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Questions tagged [custom-metadata]

Custom metadata types are like list custom settings, but the records are deployable and packageable metadata.

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Need help with using Apex to determine thresholds for a field

We have a field on the account, Market_Segment__c, that is controlled by the following piece of code: public static string getMarketSegment(integer employeeCount){ if(employeeCount < 201) ...
Kasra Hagan's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the best way to fetch values from Custom Metadata? [closed]

Select MasterLabel, Inactive_Email__c from InactiveUsers__mdt
Sitanshu Shukla's user avatar
4 votes
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Do Custom Metadata Queries Count Against Query or Query Row Limits?

According to the Release Notes for Custom Metadata Types: Use SOQL queries to retrieve data from custom metadata types and their records. Unlike other Apex transactions, you can make unlimited SOQL ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to fetch custom metadata in after update trigger that was already retrieved in a LWC?

We have a LWC,mycomponent that will fetch custom metadata records, myCustomMetadataList and store them into a List variable within mycomponent. When a user clicks on the Save button on this component, ...
usernameabc's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to evaluate a Salesforce formula in Apex?

I want to do something dynamic with an Apex method. I have some custom metadata records that contain an object and field definition. I want to inject the field value from the object into a custom ...
nbrown's user avatar
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Custom metadata with Entity Definition field in Scratch Org fails to display custom object name

we have that Custom Metadata which contains a "Entity Definition" field, which is basically a lookup to an object (either standard or custom). We pulled our source from a sandbox to a Github ...
Julien Gaïotto's user avatar
-1 votes
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batch apex opportunity records are not updating with compare of metadata records

Opportunity records fields compareing with custom metadata record and based on values match opportunity stagename will update but it is not working and gettin error in apex job also that duplicate id ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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Custom Metadata Error: Developer name already exists for given entity or has been previously used. Please choose a different name

We are trying to update custom metadata records via deployment from source org (Dev Sandbox) to target (i.e. Packaging environment - Dev Edition), these records were packaged into a managed release in ...
SFDC_Dev's user avatar
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How to map fields using custom metadata?

I have a requirement where i have two objects say, Product and Product line item(Both are custom objects). I have got a requirement where i need to map the fields in the product record to the product ...
Rahul Allada's user avatar
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Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment Callback not allowing Callouts

I have a scenario where I am saving custom metadata for an external API configuration. I want to deploy all the metadata, then after the deploy job is done, make a callout to the API to verify the ...
Shane Kenyon's user avatar
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Custom metadata loader Mapping

I am using custom metadata loader to perform the insertion of custom metadata with 200 records. Although I have mapped the values correctly I am hitting the below mapping error. Note: There is no ...
Adarsh Srinivasan's user avatar
2 votes
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How to properly test Custom Metadata in Apex?

I'm having some trouble trying to test this methods: public class SendingSAPServices { public static final String SERVICE_SYNC_CLIENTE = 'SYNC_CLIENTE'; public static final String ...
Nacho Zve De La Torre's user avatar
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System.UnexpectedException: Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment: Salesforce System Error: 1393463776-817 (799279837) (799279837)

I have some code which updates a Custom Metadata setting, something like this: public void clearValue() { Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata = createCustomMetadata(); customMetadata.values....
Robs's user avatar
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How to get Custom Metadata Type PickList field values using LWC getPicklistValues and getObjectInfo

I'd like to access the picklist values of a field on a Custom Metadata Type from an LWC: import { getPicklistValues } from "lightning/uiObjectInfoApi"; import { getObjectInfo } from "...
Robs's user avatar
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Can we programmatically determine Custom Metadata Type picklist values?

