conversion in Einstein studio(Salesforce BYOM)

Question : Can we do the "label encoding / one-hot encoding" method of converting categorical data into numerical data on data cloud level / Einstein studio(creating model using salesforce ...
Sudhakar Ravuri's user avatar
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Understanding Salesforce ERD

I was wondering if someone here could please help me understand a Salesforce ERD. To be completely honest, this diagram is from a Superbadge, however I think it's a basic enough question of concepts ...
David de León's user avatar
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What's the best Primary Key for a model with PersonAccounts?

My Data is coming from Service Cloud with Marketing Cloud Connect, and the Person Accounts are activated. I want to create a Data Model with my 'PersonAccount Data Extension' (made with Account fields)...
divad's user avatar
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Salesforce Data Model for Account addresses

I'm confused about Salesforce's direction on setting up a many-to-many relationship between Accounts and addresses. Typically, a many-to-many relationship requires a junction object between the two ...
BobMount's user avatar
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What is the impact of a big object lookup to a Standard/Custom Object?

Say I have a data model where an Big Object where I want to store an Account Id. Is it better to store the 18 char Id as Text, or actually make the lookup relationship so the big object looks up to ...
PartOfTheOhana's user avatar
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Can users without a financial services cloud license view/modify financial service cloud records in the same org?

I'm working with a org that wants to leverage FSC for a subset of users, but wants visibility of those records by non-FSC users. I have reviewed the FAQ guide and the developer documentation, but ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Tool to extract custom objects including field names, descriptions and types into documentation?

I want to create HTML documentation pages like this for 50+ custom objects containing 1000+ fields. I'm aware that there are APIs for this information and that I could write my own tool (and did so ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Create Data Mapping in Salesforce

I have a scenario where I have opportunity object. There are few fields in this object let say Country (Picklist) State (Picklist) City (Picklist) Now I want a report where I want region as a field ...
unflagged.destination's user avatar
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Lookup filters based on values populated from junction object's parents

I have a junction object that connects a Lead to a Schedule object. This junction is called Schedule Registration. A user creates a Schedule Registration by locating a Schedule they want to register a ...
Ryan Werner's user avatar
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How to build a report on objects connected by a text field?

Let's consider an example data model with two objects connected with a relationship as follows: A general request is to make it possible to build any type of report that could list Custom Objects B ...
Przemysław Długoszewski-Tamoń's user avatar
2 votes
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Best Practices - Changing Standard Object names

I'm a SF architect for my company and set standards and conventions for my admin and development team. Our company is a large enterprise that is made up of a number of acquistions, close to 20 in ...
Rockdocta's user avatar
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Difference between Concrete Knowledge Object and Abstract Knowledge Object?

What is the difference between Concrete Knowledge Object and Abstract Knowledge Object ? KnowledgeArticle and KnowledgeArticleVersion - Abstract Knowledge Objects. Knowledge__ka and Knowledge__kav - ...
steamyfire's user avatar
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How to build relationship standard / custom object

I have the following standard and custom objects and I'm little lost how to build the relationship, let me first describe you my data model and then what I'm looking for. my data model is: Standard ...
Nick's user avatar
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Salesforce Household Data Model

My company is using Salesforce Health Cloud. We are trying to understand how the Household Below is an image of the visualforce page that loads with the Household model: I am trying to understand how ...
Matt M's user avatar
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SFDC and SFMC are connected... if we now move to PersonAccounts, do we need to disconnect the platforms and reconnect after converting?

We are looking to change the Data Model for SFDC from Accounts/Contacts to Person Accounts. Currently, SFMC is connected to SFDC - but if the data model changes, do we need to disconnect the ...
George Rosedale's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Pause Sync Contact Object

I have synchronized the objects "Account" and "Contact" in my Marketing Cloud org. In case I wanted to pause the synchronization for the "Contact" Object, will it affect ...
Melina Di Rosa's user avatar
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Creating a "Filtered" Data Extension from Synchronized Data Extension in Marketing Cloud?

I have a synchronized data extension that I would like to create a new sendable data extension from but with only a select group of the records in the synchronized data extension. I have a field in ...
4kAudio's user avatar
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Best practices: Tracking Apex trigger (HTTP callout) failures in Salesforce [closed]

I'm enquiring about best practices for storing Apex trigger execution failures in Salesforce for post-mortem analysis. The basic requirements are: provide link back to the object instance that ...
Omair Inam's user avatar
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Data Model Architecture - More Fields or New Object

I am reassessing an existing data model in use in my org and looking to ensure it's following best practices. The custom object is called a ticket. If the ticket record meets certain criteria, it is ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Salesforce Custom Object and field data model

I am trying to create a custom object related to a field related to the accounts objects and as well as a picklist and checkbox field. What I would like is that for every single record on the object I ...
GalacicAdmin's user avatar
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SOQL Request / data model

This is my data model : I would like to get list of Classes(Class) with class category (Product_Category__c.Name) ,price (PricebookEntry.UnitPrice) and some fieds of the Class. What I've done : ...
Raphael D's user avatar
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Using both lists and data extensions at the same time in for email and SMS sending?

So I know this isn't the best practice but is it possible to use both lists and data extensions in marketing cloud without any complications? Use case could be like: I use lists when I want to send ...
Simo Sarttila's user avatar
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Anyone know of any open source ORM (domain layer) initiatives for Salesforce?

