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Questions tagged [critical-update]

Critical Update refers to the updates pushed by Salesforce and has huge impact on the org. This tag helps admins to search the possible ways to analyse the impact of that critical update.

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Retirement of JDK Locale Format (Canada ICU applied)

In an email sent by Salesforce I saw: Does Salesforce enable ICU locale formats for English (Canada) locale 'Yes' Currently with a SOQL query I have this: Will the ICU that will be applied be that of ...
arnaud's user avatar
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3 answers

How to update a picklist field from all existing Accounts based on another field condition? (With no Apex)

Hi and thanks for reading! I have created a flow that updates the Account 'Giving Circles' picklist field based on the Account's Total Gifts. For example: If Account_Total_Gifts__c is between 1000 and ...
Nacho Zve De La Torre's user avatar
1 vote
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Suddenly need to update buttons to use URLFOR

Suddenly it looks like i need to update custom buttons that have worked for eons to use URLFOR old: /apex/echosign_dev1__AgreementTemplateProcess?masterId={!fHCM2__Employment__c.Id}&templateId=...
gorav's user avatar
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What is the reason and resolution for package uses old Order Save Behavior?

My client asked why certain subscribers of the package I build on behalf of my client, cannot install the package. When they try to install the package, the following error appears Can't install the ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Select "Enable Enhanced Domain " is not available

As per this answer, the option for selecting Enhanced Domain will be available from JUNE 2021. However, I'm not able to find this option in my Project orgs(Sandboxes / Production). How can I get this ...
Prateek's user avatar
12 votes
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How to check a large app for ICU update compatibility

A change in the interpretation of Date/Time strings (which originates from Java under the hood) will be enforced in all Salesforce orgs in mid-January 2022. (Find details here: https://help.salesforce....
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Winter 21 release ''Disabled Ref ID and New Threading Behavior for Email-To-Case" [closed]

When I enabled this critical update on my sandbox, I am facing some issues even though I have disabled it. The issues are as follows: 1.The auto-response email is missing under the case feed. 2....
Naveen Mosuru's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

When is Enhanced Domain going to be available to enable?

In the help document, it states When: This functionality is available on a rolling basis starting in the Spring ’21 release and is available to all customers by March 31, 2021. We've now passed that ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
1 vote
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Why Managed package test classes didn't pass when activating SF Release S'21?

When i activated SF-Release Enforce Access Modifiers on Apex Properties in Lightning Component Markup and i runned all test classes in my org , Managed package test classes didn't Pass for some ...
Farkous's user avatar
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How to enable Apex Class access to the `System` user

The recent enforced update Require User Access to Apex Classes Invoked by Flow enforces that all users, including the hidden System user must have Apex Classes assigned to their profile or permission ...
Mattisdada's user avatar
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Programmatic Access to Critical Updates

My company has a large number of orgs that we need/want to be able to manage the status of Critical Updates across. Ideally, we'd like to be able to do this using some kind of script or CLI so our ...
B.T.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Disable "Enable New Order Save Behavior" on newly created Dev or Trial Org to be able to install Salesforce CPQ

I'm trying to install Salesforce CPQ in a new Trial or Dev org, but it fails with the following error: "Can't install the package. This package uses old Order Save Behavior and can't be part of ...
Fabien Taillon's user avatar
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LWC wire events is not calling aura enabled methods after WI 21 critical updates

I have LWC which was deployed almost 2 months before. Before WI 21 updates, it was working correctly but after installing critical updates, its not calling controller class methods from wire service. ...
SFDCDJ's user avatar
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Critical Update Not Found in Different Sandbox

We faced a case assignment rule email sending issue in the past on our one sandbox and contacted with support. They fixed that using a critical update. Update Name: Stop Automated Field Updates from ...
Kamran Jabbar's user avatar
2 votes
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Guest User Critical Updates Query

Opt out of guest user security polices before summer 20 Opt out of Enforcing guest user object permission changes I am seeing the above two sandbox not production,Why it is only in sandbox? "Opt ...
user avatar
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Disabling "Send Outbound Messages" in Community User Profile

I'm working on securing my guest user for upcoming critical Salesforce updates and I have a few permissions I can't figure out how to resolve the issues. Specifically: • ...
TheHeckler's user avatar
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5 answers

