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Questions tagged [cpq]

Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is a tool that can be used to automate sales activities to produce quotes, including guided selling. This was formerly Steelbrick.

165 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Steelbrick CPQ API validate quote not working as expected

I'm creating a quote via the native CPQ quote line editor and adding a bundle with its corresponding options for the each feature. After creating the quote I want to validate it via the API using ...
jonathanwiesel's user avatar
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Why are these calls into CPQ taking so long?

I'm working through a problem here where we have a website that making calls into Apex code that's taking 8 seconds to add an item to a quote, and I wonder if I could get some help understanding if we'...
Erick Robertson's user avatar
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How to update cpq QLE from CPQ External Configurator?

Requirement: The requirement is that we need to popup an external page on quote line editor via custom action. In external page, we will generate new quotelines by customized logic. Problems: We ...
Allen Li's user avatar
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How to Pass data from Flexcard to call API

I was doing scenario using flexcard, the scenario is to display Order line items in flexcard with a configure button to update product attributes. I have displayed products in flexcard.Now, I have to ...
Avin Babu Pattathy's user avatar
4 votes
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CPQ Custom field creation in bulk

Is there an easy way to create custom fields in bulk on a managed package object? I created 200 custom fields on the product object. I need the exact same fields on the managed package (Salesforce ...
Emily Aarts's user avatar
3 votes
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Implementing CPQ Electronic Signature Plugin

We are currently using the old CPQ Docusign plugin that was created by Steelbrick. Last year Docusign released a new plugin. Problem is they didn't make it behave the same way as the old plugin and we ...
Daniel Hoechst's user avatar
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Error:"No such column 'Product__r' on sobject of type SBQQ__QuoteLine__c" when marking primary quote

We're configuring our instance of Salesforce CPQ (Steelbrick) and running into an error where when any user marks a quote primary on the detail page an error appears at the top where the "...
Cody Beaner's user avatar
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CPQ - SBQQ.QuoteAfter: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

I have a screen flow that is creating an opportunity and a quote. This flow works as expected in a lower environment. In the full sandbox, the flow fails with the below error: This error occurred when ...
Shruti's user avatar
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How to Reassign an Advanced Approvals request via Apex

I have a business requirement that when a record is submitted for approval with Advanced Approvals, to evaluate a set of criteria, and if it the criteria is satisfied, immediately reassign the ...
Jason Clark's user avatar
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CPQ Quote Draft Button

I am looking to add a button or even a look up in the quote line editor. So let's say I want to go back and forth between quotes without going back to the quote object screen. I only want to do this ...
Jennifer Riaz's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ: Using CPQ API to Reconfigure an existing Bundle in an Amendment?

I'm using the CPQ API to build an integration with our self-service subscription portal. The intent is to allow customers to add and remove products from their existing contract via amendments, as ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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CPQ Product Rule Not to functioning with "Disable and remove"

We are adding a legacy product to our org so we can track renewals, and were advised to create a Product Rule to ensure this product is only available to our grandfathered-in customers. The goal is ...
Kaitlyn's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ: Primary Quote Sharing Settings issue

There can be multiple Quotes on one Opportunity, but only one of them could be marked as a Primary. It means that if we would create a new Quote with primary checked, it is being unchecked on previous ...
Richard98PL's user avatar
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Can I CRUD Managed Package Objects via Lightning or VisualForce with a non-licensed user (Customer Community User)?

First and foremost, we are not trying to be unethical. I am in the middle of vetting Salesforce CPQ+ and Salesforce Billing as potential replacements for our existing quoting and billing systems. ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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CPQ: Calculation on "Clone with Related" Causing "Record Was Modified" in Lightning

Background Our SBQQ__Quote__c record page utilizes the QuoteSave VF page. As I understand it, this page polls for the underlying asynchronous job and indicates whether the job is complete. In some ...
Bob Hatcher's user avatar
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Steelbrick/Salesforce CPQ - Customize the pricing in quote line editor

My company just started using Salesforce CPQ and we have a structure for furniture manufacturing. We have 3 types of products with product family: Furniture Fabric Leggings The furniture product ...
Darko Todorovski's user avatar
2 votes
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How to enable community partner user to create new Quotes? (as a part of Managed SBCPQ package)