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) mechanisms are widely available and used in other technology stacks, usually involving code generation. But searching here for ORM doesn't yield too much. While ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Configure a many-to-many relationship with one side being a fixed set of records, which may have different types [closed]

What is the best way to configure a many-to-many relationship with one side being a fixed set of records, which may have different types? I think it will be a lot easier to understand what my ...
iamyourfriend's user avatar
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Many to Many Relationship on OpportunityLineItem, and similar Junction Objects.

I'm trying to add special characteristics that are not entirely products, so I thought, that the best way would be to make a many-many relationship between the Opportunity Line Products, Quote ...
ekiim's user avatar
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data modeling relationships [closed]

As I am analyzing standard objects, it's quite easy to understand Accounts Related Tab shows contacts as there is a lookup relationship on the contact object on AccountID field. On a similar ...
madajee's user avatar
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Salesforce Data Extensions not available for Contact Builder Data Model

Why are data extensions in Salesforce Data Extension folder/sub-folder not available to be added in the contact builder data model? Is this a very specific design restriction? To the best of my ...
Ani's user avatar
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Multiple email addresses to one persona

We are building a data model in marketing cloud where one individual could have multiple email addresses. I have referenced the link below but wanted to know if anyone has implemented this type of ...
pdwhite19's user avatar
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Master-detail relationship between standard objects [closed]

Is there any master detail relationship between standard objects? If not, then why there is no master detail relationship between them? I am unable to find such relation between them.
Dilip Irabatti's user avatar
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Can we skip the custom metadata object name field during setup?

I've a sync status that I need to map across platforms for which I'm planning to use the custom metadata type because of the following reasons. I've a list of key-value pair records that needs to be ...
Vignesh Damodharan's user avatar
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Where Can i import the CSV file Product information in salesforce

I've a contact list for the site's user in salesforce. when any user purchase Product(Items) by using my website. I ll get a CSV file of all purchased product by all user at the end of day. ...
Amol's user avatar
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Optimal way to link User to custom Object

We have Department as a custom object and want to store Department for our Users. I have come up against a brick's wall since Salesforce doesn't allow to store lookup on User object. Please upvote ...
Sneha's user avatar
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Modeling a Salesforce Design

BACKGROUND I'm on a committee for a non-profit that is currently using SalesForce, where the setup was fairly ad hoc. As is to be expected, that situation has resulted in reporting errors. I have ...
Nora McDougall-Collins's user avatar
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Ways to store Question and Answer type data without creating fields per question

We're looking at building Application Forms on top of salesforce and are trying to scope out the best ways of making this scalable and open to lots of different types of applications. Each ...
Chris Abraham's user avatar
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design a app in salesforce with data modelling

I am new to crm , so i don't know how to use data modelling. I need a tutorial with some example of app development. Can you suggest a good tutorial with sample app designing in salesforce.
Palak Arora's user avatar
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Contact Builder conceptual approach

I am designing a data model for Contact Builder that will be connected to a Data warehouse, Service Cloud, mobile apps and many other systems. The main challenges I am facing are : Reducing the ...
zeljazouli's user avatar
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Customizable Forecast: Override Forecast Commit & Best Case

In Customizable Forecast users can override the commit & best values for users with lower role according to the role hierarchy. I'm trying to understand if the overrides values are stored ...
Liron C's user avatar
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Write a test that can be run in any Org

I have created a utility (util) class that has a static find method that looks like this List<SObject> find(String sObjetName, List<Id> listIds) How do I write a test that can be run in ...
benahm's user avatar
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Budget data model best practice [closed]

Our requirment is to be add a budget module in Salesforce on the opportunity, that would have years and items. A best description for that is like this excel table: Our current approach is to have 2 ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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Search plugin implementation [closed]

I have zero knowledge about the Salesforce/Force ecosystem. I want to design and build an search plugin (with custom HTML rendering) and sell it as a plugin on the Apex platform. Currently, the ...
Tamas Ionut's user avatar
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What object model should i be using for this use case

We have a site list which basically is a list with multiple sites in it. For eg. SiteList Name : Search Engines SiteList Name : Email sites ...
Prady's user avatar
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how many look up relationship in salesforce

how many lookup relationship can I create in salesforce? can you send me a link about this topic?
sfdclearner's user avatar
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Pros and cons related to (1) Person Accounts VS. (2) Suggested alternative VS. (3) ...?

Background information to my question: I am about to deploy a new release of a Salesforce Service Cloud solution to a customer The customer primarily utilizes the solution for B2C purposes In the ...
Christian Charity's user avatar
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Lookup field from Case to Order doesn't detect any Order

I have created a simple lookup field from Case to Order. No lookup filter criterias are implicated so far. I have created two orders in database, and when I try to attach this Case to one of those ...
Endrit Sino's user avatar
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Keep a history of Clicktools survey responses

The Use Case Part of our operation is collecting survey data from our Accounts. We currently do this using Clicktools. Our users would like to track the responses these Accounts give over time. This ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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What does the below statement mean?

I'm new here and currently i'm going through Salesforce tutorials. I found a statement as below: Multilevel master-detail relationships do not support division transfers. Can anybody make me ...
Vickal's user avatar
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parent child Relationship

I'm having a little trouble with the terminology of a parent child relationship in salesforce. If I have a custom object C that has an optional lookup to the account, custom object A and custom ...
DNE's user avatar
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Query only Document objects using Data Model in SOAP API

I can query the objects through SOAP API for the list of objects. But I require only the Document, Note and Attachment objects. How can I query the objects using the describeSObjectResult call? The ...
dmachop's user avatar
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