I would like to create a Custom Metadata Type picklist, and I want the values of the picklist to programmatically display the names of user Roles in the org. So if someone adds a new user Role, the ...
number41's user avatar
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Cannot install custom metadata types to another org

I am performing a few REST calls in my lightning app. And the urls and tokens for REST calls are stored as custom metadata types and I query the values before making the REST call. I created a managed ...
Jayesh Babu's user avatar
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Metadata migration

I migrated the custom metadata type from lower to higher environment but I am unable to view any records. Is it anywhere related to profile access issue.
Adarsh Srinivasan's user avatar
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Unmanaged Package overrides custom metadata

I have custom metadata with fields that would be only controlled by subscribers but whenever I have uploaded the new version of the package (sfdx package) in production, it overrides the existing ...
Aykut Parlak's user avatar
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Case Validation rule - using custom metadata type

I need to block certain email domains in order to create Email2Case. To meet this requirement, I have created A custom metadata type (Case_Block_Email__mdt) and a text field called Email_Domains__c ...
Avijit's user avatar
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LWC: Is it possible to store part of the schema string to import in Custom Metadata

I want to store the fields that need to be imported from the schema in my LWC in Custom Metadata. So for instance I want to make the following line dynamic: import MY_OBJECT_ID_FIELD from '@salesforce/...
Arthlete's user avatar
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ERROR: The same comparison operation (LIKE or =) must be specified for all OR conditions

I'm getting a malformed query exception: "The same comparison operation (LIKE or =) must be specified for all OR conditions". The select statement contains something like this: SELECT Id ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Custom metadata type Field Definition Data Type evaluating incorrectly in validation rule

A custom metadata type has a Field Definition related to an Entity. The following validation rule ensures the value of this field can only be a User lookup: AND( FieldDefinition__c != NULL, ...
Mossi's user avatar
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Retrieving audit fields of a custom metadata type object

Problem: need to know who and when created and/or last modified the custom metadata type object. This information is captured in various system fields on the object. The screenshot shows two such ...
identigral's user avatar
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Retrieving CreatedById of a custom metadata type

Is it possible to query fields like CreatedById on a custom metadata type record? Evidently not, but apparently I should be able to?! SELECT CreatedById from MyObject__mdt No such column '...
Mossi's user avatar
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Query or extract attachment metadata in bulk

Is it possible to query or extract the metadata/document properties from attachments in bulk? Previously I have been able to get around this by using the object IDs to bulk download the files and then ...
domokym's user avatar
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Custom Metadata Type: Metadata field type linking to a Salesforce User

I have a custom metadata type that stores configuration information related to my Salesforce package. One piece of information I'd like to store is a link to a Salesforce user. The field controls ...
Omair Inam's user avatar
5 votes
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Dynamically access Custom Metadata Record from formula field

I am currently using Custom Metadata Types to store offset values. The Name field will be a TimeZoneSidKey (with _ instead of /). Then I am using a formula field that will basically retrieve a value ...
user1067017's user avatar
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How to delete custom metadata type record using apex

By using CustomMetadata class we can update or create custom metadata type records as below, Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata(); customMetadata.fullName = '...
Pratap Jadhavar's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom Meta data in Aura Design File

Currently have an aura component where the object is hard coded in the cmp and design file. I would like to use a cmt so that the object can <design:component> <design:attribute name="...
Phuc's user avatar
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How to create a flow that updates region (picklist) based on inputted shipping states?

I am trying to figure out a way to dynamically update a custom picklist field called Account.[Region] based on an inputted shipping state (text field). The reason we're not considering a formula field ...
DragonBallz's user avatar
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Can I add custom fields or values to existing metadata objects?

Our app allows users to select Lightning components to populate our legacy "widget" framework. Yes, I know we could redesign the product to use Lightning pages, but we're not doing that ...
kamezaburo's user avatar
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Using Custom metadatype to compare which fields are modified

I'm trying to do some actions like calling a class when an only separate set of fields are modified on an object. What I did I'm using trigger.old and to compare values of old and new for ...
Badduboy's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide Custom Settings and Metadata Types to Profiles? [duplicate]

Is there a way to hide Custom Settings and Metadata Types to Profiles? Thank you in advance! :)
Facundo Hernandez's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

Custom Metadata vs. Custom Objects in Managed Package

I worked on Managed packages for nearly 10 years now and never missed Custom Metadata Types. Not before they came and not after they were announced. I didn't come across a single great and technical ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Why is ORDER BY incorrectly sorting fields from a custom metadata type? [duplicate]

I have a SOQL query on one of my org's custom metadata types that looks like: List<Metadata_Type__mdt> = [ SELECT String1__c, String2__c FROM Metadata_Type__mdt ...
griffinmelnick's user avatar
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How quickly are updates to Custom Metadata Types committed?

