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3 votes
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Store Lightning Dashboard as PNG in Files

The use case here is that I need to fetch the image/png of Lightning Dashboard and store it in Files via Apex So first, I try to do a callout to Dashboards REST API - Http http = new Http(); ...
Aditya M's user avatar
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Standard content version api is storing the binary content as is in the object without converting it as actual file [duplicate]

I am trying to upload a file >50MB to Salesforce Content version object with reference to the Standard ContentVersion API API Ref:
sf developer's user avatar
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Downloading a file via REST API

I need to download files with the API, using now data/v59.0/sobjects/ContentVersion/{contentVersion}/VersionData but it's returning the entire file as application/octetstream but without a Content-...
Marcos Forlenza's user avatar
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Mismatched LInkedEntityId on ContentDocumentLinks

I'm trying to link attachment files to Salesforce EmailMessages. Steps so far: Upload attachment file by posting to /services/data/v58.0/sobjects/ContentVersion. Query ContentVersion table to get ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to sent ContentVersion's VersionData through API? [duplicate]

I am trying to send a pdf file attached to a record of custom object to an external system. I am using ContentDocumentLink and ContentVersion to get the file in apex and make a api call. File is ...
PARAG TALUKA's user avatar
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Sending an image as a POST request

I am trying to make a POST request to Eventbrite API to send an image from Salesforce along with other parameters. Under the hood Eventbrite is using Amazon AWS S3 bucket. When I send the request ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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In Asynchronous using Rest Api Error: System.LimitException: Apex heap size too large: 19312398

I got the error as heap size limit too large, I'm able to send below 2MB file by using Asynchronous method but the limits is 12MB and trying to send 12MB file to external system by using Rest Api. ...
user102524's user avatar
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I have used Multipart/message but still i got the error as heap size limit too large. I'm able to send below 2MB file

I have used Multipart/message to send Large size of file from Salesforce to External system. but still I got the error as heap size limit too large, I'm able to send below 2MB file. Source Org public ...
user102524's user avatar
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While Inserting a ContentVersion through Apex i'm not able to get the Image of the File [closed]

Target Org Code @RestResource(urlMapping='/getContentVersions/*') global with sharing class ShareFileRest { @HttpPost global static String getFileToStore() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request;...
user102524's user avatar
2 votes
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How to upload a Salesforce File using REST API properly?

GET /services/data/v47.0/sobjects/ContentVersion/0000v00000MFIVgAAP/VersionData from this request I will get binary file content, but how can I use this content to recreate the file properly (using ...
Pavlo Mykhailyshyn's user avatar
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Salesforce Standard API - Composite Tree resource

In order to create record in bulk using REST API, we using Composite Tree resource. I'm trying to upload a bulk of content versions : {"records" :[ { "attributes" : {"type" : "ContentVersion", "...
Salvation's user avatar
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Salesforce Standard API - Content Version

I'm trying to send an array of content versions via the Standard API that Salesforce suggests : Using POST method to :
Salvation's user avatar
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/services/data/v43.0/sobjects/ContentVersion rest api Limitation

I'm using the standard rest API that salesforce suggest for upload files : /services/data/v43.0/sobjects/ContentVersion - and converting the file to base64 blob on the VersionData param. I want to ...
ItaiR's user avatar
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ContentVersion trigger event AfterInsert -> Insert ContentDocumentLink -> FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION

We need to get a solution / workaround to insert in ContentDocumentLink several links when a File that has just been inserted (ContentVersion) and sibling records of other Custom Object. A third ...
Blanca PJ's user avatar
10 votes
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SOQL: (WHERE x IN(a,b)) does return 2 records, but (WHERE x = a OR x = b) returns only 1 record... Why?

I'm trying to retrieve some ContentVersion records, but I'm having a lot of issues with it. After some research it seems as if the records are divided into two 'sets' as it were, and Salesforce in ...
Willem Mulder's user avatar