Reduce Object Permissions for Guest Users by the Winter ‘21 Release

I'm seeing this critical update in my environment. According to this, I need to remove the update, delete, View All Data, or Modify All Data permissions enabled for guest users. On one of my public ...
salesforce Developer's user avatar
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Critical update not activated but is past the Auto activation date and no Activate button is available

In my dev org, these two critical updates haven't been activated by admins within the Auto activation date. So as per salesforce, shouldn't this be activated automatically? As the screenshot reads ...
Sowparnika's user avatar
2 votes
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Packaged Interface cannot be instantiated after critical update "Restrict Reflective Access to Non-Global Constructors in Packages"

We have a global apex interface in a managed package that enables a subscriber org to transform a field value during a calculation in our package. global interface CustomCallable { Object execute(...
Robert Méndez's user avatar
8 votes
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Cannot deserialize JSON as abstract type

When running a test that's deserializing a JSON string, I get the error message: Cannot deserialize JSON as abstract type: TestController.Item The JSON contains a list of objects which is abstract ...
Sabrina's user avatar
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Can anybody explain the progress bar in "Review Important Org Changes"?

Since Summer'20 the following beta feature is available: Review Important Org Changes with Release Updates I am trying to understand how I can use this effectively, but so far it's beyond me. Both the ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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Should it still be possible to access public classes belonging to managed packages?

There is a critical update, Restrict Reflective Access to Non-Global Constructors in Packages When this critical update is enabled, regardless of API version, you can initiate only Apex classes that ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Critical update error now showing up

Recently, Salesforce came out with a critical update to Restrict Reflective Access to Non-Global Constructors in Packages. The update is active in my org. My code uses Type.newInstance. I'm a bit ...
user2582622's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the actual impact of enabling critical update “Enable Dependency Access Checks In Lightning Components”?

The release notes for the critical update Enable Dependency Access Checks In Lightning Components state that access checks will be done on all components when the update is activated. Previously, ...
bafuda's user avatar
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Critical Update - Stabilize the Hostname for My Domain URLs in Sandboxes

In the critical update page it sates that - "Activating this critical update on a production org only applies the update to new and refreshed sandbox orgs." But in the release notes it ...
SFDC Naruto's user avatar
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What is the impact of enabling the critical update 'Enable Improved Caching of Org Schema'? [duplicate]

What is the impact of activating the critical update 'Enable Improved Caching of Org Schema' in a Salesforce instance? Do we have a list of things that we need to verify to activate this critical ...
Hariprasath's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the impact of enabling the critical update 'Route My Domains Through Salesforce Edge'?

Based on the documentation, it'll use Machine Learning to improve connectivity and performance --> so is this going to switch Salesforce login by default to Edge?
SFDC Naruto's user avatar
4 votes
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Critical Update - Require Permission to View Record Names in Lookup Fields ( impact )

Attempting to better understanding the impact from the Spring 20 critical update 'Require Permission to View Record Names in Lookup Fields'. The description states 'To better protect your Salesforce ...
Benjamin Pirih's user avatar
3 votes
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BR() not returning a line break in flows

As per Use the BR() Function in Flows and Processes Correctly (Critical Update), I am expecting BR() should return a line break. Through flow loop element, I am populating text area field. After each ...
Reshma's user avatar
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First exception on row 0; first error: NO_APPLICABLE_PROCESS, No applicable approval process was found

I encountered this error message recently in a function that had been okay before: "First exception on row 0; first error: NO_APPLICABLE_PROCESS, No applicable approval process was found". As ...
Paul Chuang's user avatar
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Restrict Access to @AuraEnabled Apex Methods for Authenticated Users Based on User Profile [closed]

This update is getting enforce in my org on the 5th of April 202o, since some of the updates in my org are having deactivation options after enforcement and some of them are not having. so I want to ...
kaustubh Jaiswal's user avatar
8 votes
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Scheduled Action not firing in Process Builder on Create

I've been testing this in a trailhead org to confirm/test behavior within Process Builder. This means there's no other automation/code/trigger on the object I'm testing on. Is it possible to have one ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
11 votes
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Custom Metadata Access Issue in Spring '20 in Aura Component

We have an aura component implemented as below. Component <aura:component controller ="MyController"> <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/> JS // in doInit ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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LWC recordId showing as undefined in Spring '20