In continuing to evaluate the best approach to storing security credentials, I have found the following Trailhead module for Secure Secret Storage:
S.B.'s user avatar
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Custom metadata types - subquery relationship name

Is it possible to use Custom Metadata Types in the subqueries? If yes, how? In my case, there is a custom metadata type named Custom Actions and there is a Next_Action field in it. When I query for ...
Lafexlos's user avatar
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3 answers

How would I deploy history tracking for the owner field using ant?

I am using visual studio code to retrieve source from the org and then deploying changes in ant using the package.xml. Is there a way to grab the history field tragging flag for the standard field "...
JJ Sunga's user avatar
2 votes
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Bulkified Flow and Custom Metadata Query

I have a straightforward autolaunched Flow (triggered by PB). It looks up some characteristics of a CampaignMember and based on that, returns a score ("fireball") value. The two subflows here write to ...
Bob Hatcher's user avatar
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Custom Setting vs. Custom Object vs. Custom Metadata Type for Multiple Environment Credentials [duplicate]

I am looking to confirm the best practice of storing client / secret credentials for multiple environments for multiple external webservices within salesforce. Below is the analysis I have done ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Add custom metadata records to unlocked package [closed]

Like the question says. I'm trying to find a way to add custom metadata records to an unlocked package.
Diego Moreno's user avatar
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How to fetch Custom Metadata Type record in apex and compare it with a string

I have a string which is holding email ids of users from my org. Now I have few custom metadata type records which are holding email IDs of users who are inactive. Now I need to compare the string ...
Sastri's user avatar
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SOQL query with 'LIKE not giving expected results

In my org, I've set up some custom metadata on which I have all text fields which I am querying. On my query without anything in the where condition SELECT Label,Fields__c,Labels__c,Scheme__c from ...
N_H1922's user avatar
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LWC "Record Detail Page" for Custom Metadata Type

I'm exploring a concept that involves exposing Custom Metadata Type records to business users in a read-only format in a kind of pseudo-record-detail-page in Lightning Experience. My requirements are:...
Matthew Souther's user avatar
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No create/update access for object when importing records from CSV via Salesforce CLI

I've been testing to insert a custom metadata type record from a CSV file via Salesforce CLI. I've used below command but I've been getting the following error: Command sfdx force:data:bulk:upsert ...
Ertyq's user avatar
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Packaged Custom Metadata Type Records Not Editable Once Deployed Even Though They Are Public

I have a managed package which has a custom metadata type. My package has default records in that custom metadata type. The custom metadata has been set to have a visibility of Public. Also, those ...
Tom Ansley's user avatar
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How to store OAuth credentials in Salesforce Securely [closed]

I have implemented a custom auth provider by following the steps from this help guide and the setup works as expected. Now ...
nevrekar_amey's user avatar
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Custom Metadata value in formula - access values based on field label or record data?

According to this article ( we can use Custom Metadata in a formula now. What I'd like to know is how ...
Irene's user avatar
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How do I get the all values of a Custom Metadate Type record into a set?

I have a custom metadata sObject - I want to retrieve all the field values into a set. Health_Cloud_Case_Integration_Settings__mdt cmdtRecords = [SELECT Id, Field1, Field2, etc FROM ...
MetadataLater's user avatar
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Why does my custom metadata field defintion query not work?

I'm reading the answer to this following question: How to get a field's API name when querying a field of datatype, Metadata Relationship(Field Definition) However, when I run the following ...
MetadataLater's user avatar

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