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Deploying prefixed metadata with DevOps Center/CLI: "Only components in the same namespace as the organization can be created through the API"

I'm trying to wrap my head around how metadata-driven deployments (e.g. through DevOps Center or the sf CLI) can coexist with metadata created by managed packages. For example, our org installed the ...
Stephen Funk's user avatar
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Deploy custom metadata records from one sandbox to another with Apex

I have a situation where I would like to deploy records of custom metadata types from one sandbox to another through Apex. The reason for using Apex is that there will be a lot of records under the ...
Michael Munta's user avatar
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get metadata as *.object, not folder structure

How do i retrieve metadata, as .object files? Currently what i do is: use workbench or Package xml Generator to create a package.xml like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&...
Luis Aguiar's user avatar
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Metadata cannot be deployed from within a test [duplicate]

When trying to insert a custom metadata record within the test it gives me the following error @IsTest public class Object_1TriggerTest { @IsTest public static void Load_field_1_from_metadata()...
Ernesto Truyen's user avatar
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Custom MetaData creation using apex for a nameSpacedOrg

This Is the Error I am getting {"status":500,"body":{"message":"An internal server error has occurred\nError ID: 1020912311-169956 (-524102090)"},"headers&...
Pavan Sahil's user avatar
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Error handling for Custom metadata Creation and Updating

I have a requirement to create and update custom meta data using apex , I'm passing the required values from my lwc , though i have found no proper example of handling the error since ...
Pavan Sahil's user avatar
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Can't find Custom Metadata Records in Change Set Components

I have Custom Metadata Records, the Type being in an unlocked package, which I want to add to an Outbound Change Set. I have all Custom Metadata Types enabled for my Profile (even necessary?), but ...
simplikios's user avatar
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How to securely deploy secret key in custom metadata - 2GP Managed Package

I have recently created a managed package and I am preparing it for security review and final deployment. In the code I need to sign JWT used to authenticate against external API, for this purpose I ...
Michał Piątek's user avatar
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Creation of Custom Metadata in a Managed Package

This is an expansion to this question by Robert. Originally he did not put "Managed Package" in the title so I feel like most of the answers missed that part. I am building a managed package ...
Arthlete's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the ids of the inserted records when using Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment

I was going through the documentation and I saw this example public void updateAndDeployMetadata() { // Setup custom metadata to be created in the subscriber org. Metadata.CustomMetadata ...
Arthlete's user avatar
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Custom Metadata Error: Developer name already exists for given entity or has been previously used. Please choose a different name

We are trying to update custom metadata records via deployment from source org (Dev Sandbox) to target (i.e. Packaging environment - Dev Edition), these records were packaged into a managed release in ...
SFDC_Dev's user avatar
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Metadata migration

I migrated the custom metadata type from lower to higher environment but I am unable to view any records. Is it anywhere related to profile access issue.
Adarsh Srinivasan's user avatar
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Custom Metadata deployment through MDAPI

I have been trying to deploy a package through SFDX (sfdx force:source:deploy -x manifest/package.xml ..). My package contains custom Metadata to be deployed.I have made sure that they are in my ...
Chetan's user avatar
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salesforce app cannot create custom metadata types on after installing on Environment Hub Orgs

I have a salesforce app and push the code on scratch orgs. Its working fine and Custom Metadata Types are created successfully. I packaged and promoted the app successfully using ISV account. then I ...
Rafee's user avatar
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Metadata.DeployCallback is not called when deployment status is Fatal Error

BACKGROUND I am working on a feature that deploys custom metadata record. I am using a scratch org with a linked namespace. This is a my method which initiates deployment: @AuraEnabled public ...
Eduard's user avatar
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How to overcome Salesforce System Error when deploying from Apex Code more than 1488 Metadata Records?

Conversion process of custom object records into Custom Metadata records using Metadata.Operations class enqueueDeployment method fails if deployment container contains more than 1488 records. ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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How to Retrieve & Deploy Salesforce Lightning Theme using metadata api?

We created a custom Lightning Theme (Setup > User Interface > Themes and Branding) in the sandbox and have to push it to another org using Metadata API. We were able to retrieve Branding Set from ...
Unais Komath's user avatar
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Error with Custom Metadata deployment via metadata API

In testing dev org (org A) CustomMetadata was made and added to the package. This package was retrieved via metadata API (VS Code + ForceCode plugin). Now I am trying to deploy (migrate) all changes ...
Leonid Zadorozhnykh's user avatar
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Deploying >10k Records within Custom Metadata Type Object

I have created a Custom Metadata Type object (lets say I have called it CMDObject__mdt). I have uploaded all of my configuration records into there but there are 12k records and so I cannot deploy ...
David Dawson's user avatar
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