This past weekend, our org was updated to Spring '20 and since our use of recordId and the getRecord method broke. The recordId is undefined when the getRecord method is wired and won't run again even ...
tkosanke's user avatar
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View All Users and Other Permissions Disabled in Guest User Profiles (Security Alert)

This critical update Guest users typically don’t need access to view all users in a Salesforce org, so to promote data security, we disabled the View All Users permission in guest user ...
DarkSkull's user avatar
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Winter '20 Critical Update "Restrict Access to @AuraEnabled Apex Methods for Authenticated Users Based on User Profile"

I was wondering if somebody has already dealt with this critical update: When this critical update is activated, an authenticated user can access an @AuraEnabled Apex method only when the user’s ...
Arthlete's user avatar
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URL generation failing after critical update "Require Customize Application permission for direct read access to custom settings"

I have a application setting that is failing to be accessed through apex code when the below critical update is activated:
Jadrian Sunga's user avatar
8 votes
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Critical Update: Require User Access to Apex Classes Invoked by Flow when running user = Automated Process

Given Critical Update Require User Access to Apex Classes Invoked by Flow is activated Apex trigger that subscribes to a Platform Event Trigger logic does DML Process Builder executes and makes ...
cropredy's user avatar
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apex:slds not loading for Community Guest user, throws unsupported stylesheet MIME type error

The LDS CSS is not being loaded by using apex:slds tag for Community Guest User. It generates a link tag as below: <link class="user" href="/Customer/slds/css/gx0YG61QwKo3viF0Mc1gTw/min/scoped/one:...
srmaind's user avatar
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15 votes
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What does "Enable Improved Caching of Org Schema" actually do?

This Critical Update sounds like a welcome change, but it's not terribly specific. What does this Critical Update actually entail? Will we still be able to sniff hidden object types using Id....
sfdcfox's user avatar
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Critical Update Bug? "Add a Namespace Prefix to Query Parameters and pageReference.state Properties"

This critical update is breaking several of my lightning components that use the URL to receive parameters. It is stripping out parameters, however none of my fields or parameters are part of a ...
Jake Hebert's user avatar
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Something updated over the weekend and now my visualforce page isn't working as expected

I have a web booking form that was working on Friday and today it isn't. It stopped displaying the fields from the Product object. There aren't any errors in the VF or the Console. Does this sound ...
proteuscanvas's user avatar
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As per current salesforce update , 3DES cipher suite support for inbound TLS connections will be disabled, how will it impact existing prod orgs?

We have third party integrations in our orgs. So , need to know the impact of the same.
Rohit's user avatar
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How to get instance name after activating Spring'18 critical update "Remove Instance Names From URLs for Visualforce"

In Spring' 18 release, Salesforce has introduced critical update "Remove Instance Names From URLs for Visualforce, Community Builder, Studio, and Content Files". This update removes the ...
rakesh's user avatar
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Scratch orgs and Critical Updates

I notice that all the scratch orgs I've been creating starting in Spring '18 open up with a reminder to Enable the New URL Format for Lightning Experience and the Salesforce Mobile App. Another update ...
Charles T's user avatar
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Salesforce Critical Updates Disable Access to Non-global Controller Methods in Managed Packages

As per salesforce critical updates, ( Is this update enforce while creating a ...
Abhik Dey's user avatar
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Summer 17 Critical update - CSRF Protection - How would it affect VF pages below version 27.0

The 'Require CSRF protection' option on VF Pages are available only for pages with API version 27.0 or later. I was wondering if activating the critical update (Allow CSRF Protection on GET Requests ...
Venkataraman's user avatar
2 votes
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Critical Update - Allow CSRF Protection on GET Requests to Visualforce Pages - Confusion as to what is being enabled

I'm unclear as to what this critical update changes for our Org in particular. Allow CSRF Protection on GET Requests to Visualforce Pages In our org, we already have the ability to require CSRF on ...
Bigears's user avatar
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Trust Percent Values in Flow sObject Variables Again (Critical Update)

yesterday, I got an email to check my flows and processes concerning this critical update: To ...
N. Schweiger's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to create an inline VF page with clickjacking enabled? (URL no longer exists error)

When I try to include the following VF page into the layout: <apex:page standardController="Account"> <h1>Hi</h1> </apex:page> I get the "URL no longer exists" error ...
Frank's user avatar
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