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2 answers

Use a lightning component within a dashboard?

Is the currently possible to build a lightning component and then use it within a dashboard? If so how do I do it.
ploc's user avatar
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Can this below dashboard be devloped with Standard Salesforce functionality?? [closed]

Can this below chart be developed with Standard salesforce features. 1. Chart should allow negative values in Y-axis. 2. X-axis should allow more than 1 system for each unit as shown in image. 3. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Adding Reports To Managed Package Failing For Folder Already Exists?

We have a managed packaged with reports and Dashboards in folders. If we add a report to an existing folder and deploy it to customers, the package install keeps failing with: "This folder unique ...
ddeve's user avatar
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analytics:reportChart Filter Column name Account.ParentId is wrong [For the filter 1: Specify a valid filterable column because ParentId]

Here I'm trying to display Report charts in visualforce page, but I'm getting an error: [For the filter 1: Specify a valid filterable column because ParentId is invalid] Actually, for Column names ...
VINOD's user avatar
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How can we add a dashboard to lightning component

I have below requirement to customize the home page of users to show different dashboard based on their ROLE. I had used below code in Visualforce. Code for the same is as below: <apex:page ...
ALVIN BERNARD's user avatar
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System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]

I am trying to access dashboard through dashboard API, If I run the following method through visualforce page,it works, but If I call it from lightning component, It gives error. and the detail ...
Shilpa's user avatar
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Adding tabular report to dashboard in lightning experience

As adding a tabular report to the dashboard is not available in lightning experience. Does any one know the solution for this limitation? Any Appexchange product? any other solution like creating a ...
Shilpa's user avatar
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Lightning Experience Bug: Picklist Color Values for Lightning Dashboards not working (UPDATE: fixed in Spring 18!)

Update This issue I've originally found in Winter 17 seems not fixed in Winter 18 release. However the issue does not affect Report Charts based on Opportunity.StageName - but on Custom Objects it's ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Lightning Components Redirection [closed]

I have 3 components namely Employee Division which will show his division details like manufacturing,accounts etc and Employee Profile which will show his Profile details and an Dashboard Component ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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How to add dashboard in Lightning component?

We want to add dashboard in Lightning component. Which will be updated every time respective records gets updated. Is there any option to add standard Lightning dashboard in Lightning component or VF ...
Rohit Khetan's user avatar