I am trying to enable community partner user to create new Quotes and edit them (as a part of SBCPQ managed package) I am able to create new Quotes from CRM users and see them when I switch to ...
Tarun Sharma's user avatar
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Loading PricebookEntry records via Bulk v2 API using Postman

Trying to get a bulk api 2 job working to upsert records for the PricebookEntry object in Salesforce CPQ. The following is the contents of csv file. ITEM_id__c,Pricebook2.ITEM_id__c,IsActive,UnitPrice,...
user9035826's user avatar
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Close a CPQ custom action popup that has an embeded LWC

I have a CPQ custom action on the Quote Line Editor, this opens a VF page which embeds an LWC. My setup is the same as this:
jbard's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ custom calculation based on custom fields

Does anyone know how to use custom fields of a custom object in a price rule? For example, I have the Living Area number field. If someone now clicks on “Calculate”, the number of products should ...
Salesforce_FreeLancer's user avatar
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Set the Search Filter to currency range

I have a requirement to create a Search filter with which the user can set a price range (currency field) to filter products in the Quote line editor. I have already created the filter with the ...
faouzi Ch's user avatar
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Error : unable to obtain exclusive access to this record while posting the Invoices

I have build the custom logic to post all the invoices by clicking on Lightning Button. It retrieve the Invoice Run Id and get all the invoices that are in Draft stage. I am sending in batch size of 5 ...
Tayyaba Noor's user avatar
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Conflict Between Triggers on blng__Invoice__c: Billing Package vs. Custom Development

We have the Salesforce CPQ Billing package installed in our organization without any problems. Since the new Winter '24 release, we have sometimes encountered deployment errors in our org due to the ...
Badbaxx's user avatar
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Conditional configuration of a CPQ Product as Bundle

We have a complex CPQ scenario that I would appreciate your inputs. We have 1 CPQ product (single record) that: For some types of quotes should appear as a bundle (with many product options and ...
Jonas J's user avatar
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SFDX CPQ : Cannot modify managed object

I am trying to deploy a package including some CPQ objects usiing sfdx:source:deploy I am having the following error : API Name Type Line Column Error Message SBQQ__QuoteTemplate__c Custom Object 0 ...
neferjina's user avatar
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CPQ: How to use Selection Rule based on Product Option criteria?

We have the following scenario: We have two bundle products: B1 and B2 Also we have two Products that act as Product Options for B1 and B2: PO1 and PO2 In gerneral the bundle configuration looks like ...
Christoph's user avatar
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How to automate calculate in salesforce using CPQ API QuoteCalculator

Need to automate the Calculate button background process in salesforce. Referred the documentation -
Needhi S's user avatar
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How to set a reference/lookup field through Price Action in SF CPQ?

I am working on a Price Rule which has one of the action to update lookup fields on Quote Line. To elaborate we have From and To (reference to Location custom object) on Line Group and we'd like to ...
Sagnik's user avatar
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How to identify what action started QCP Calculator Plugin script in Salesforce CPQ?

I'm using a JS script as a plugin for QCP calculator to do some stuff after every change in Quote Edit Lines. Now I need to run the script only when user presses Calculate or Save button. The only ...
Vladimir Peshko's user avatar
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CPQ - Set Contracted True too soon does not create contract

we're developing a flow that takes an order, activates it and then automatically flag SBQQ__Contracted__c = True. In my mind CPQ should create a contract but in reality if i launch it syncronously it ...
Giordano's user avatar
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Downloading CPQ Quote documents using the REST API

I'm trying to write a small automation bridging Salesforce CPQ and a third-party vendor. The workflow I would like to address is to (i) generate a CPQ Quote document and (ii) save the generated PDF ...
Ugo Matrangolo's user avatar
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CPQ Quote Calculator Plugin Set Global Value onInit

I have a requirement for some fairly complex logic to conditionally hide certain fields based on various criteria. My thought was to store the rules for hiding fields in a custom object and then query ...
Rostro's user avatar
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Hide product 'C' AND 'D' when product A is present

I need to create a rule in salesforce CPQ, that hides product 'C' and 'D' when product A is selected. I have created a selection rule. I am not sure if I shd use a configuration attribute or summary ...
Gargi Gupta's user avatar
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Accessing Salesforce CPQ Setting Properties In Apex

In Salesforce CPQ settings configuration page, there are some settings which are used to created records during the quoting process. For example the "Subscription Term Unit" is used to ...
Bikram Bhuyan's user avatar
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CPQ Price Rule best practice on formula fields dependency calculations

Can you please provide the best practice to write price Rule if we are using the formula field for calculations on Quote line Editors? The Problem I am facing: Sometimes my calculation button is ...
Virendra's user avatar
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Create Product Data Translations

how can I translate data of my products using CPQ Translation.
mariem mejrissi's user avatar
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Remove Edit Lines Button on a certain page layout only

Has anyone tried removing the edit lines button on a page layout? I was able to remove it on a certain PL but it is still being displayed? Not sure it can be deactivated but that would remove it on ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Getting JSON_PARSER_EXCEPTION "Unexpected parameter encountered during deserialization: saver "

I am trying to use the Quote Generation API for Salesforce, I referred the below link for reference
Ashwini Verma's user avatar
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Passing recordId to multiple child LWC from parent and displaying fields from them on parent LWC

I am relatively new to LWC and think I could probably handle this ask using Aura, but I really want to get into the new LWC direction so here I am. This ask is for Salesforce CPQ and Docusign. What I ...
Alarmed_Win's user avatar
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Discount is being added to a quote line even when there is no discount schedule or manual discount CPQ

I have a quote line where the user enters the subscription term(month) as follows. When user saves the quote line an additional discount of 10% is added automatically even when there is no discount ...
gopal1007's user avatar
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CPQ: Generate Quote Documents for more than 25 Quotes

I'm trying to generate Quote Documents for several Quotes simultaneously. We're using a schedule but calling the API and running up against a limit: we can only call the API to create Quote Documents ...
Juan Mora's user avatar
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How to clone a Quote (CPQ) changing the Record type

I would like to change de record type when cloning the Quote, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong? My code: From "Quote Custom Button or Link" Detail Page Button Behavior Display in existing ...
Pepe RUBIANES's user avatar
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Re-parenting primary CPQ quote Line Items not rolling up to Opportunity

Within CPQ, Opportunity Line Items should automatically sync with the Primary Quote's Line Items. However, when re-parenting a primary quote from a Source Opp to a Destination Opp (Destination Opp ...
Mike Paisner's user avatar
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CPQ: Automating the Selection of Product Options based on fields in custom objects. Product Rule or Apex?

My use case is I have a screen flow that asks questions that are needed to populate the quote correctly ie: Are there curbs involved, and if so, what concrete PSI is needed: 3500, 4000, 4500; Are ...
Johnny Stenson's user avatar
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Running into the error "Opportunity must have a primary quote in order to create an order." when renewing contracts from Apex

Here is the code that we can run in Developer console to reproduce the error. What this code does: Renews the expiring contract by setting the CPQ renewal fields to TRUE. Queries the renewal ...
javanoob's user avatar
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Where does advanced approvals do field updates

In the normal approval process there is an approval action section which we can have field updates. But when I read through the advanced approval process I don't find a place to have this. May I know ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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Line spacing not applying when using <li> tag

This is for Salesforce CPQ Template Content. I have a spacing issue when using the li tag. If the item is too long and is forced onto more than one line, it doesn't take into account the style="margin-...
Jeff's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ Renewal Quote and Document Generation Automation

I'm working on a requirement to automatically generate renewal opp/quote , then generate document and email to customer . The logic I followed is as follows: Wrote a batch class that would pick ...
Sagnik's user avatar
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CPQ - twin fields not working for certain profiles due to security setting

We are building a twin field in quote and order in the hope that the field value can be automatically copied into order. This is working for other profiles but not sales user since they don't have ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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Net total of a quote line item is changing upon calculation

I have a product set to $5000. The product option is set to $5000. When the product is added to the bundle and it is saved, it jumps to $9000. The standard price of the product is set to 5000, it is ...
adam's user avatar
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